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  • #70313

    I have to disagree there, chrisgoat

    I have WordPress in /blog and bbPress in /forums and I have had WordPress on my site for a couple years before integration.

    I did set my cookies to all be treated as from root, mind you, but I do that for both bbPress and WordPress, and it works fine.


    Not quite what I want. I want to be able to SPECIFY, in the admin tool, what graphic, not icon, to display in place of the text name of the forum, not topic. I will have different people managing different forums and they won’t know how to edit PHP or CSS – they want a point and click interface. It doesn’t appear that bbPress will work at it’s current stage, but I might just hack it.

    As for the “detailed information” field – I have changed the theme so that there are three levels:

    ParentForum: Displayed on the home page 4 across the page with the title at the top – has no parent

    Group Forum: With the “Parent Forum” as the parent, which users never really see.

    Child Forum: With the “Group Forum” as the parent, landing page where users post topics and replies.

    Nobody is able to create topics or make replies in the Parent or Group forums. They are used to build a drill down effect similar to the system IBM used for their Innovation Jam forums. What I need the extra description field for is simple – When a person gets to the “Child Forum” or landing page, there is a short description displayed above the topics. I want to add a “more” link that will replace the short description with a more detailed descriptio using AJAX.

    I know, complicated, but it’s what the client wants. I am working on a plugin that will replace the Forum Manager and give me the tools I need to do this. I wish I could show you the site, but it’s for a private Intranet.


    I had WordPress mu alpha 6 setup with bbpress integration. I went into bbpress admin -> settings -> WordPress integration. When I saved the settings I get an error message that admin cannot connect to the sql server. Now, I can’t log into bbpress. Here’s the error:

    mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/greath6/public_html/bb/bb-includes/backpress/class.bpdb.php on line 123

    I know I can delete my bbpress install, remove the bbpress tables, re-install and it will work again. But, I’ve already done that twice! Anyone know a real solution to this happening or why it happens?


    In reply to: Changing the header


    have you got a mac, by any chance?

    when i opened my header.php in textedit, it contained a single ‘>’, and every time i put anything else in the file, it would display as plain text.

    if i deleted it all, typed ‘>’ as before, and saved, the header was all gone. very odd.

    if i downloaded the bbpress zip file again, and replaced the header.php with the original, bbpress was fine.

    i opened header.php through cpanel on the server and the full contents were displayed.

    there’s definitely something weird going on with that file.

    The only WP plugin I ‘ported’ to BB was bad-behavior, which was as simple as taking that plugin’s blank template, slapping a bbpress plugin header to the top, and praying. Seems to work. You’d have to reverse engineer something as complex as wp-super-cache.


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    Let me give you a little unofficial insight (half my opinion, half fact).

    Automattic has millions in investment funding, it’s not going away, neither is bbPress.

    But right now bbPress doesn’t make any money for Matt – in fact, it’s the opposite, it costs him to pay people to code it – so you won’t see lots of money thrown into developing it. bbPress was originally written by Matt to run the forums but it’s new goal is apparently to eventually power TalkPress (a forums version of

    Currently Sam is the only one working on bbPress but that’s only because other resources are being diverted to other projects. There have been at one time three or maybe four developers (including Matt) on bbPress. Just because there is only one person working on it now is NOT a sign that it is going away. It’s simply because Matt has only so many coders and needs them elsewhere. (You may notice Michael is temporarily MIA).

    The people complaining were obviously not around for WordPress development and haven’t read any history about it. WordPress was nearly the EXACT same way. Until there was a commercial project based on it (ie. development was in bursts. Nothing for weeks, and then a frenzy, before a new release.WordPress didn’t really make it’s mark until 2.0 – 2.1, then it took off and then Matt could justify paying lots of people to support it.

    Like I keep saying but no one listens, bbPress is PRE-RELEASE software. It’s not even 1.0 yet. And just like WordPress, people who come onboard someday at version 2.0 – 2.1 will wonder what the heck you were complaining about.

    If you are using bbPress right now, you are an EARLY ADOPTER.

    You are experiencing EARLY ADOPTER BLUES.

    Some people complain, some people try to contribute, some people go elsewhere.


    This bbPress forum uses a different icon for each forum:

    Here’s the plugin:

    Not sure about the “detailed information field” – isn’t there a forum description already?


    WordPress plugins do not work inside bbPress. The advice is normally to port it from WordPress to bbPress but I don’t believe I’ve seen any documentation on how to do that.

    Sam Bauers

    The default error page is a sore spot in bbPress. It currently isn’t theme-able. That will change, but not until we get a bit further into 1.0 alpha development.

    Private forums are possible via a couple of plugins, take a look at the “Extend” area of this site.

    Adding extra profile info is pretty easy via a plugin if they are just simple text fields. You need to add the fields to the profile_info_keys. See get_profile_info_keys() function. Here is some example plugin code…

    function my_add_profile_info_keys( $keys )
    $keys['ice_cream'] = array( 1, 'Favourite ice cream' );
    return $keys;
    add_filter( 'get_profile_info_keys', 'my_add_profile_info_keys' );

    Adding checkboxes and dropdowns currently isn’t supported via the API.


    In reply to: Let ask again …

    I don’t even know how to respond anymore, because really there is no way to defend myself while I’m in someone elses house. I can only speculate what Sam’s duties with Automattic are, because it’s none of my business. I can only assume from what I’ve read (where it’s been hinted at) that Sam is the sole developer behind bbPress, because again it’s none of my business who’s working on it really.

    Suffice it to say that I think it’s really sad that my above response was met with such hostility and defensiveness, especially from someone holding the responsibility of moderation, considering there never really was any offense that I see dignified that kind of response. I really didn’t mean any harm or attitude; I even mentioned that I knew I was risking sounding a little off tone, but I think the question is probably a semi valid one, and I can’t speak for anyone else but myself when I ask…

    I’m neither complaining, nor banging away. I’ve filed trac tickets and proposed solutions where I felt I qualified enough to supply one. I’ve written my own plugins and modified existing ones to work for specific situations. If what you think is that I’m pressuring or pestering anyone for anything, than I think that there’s a misunderstanding from the get go. I’m not saying it isn’t on my end, but what I will say is that I feel I’ve done my best to be friendly, contribute, and understand how the bbPress family is trying to run business here. I ask that you try to realize that to the new comer, some of what you all have come to know as common knowledge may not be for others, and that maybe… Just maybe, there are better ways to moderate a forum and still get your point across… Again, maybe it’s just me, but moderators typically wear many hats, sometimes one of which is the bouncer at the front door, protecting the crowd. I don’t see this forum as having a particularly riotous clientel, so I can’t say that much muscle is really even necessary…

    Okay I’m rambling now…

    My point being, that if Sam’s only job is to work on bbPress for Automattic, and he hasn’t been around or made any updates or changes, then I’d like to apply for his job. :)


    I am having the problem where logging into WP logs you out of bbPress and visa-versa. I’ve checked the Keys and salts. they appear to be the same. I’ve even gotten new ones to make sure… dunno why it doesn’t work. Worked fine 24 hrs ago.

    Thank you for the screencast it worked initially. I’ve deleted my cookies and restarted my browsers, too of course.


    Look right under the heading “Berry Hill Forum” at

    There is a weird control panel, looks like for an audio player. There is nothing in the header.php that could be generating this. I’m thinking it’s something from the forum.php file, but don’t know where to look.

    Thanks for any help.


    In reply to: Let ask again …

    frooyo, thank you. That was (to me) helpful and explanatory.

    My guess is that until bbPress stops being used as WordPress’s forum of choice, it will continue to have a future. At that point, worry.


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    Does bbPress have a future?

    I can’t foretell if bbpress has future but it does have a long past, there were times in the past when it had less future than now and it’s still here, therefore, we can assure it has future. So spoke Groucho.

    Answer 2; It has future because Sam is working on it and it is being developed better than ever before.


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the real underlining question is…

    Does bbPress have a future?

    The slowness in creating a stable 1.0 product has many of us who love bbPress, and are not technical/programmers, concerned that bbPress will go to the wayside.


    Hi, Got my phpbb3 converted, only issue I have is that the member names are not showing up on posts within BBpress, all the members are listed on the members page but under the avatar and where it says “started xx minutes ago by” are blank spaces.

    This also happens on new posts I make, no username appears.

    Any Ideas?

    EDIT I’ve actually managed to figure it out, The display_name field is blank in the sql table, not sure if this is brought over as part of the conversion and it just hasn’t worked.


    In reply to: Let ask again …

    > An employee only has to report his results to his employer

    Yes, and so what? I’m asking is he employee or not

    That information is confidential in many states. No one is required to tell someone who they work for, even for insurance (your insurance has the right to turn you down due to lack of trust in that case, but still). As such, that question can be dismissed as ‘not your business’, pardon me for the crudity :)

    So here’s my question for you. Towards what end will you go with the information of Sam’s employment? If you find out that yes, he is an Automattic employee and assigned to bbPress, will that make you react differently than if you found out, say, he was assigned to bbPress, WordPress and was asked to fill in at Akismet?

    Basically this: Why does it matter who he works for?

    If you’re asking ‘Why is bbPress development so slow?’ you could just ask that and anyone would tell you: There are few developers working on it at the moment. Cause the only other question I can find is like when you watch Survivor, and the Jury person says ‘My question for the finalists is that you suck.’ While entertaining to watch, it’s not a question. ;)


    Does anyone mind pointing me to a document highlighting how to convert a WP plugin (wp-super-cache in this case) to bbPress?

    For some reason, I was under the impression that any WP plug-ins would work in bbPress; however, when I tried wp-super-cache with bbPress Alpha 6 … and once I enable it, it appears to not be working. No error. Forum still works. Just looks like nothing is happening and no caching occurring.

    Thanks in advance.


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    Some thoughts…

    – An employee only has to report his results to his employer. So, it doesn’t matter if Sam works for Automattic or not. In this context is that bbPress is open source: if you need anything (that can’t be done on a plugin), you are free to fork bbPress and add what you need. It’s just simple as that.

    – “code uploads” aren’t needed on a daily basis, specially when you are the only developer.

    – If you wanted only Sam to reply, then you should have used a less public medium, don’t you think?



    Not recommended for SEO though. Duplicate content is a nono for google.

    Just tried the plugin,

    Would be great if Sam made a “noindex” or “noarchive” option just for those topics in the forum. It would then show the topics in the forum, add comments to the blog when replied in the forum, and just index the wordpress post.

    Having said that,

    It doesn’t list the latest topics if I try the widget, even after having set the forum url in the settings and such. Using alpha 1.06 bbpress and WP 2.7. The plugins (xmpp?) in bbpress are also activated.


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    The biggest problem I have with people hassling Sam is that you are distracting him from other work he can be doing to help us all, especially when for now he is the only main developer on the project. He shouldn’t have to stop to answer end-user questions each week (unless he wants to).

    It’s easy to burn out on large programming projects which is why he moves around to working on different parts of bbPress at different times and I have a low tolerance for people who can’t see the major effort he has done and just want things done yesterday, especially when it is completely free and you have plenty of other choices.

    Try writing a plugin someday and you’ll get an appreciation for what kind of concentration and knowledge it takes to develop good code. Sam has done a massive amount of work on bbPress 1.0 and should be left alone to continue in whatever pattern suits him best.

    If you have bug reports or feature ideas, make a quality report in TRAC and Sam will get to them when he gets to them. Don’t pester him here unless he solicits for the input.


    Once 1.0 beta is released things will be far more solid.

    You have to understand that 1.0 is almost a 75% re-write (or re-structuring) of 0.9 so many things have changed. To an end user it seems the same but that’s because of much backwards compatibility work by Sam.

    bbPress 1.0 is 150% the code size of 0.9

    So when 1.0 goes beta, that would be a good time to start documentation.


    You used to be able to do this with BB Sync. With the new versions, I think there is a bbPress plugin for WordPress.

    The plugin author posted how to use it a while back but I can’t seem to find it. If you’re using WordPress 2.7 and the alpha of bbPress, I think bbpress-live is the way to go.


    I have done all of this. The AUTH keys are identical in both the WordPress and bbPress config files. The cookie name is, I think, correct. I have posted parts of my config files here:

    [links to keys removed by moderator chrishajer]

    Thanks for any help. Like I said, the only thing that doesn’t work is the shared login part. I can not test these while at work, but any suggestions you can give will be tried when I get home. Thanks.


    Ipstenu; I’m not requesting at all :) just suggesting in case CK has another inspired day and has an unrestrained need of writing another guide. Just that, no demand.

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