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  • #72023

    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options


    Amen nv1962!

    We’re just patiently waiting for bbpress to sync up with wordpress, or look elsewhere for a solution. I’m kind of getting tired of seeing people complaining about bbpress, and developers complaining about how people want to integrate bbpress into wordpress (login, profiles and entries).

    What are the alternatives to waiting for bbpress to catch up to wordpress?


    What are the odds that I will be able to keep all my topics and accounts by the time bbpress hits 1.0 stable?

    I’d say that this would be the most fundamental aspect of backwards compatibility, and since the accounts table is based on WordPress there should be no issue there. Equally, topics, posts, times, etc. can’t have too many differences to warrant non-compatibility.

    Things will be accelerating for bbPress soon due to some internal work at Automattic. This is occupying a lot of my time right now, but it will all be fed back into bbPress in the near future.

    It’s really good to hear this. May I presume the folks over BuddyPress are getting involved?

    As it stands I am running v1.06 on a fairly large website (due to various reasons I had to do it) and have found it to be very stable at high volume. My biggest issue has been fending off feature requests from the users. The biggest being ability to sort by topic id as well as last response time.

    I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is working on bbPress. I think it is a very promising and exciting project that will, coupled with WP and BuddyPress, be a very powerful software.


    We still haven’t given up with this, after taking a look at the BuddyPress plugin this combo seems even more interesting and maybe even something we could put some extra effort and coding resources to get things sorted out and working in a way that fits into our plan. I’ll keep you informed.


    I was dumb enough to install an alpha version on a running website.

    What are the odds that I will be able to keep all my topics and accounts by the time bbpress hits 1.0 stable?


    Apparently the post has now been removed also, which i must say is really odd.

    For those interested, it was at…

    I have to say, i’m a little offended that my forum post has been closed, some 9 minutes after posting.

    It is in the correct section (requests & feedback), doesn’t swear or flame anyone.

    It gives high level list of where i think we are falling down (or as i call it feedback) and suggests ways we can improve upon that feedback (requests). While not praising everything BBpress, i felt the tone was one of how we can work together to improve this product.

    Maybe i’m missing something, but i think closing down this sort of discussion, especially in the “Requests and Feedback — Tell us what you’re thinking” section is somewhat draconian.


    I write this in response to the growing posts and their ever-increasing angrier responses from moderators, to people who are simply asking for clarification of (mis-)information.

    The problem we have, as a community, is that we have no communication nor project management involved with BBpress.


    A great example would be:

    How many more ALPHA’s before BETA?

    _ck_ rightly points out, and then gets angry at the poster, people are constantly asking the same questions. The bit _ck_ misses is that they are not pointless to a lot of people, or indeed one person, even if they are pointless to her. The point that hasn’t seen to be grasped by Sam/Moderators is that have an external facing Trac website that says one thing, when another is true, which is why people are asking the same questions over and over.

    Instead of getting angry at people, why not change the date on Trac?? Even if you put it at 1st Jan 2010, it’s at least in the future and closer to being realistic than 1.0Beta 2 months ago.

    I brought this up in October, and then again in December, and now again in February, but people who are new to this project or maybe not as involved ask _ck_ get their information from the website; but this info has been wrong for over 5 months. Which is why people are asking for clarification!

    If you give people wrong/bad/out of date information, you have to accept that they will ask questions about it on the forum. It’s been the nature of humans throughout history, and we’re not going to change simply because it’s BBpress (sadly).

    Given that the issue could be fixed by a BBpress person (not sure about user roles here so don’t want to presume that a forum mod could do it or if we need to wait for Sam); maybe we should stop being rude to people and fix it?

    <u>A further example:</u>

    It’s great that _ck_ knows that alpha 7 will break her plugins; but what about everyone else? Where is the blog post? Where is the forum post by Sam? Where is the sticky? Where is the announcement? Etc.

    After much searching it turns out that 3 weeks ago _ck_ made a post about it, which has been off the front page of the forums section for the last 15 days. Brilliantly meaning that if you didn’t read the BBpress forums for a 5 day period at the start of February for any reason, then you won’t know about these massive changes. At the risk of appearing sarcastic, does anyone else think that maybe this should be the sort of thing we should Sticky/announce/keep on front page? Shouldn’t this sort of thing come from Sam?

    But regardless it just re-emphasises the fact that communication about BBpress is close to non-existant.


    Devs and Moderators tell us to use Trac, and then are surprised that people are confused about the roadmap saying that Beta comes out 01/08/08 .

    Either update Trac so that people don’t get confused, or inform people in some another way (which is a little redundant as that is what the Trac roadmap is for).


    It somewhat goes hand in hand with the communication aspect, but as any developer knows, rushing head first into coding with no long term view quickly becomes fruitless.

    As a community, and i’m in no way saying that Sam answers to us (really want to make that clear), we have no freaking idea what the heck is going on at any given time. We’re either given an ever changing answer by a moderator, or we’re told that Sam will tell us (like the voice behind the curtain), or we’re left with the (wrong) info on the website.

    Every change comes out of no-where.

    We have no idea what the short, medium and long terms goals are.

    As much as this software is ‘free’, anyone planning to use it on a website at least wants to plan a little in advance.

    It’s very difficult to want to help/take pride/give back to an open source project when we’re constantly told “it’s ready when it’s ready stop asking” – and in fact shows a total lack of project management and control.

    Who runs the BBpress project?

    Do they know/can they answer:

    – how many scheduled man hours until alpha 7?

    – are people assigned to work on it, or have they been moved elsewhere?

    – what is the testing time on alpha 7?

    – how long and we holding open bug acceptance for alpha 7?

    – what is the due date for alpha 7?

    – what is the likelihood of hitting that date?

    – what are the dependant factors?

    – what impact does alpha 7 have on existing installations?

    – have the testers been informed of this?

    – have the contributors been informed of this?

    – what potential conflicts are there between current versions and alpha 7?

    I’m not specifically looking for answers btw, as I said before Sam doesn’t answer to us, but I’m not sure I believe that ANYONE related with this project can answer those questions, and that is really really worrying.


    Free is good, free we like.

    Free means we accept bugs.

    Free means we accept it’s not ideal.

    Free means we know we wont get a 100% fit to what we need.

    Free doesn’t mean we accept no communication.

    Free doesn’t mean we accept what communication we get being wrong.

    Free doesn’t mean we accept no management.

    Free doesn’t mean we should get slapped down for asking perfectly legitimate and reasonable questions.

    Free doesn’t mean we should accept instant yet wide sweeping changes.

    Free doesn’t mean we should accept a total lack of respect.


    It is.

    No, really… it is, so can we please stop saying that it’s not. Sam, while a loveable rogue to be sure (and he’s very cute in his picture), he is not fucking Ghandi – he does this for a wage.

    Automattic is not building BBpress out of the goodness of their hearts to save all the wee orphans of the world, they’re a company making a profit and paying people’s wages.

    Lets drop the humanitarian line when someone makes a good point and the moderators want to slap it down, eh? Or am I wrong, is BBpress ending world hunger as we speak? No? ok, maybe lets stop this one then. Just a thought.


    At the risk of opening up an old wound, I made a list at Christmas time (the oh so fun Facebook thread).

    Either pause development on BBpress 1.0alpha7 for a week, or engage someone else to do it but:

    <u>Fix the website. </u> Seriously, spend time going through each static page (there are 20 of them) removing all the bogus/wrong/out of date information. Some pages are fine, some are really really out of date. Given how much has changed with BBpress since WP2.5 came out, if you haven’t updated a page since that time then you know it’s wrong before reading.

    <u>Blog more. </u> Not in a twitter “I am eating an apple” way, but you’ve made 5 posts in over 6 months (and 3 of them were within 3 days of each other). That development blog is our window into the BBpress development. It says “hey, this project ain’t dead”; instead all it does now is say “we released this bit of software on this date”. It’s not a blog, there’s no info other than release dates of software that don’t work anymore (for the most part).

    <u>Extend / Plugin section. </u> This drastically needs an overhaul. There needs to be an option to filter out plugins that either don’t work or haven’t been updated to the latest release. Lets be honest, some of these plugins are 2 years old, and as soon as you click into them that’s the first stat you see.

    <u>Download section. </u> Kinda/probably/should/maybe say that if you download the latest version it won’t work with a wordpress install form the last 9 months. Even though it’s from the same company. And it says it does work in the About page. And says it again on the Integration page. Yeah, we should probably write the truth somewhere or people will keep asking…

    <u>Trac. </u> Lets update Trac. If someone has an understanding of the project to the level that they can answer the Project Manager 101 questions above, then why not put some of that info into Trac? I’m confident (though it’s just my opinion) that people are more motivated to fix bugs if we know there are X outstanding before the next alpha, rather than a huge list that has be fixed in an unknown amount of time.

    <u>Development documentation. </u> A tough one this, and time consuming. I get that, I really do. But it makes helping out really difficult. As someone with rusty PHP coding skills (I‘ve been a BA far too long), I find Navigating bbpress to be a pain, and while I understand wordpress comparisons aren’t favourable, documentation makes wordpress editing 1000 times easier.

    <u>Give us an overview. </u> Sounds very simple, and most PM’s have an overview list for each project anyway (usually on a power point to fob directors off), but it would make life easier. Many of us still don’t know what ‘features’ are standard with BBpress and which will only be available via plugin. Many of us don’t know what features are intended on being added, or what direction BBpress is going to go in. These aren’t bugs, we can’t add them to Trac, but many good points have been raised on these forums in the past – and I don’t think it’s right of us to assume you missed them or have ignore them, simply because there’s no communication.

    Last bug not least…

    Any chance we could have a reigning in chat with some Moderators? It’s great that they give up their time to reply here, and help the community, but (and I don’t know if it’s just someone having a bad day) the comments are getting way more aggressive/argumentative/absolutist.

    It’s not that the standard answers aren’t wearing thin ofc, it’s just that we know the answer is going to be:

    • It’s free.
    • Sam’s too busy to pass on info.
    • Blame Matt.
    • It’s free.
    • Stop asking. It’ll be ready when it’s ready.
    • It’s free.
    • Automattic are here to save us all and do not make any moey at all ever and everyone works for free I loves them – please ignore the $29 million they got which included the development of BBpress in the pitch.
    • Go to trac.
    • Don’t believe Trac.
    • Sam’s too busy to keep you lot updated.
    • Microsoft.
    • It’s free.

    That’s said a little tongue in cheek, and I hope it caused no offence, but while the moderators are clearly trying to do a great job (and we thank them), rarely do we get answers or constructive conversation when we talk about things like this. We’re shot down very quickly that we dared to have a different view point, and then given one of the standard answers that blame someone else or that it’s free.


    Anyone who takes the time to hang around this forum sees we want to help. Anyone who takes the time to write on the forum wants to support BBpress.

    If you’re the only developer on BBpress, or the person making almost all of the plugins, or the moderator who slams anyone who asks a question: please let us help.

    We can’t just rock up, roll up our sleeves and stick our hand up a cow’s butt (an old farming joke – sorry). We need some direction, we need to be able to ask questions, we need information. Once we know what stage BBpress is at, we can help in taking it forward – with you.

    But right now, all we can do is right posts like these every 2 months.


    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options

    Sam Bauers

    The only gotchas with bbPress-1.0-alpha (up to alpha-6) are the less stable code and a few missing functionalities with regards to tag management. If you are doing “deep” integration then there are reported problems with language translation files not being loaded. There are some other sundry issues as well, most of which just need some quality time with a PHP person to fix.

    Sam Bauers

    Also, a plus for bbPress is that it has built-in user integration with WordPress – which as far as I know doesn’t exist on any other platform.

    If you have the coding resources in-house and are familiar with WordPress development, I think you will find bbPress quite comfortable and flexible. However, in it’s current alpha state, bbPress is not for the faint of heart, there are known bugs and missing functionality in the current releases. But if you have people willing to fix them, submitted patches will be in core before you know it.

    Sam Bauers

    Actually, in bbPress 1.0 you can drop in the memcached object cache plugin from WordPress. This cuts out a lot of MySQL queries. There is no page caching solution that I know of, although we get by without it on all our installs (,, etc.).

    Sam Bauers

    It’s not in bbPress 0.9, you need to run the alpha to get that functionality.

    Sam Bauers

    How many more alphas? I don’t think we’ll get up to 10, but if a bad bug sneaks into one of the alphas it’s possible that you could see two or three in a week. I’m not doing any point releases of alphas (e.g. alpha-6.1) so by the time we are done we may have 10 or 20, it’s hard to say.

    Basically we aren’t going to beta until all the new functionality is in place. During the beta period I’m hoping to just be doing stability and speed improvements. The Trac tickets are a good guide of what needs to be done before beta is released. As long as there is significant stuff on that list under 1.0-beta there is no beta release.

    In any case, the beta will not be “stable”, it will only be feature complete. So it still won’t be recommended for production use. Things will be accelerating for bbPress soon due to some internal work at Automattic. This is occupying a lot of my time right now, but it will all be fed back into bbPress in the near future.

    And yes alpha-7 will be a commit bomb that will potentially break a lot of things. I’m trying to minimise damage, but the API will be a little unstable for a couple of alpha releases. I don’t recommend that plugin devs rush to make their plugins work until these fairly fundamental shifts in the API are complete.


    Sam does not delay bbPress because of plugins or design it in one way or another for them other than to make the hooks or filters they need.

    If you don’t use plugin then just use the SVN with the trunk and you can have weekly updates as Sam makes them.


    @ _ck_

    Thanks for the reply.

    Nope, I don’t use plugins.

    As for that topic, your response makes it sound like a large reason why bbPress is slow to release is due to the fact that plugins will break.

    Maybe I’m a little confused here but what’s the problem with that?

    Plug-ins are just that, “plugins”. They are not part of the core product.

    Just an observation, but it seems to me that something that is not apart of the core product, like plug-ins, shouldn’t slow down the release of the core product.

    (Especially plug-ins developed for a non-stable, non-1.0 release)

    Just my 2 cents :)


    hey guys, just another idea:

    what about integrate bbpress and wordpress that far (maybe with a plugin) that if registered and logged in users post a comment at a wordpress blog-post, this comment will appear in the profile of bbPress users under “user activity”.

    And related to that:

    WordPress users doesnt really have a profile page, so it would be nice if a user register and post a blog-comment, his name-link would open his bbpress profile page.

    Hope you understand what i mean. I think it isnt that difficult. But too much difficult for me :-/




    You keep quoting other people and their nonsense lists.

    Those are commercial programmers with commercial projects.

    bbPress is free and makes no money for the people who make it available.

    (Joel isn’t even a programmer according to Wikipedia, but was a manager on Excel for Microsoft, so he couldn’t be more opposite in thinking to open-source web based code development – he blogs about concepts to sell his company’s commercial, closed-source software so what he says is motivated by profit)

    Let’s say bbPress 1.0 final was available tomorrow.

    But half the plugins won’t work with it, so are you going to fix them?

    Let’s say Sam gives into your pressure and releases bbPress 1.0 beta early – but because of the rush there are bugs or security issues – are you going to fix them? Are you going to adjust the plugins for bbPress 1.1 because of rushed release on bbPress 1.0 ? I’m not.

    I can give you my timeline as far as plugins – January 2010 is my estimated completion date for plugin compatibility with bbPress 1.0 – this is not an exaggeration. Hopefully this will satisfy your quest for deadlines on free, non-commercial programs and let you plan accordingly.

    So if you aren’t using any plugins, I guess you’ll be all set for the next alpha and beta releases, nag away.


    @ _ck_

    How is this a pointless question?

    Simply saying that bbPress 1.0 will be finished “when it’s ready”, is an absolute lack of leadership.

    And using Trac’s Roadmap functionality but not updating it to be current, since it states bbPress is 6 months behind, indicates also a lack of commitment by the development team to push this project forward.

    Also, don’t you find it interesting that you have had to make the comment before numerous times and say “people, please stop asking for a release date”.

    I’m not even asking for a specific date, just a better understanding of the roadmap. If people are constantly asking you the same question over and over again, isn’t that a signal to you that people are: concerned with the current development state and/or unclear as to what the roadmap current entails.

    Unfortunately, not everyone here is a developer. So simply stating “why don’t you help code” is not an option always. The best many of us can do is simply use the ALPHA version and report bugs if we see any … which we do.


    Also, one thing good about roadmaps is that it holds people accountable. Having a roadmap in Trac that, as you have stated before is “meaningless”

    is a complete embarrassment to this development project. I hate saying that, truly, because I greatly enjoy bbPress.

    But if you cannot even update a simply Roadmap, now 6 months out dated, indicates to me that bbPress 1.0 is vaporware … regardless of how many Trac ticket check-ins you have in any given week.

    I’m not alone on this, Joel Spolsky include keeping Roadmaps up-to-date on his 12 steps for better coding


    Dozens more. At least that what you should be assuming.

    But more importantly, alpha 7 will break roughly one third to one half of the plugins for bbPress (seriously) so if you rely on any, you won’t be using more alphas or using the beta any time this year.

    (and please stop asking questions like this, they are pointless)


    Looks to me like you are not logged in as keymaster, but as administrator maybe. That means bbPress does not know you’re keymaster and the WordPress user you logged in as does not have the proper permissions.


    This looks pretty similar to what you are doing:

    It’s latest stories not a page menu, but still, it’s querying WordPress from within bbPress.


    Also don’t forget to copy over the code from the .htaccess file that bbPress semi tries to generate for you. Simply changing the setting in the drop down box isn’t enough.


    Curious to know how many more ALPHA builds to expect before the builds move into BETA.

    We are currently on build 6, I see a soon to be released ALPHA v7 is in the pipe.

    Not trying to hold the bbPress team to a specific # of releases or anything, just curious if we have just a few more ALPHA’s or like a dozen more before BETA begins :)

    For what it’s worth, I have been using ALPHA v6 since release without any problems.


    I have wp and bbpress succesfully integrated. Now in my bbpress forum I’d like to display the wordpress pages. Basicly I want to replicate wp_list_pages() from wp. I know there’s a way to include wp in total inside bbpress. but that has a performance penalty and I’m also afraid it might cause bugs in the future.

    So I’d prefer a simple query. What I have thus far:

    global $bbdb;
    $query = "SELECT wp_posts.*
    FROM wp_posts
    WHERE wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'
    AND wp_posts.post_type = 'page'
    ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC ";
    foreach($results as $result) {
    echo '<li><a href="' . $result->guid . '">' . $result->post_name . '</a></li>';

    But I need a query which replicates wp_list_pages() closer. Where can I find that function in wordpress? Or how could I improve my query so that I get the subpages as well, for example?


    Ok, thanks for this information!


    You can change the post.php template page to make the avatar link to the profile.

    I have it so the name links there and it works fine.

    <a href="/forums/profile/<?php post_author_id(); ?>"><?php post_author(); ?></a>

    As for the URL not updating, this is fixed in the Trunk build, but I don’t think it’s made it to the alpha yet. See

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