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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70729

    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb

    Ben L.

    WordPress themes are more closely related to bbPress themes. phpBB themes use a completely different system.


    chrishajer is right. Anyway, if you want to restrict registrations on both WordPress and bbPress you need to disable new registrations on each on them since at the moment their is no option to do both at once.

    Ben L.

    You’re on bbPress stable, which isn’t capable of sharing cookies with WordPress 2.7. If you want, you can install the alpha version of bbPress, but it’s not really a good idea on a production site…


    thanks sam. i’m able now to change user roles in bbpress which is great.

    had to manually change user roles in wordpress from “none” to actual roles but everything else seems to be going smoothly.

    changing a user’s role in bbpress doesn’t seem to effect the wordpress roles nor vise versa, (though i’m not sure this is expected yet).

    also had to define the BB_NONCE_KEY to make logout work correctly (logged in via bbpress, logout via wordpress) and once it was defined it worked as expected.

    either way, this is a great start. thanks again.


    Based on Scoun theme from Mike Lothar.

    Plugins used:

    – Akismet

    – Human Test for bbPress

    – bbpress SEO tools

    – Allow Images


    There’s no official documentation or codex yet.

    A few people have done phpxref for bbpress but I find that kind of output fairly useless.

    If you have access to linux shell you can do a grep to get a function list in the template include like so (or install the grep for windows)

    grep -oe ^function.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > functions.txt

    modifying that you can also get the filters/actions

    grep -oe apply_.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > filters.txt

    grep -oe do_.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > actions.txt

    If you use the grep for windows, leave out the escapes (backslashes) or it won’t work.


    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb


    Would it be easier to convert a WordPress theme into a bbPress theme?

    If you guys where in my shoes… which one would you pick for a windows technical support forum?


    I’m already familiar with writing plugins for WordPress but now I’m interested in writing a few plugins for bbPress. I’m trying to find a list of hooks/actions so I can get a better feel for what I have control over without altering the core files. Does such a thing exist? If not which php files should I be going through to find hooks/actions or are they all in different files?



    @JesperA: Have you tried to change the cookie keys from the default phrases? For instance a simple word?

    I’m not at all sure if that’s the problem, but I didn’t get my integration working before I changed the keys to something completely different without special chars or whitespaces. Although I might have done something else as well in the same run.


    Yes, i tried that now but it doesnt work, the problem is that it starts with the folder i´ve set up in php.ini and adds the domain i wrote in the require statement, something like this: c:wampvhost

    I can use include instead so i get an error message when i log into the admin section, it works fine in the forum part but it breaks the logout function in bbpress


    ok, this problem is now back, after I updated to wp 2.7 and bbpress

    now my feed doesn’t validate because of the date:


    This feed does not validate.


    line 18, column 39: pubDate must be an RFC-822 date-time: Fr, 02 Jan 2009 10:57:20 +0000 (35 occurrences) [help]

    <pubDate>Fr, 02 Jan 2009 10:57:20 +0000</pubDate></blockqoute>

    and the rss widget doesn’t update again with new forum postings.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Sam Bauers

    It should be noted that the issues being complained about by some in this thread are now mostly resolved in trunk and recent versions.


    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb


    it depends on your needs, if you need a forum that has too many features, then its phpbb for sure.

    but if you are looking for a simple forum that has basic functionality, then it’s bbpress.

    personally i like bbpress, i like how simple/basic it is, which allows me to add only the features that i want on my own via plugins, while phpbb has too much features, more than i ever wanted, which of course makes it heavier.

    Sam Bauers

    The problem with automated role mapping is now fixed in trunk.


    In reply to: About .htaccess

    That is exactly right. When using the permalink structure, bbPress will provide you the contents of what to put inside that file. Eventually I’m sure bbPress will make that file for you, but for now it’s a solid solution.


    I’m already familiar with writing plugins for WordPress but now I’m interested in writing a few plugins for bbPress. I’m trying to find a list of hooks/actions so I can get a better feel for what I have control over without altering the core files. Does such a thing exist? If not which php files should I be going through to find hooks/actions or are they all in different files?



    very helpful screencast. thanks!

    i’m having the same problem as maxwellfir with user roles not being assigned correctly and the error when trying to assign them.

    for existing users (from wordpress) i get the error mentioned above when trying to edit that user’s role in bbpress.

    for new users (signed up via bbpress) their role in wordpress is set to “none” and therefore can’t login to wordpress.

    not sure if the second issue has anything to do with having registration disabled in wordpress.

    thanks for any additional help with this.



    That’s an alpha version, not suitable for a production site, but that’s the version that’s compatible with WordPress 2.7. I’m not recommending you use it, but that’s the version that’s compatible.

    Watch this before attempting integration:


    Yah, Google search is the best way I know to search multiple *Press sites.

    I should highlight some downsides though:

    * The search is not necessarily live; it’s searching Google’s version of the site, not your live site. So it’s especially important to have live Google Sitemaps on any WordPress or bbPress installs you want searched.

    * You want to make sure that any subdomains do a good job of hiding pages that you don’t want searched. For example, I have MediaWiki on a subdomain… which does a bad job of hiding the editable version of each page (and other random pages too, like WhatLinksHere). I fixed that with plugins and other hacks, but it cluttered my search results for a while.

    Hmm, those are the big downsides. Overall though, you can’t beat the ease of implementation of a Google custom search engine!


    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb


    phpbb is much much much more powerful and has dozens of features.


    In reply to: 404 Error new install


    I believe it may have something to do with my .htaccess file being read only. I can make it writeable but how do i go about fixing bbpress so that it writes the correct .htaccess file information.


    I just setup bbpress on my domain and moved away from simple forums. I am however getting a 404 error when I go to my site. you can also view bbpress at

    Thanks in advanced for any help you can give on fixing this problem


    I am using WordPress 2.7 and wanted to know which bbpress would be compatible with it?


    I think it’s cool that the index and the mini-plugin can improve on bbPress, but “severe performance issues” to me is not going from 0.0920 to 0.0005 seconds. That’s from 1/10 of a second to nearly nothing. But 1/10 second was “severe performance issues”?

    Or, does this query from _ck_ just show a way to measure the improvement, where in actual usage, someone with 10K topics or 42K topics would see a performance hit (delay) much different than the test query that _ck_ posted. I’m all for improving what can be improved, but there are much larger issues to worry about than something that is taking 1/10th of a second. With bandwidth and browsers being what they are, the page isn’t going to load that quickly anyway, and adding 1/10 of a second to the processing time is not going to be noticeable to me.

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