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  • #4954

    I am using the StudioPress theme and I have fully integrated bbpress into the theme. I think it looks great, and all the pages seem to be working. View at http:.// The only problem is that the “forum” tab isn’t hilited when viewing the forum. It always does the “home” one instead.

    In my theme I hardcoded the first forum link to

    The second forum link is actually to just a page I created in wordpress called “forum”. I thought I could edit the link in phpmyadmin to somehow but I couldn’t seem to figure it out. So the link for the second forum tab is actually just a page, and not the actual forum.

    So basically I just want one of those forum tabs to be hilited when viewing the forums. It doesn’t matter to me how to get it done. Any suggestions by anyone?

    below is my header code for the forum page.

    <div id=”nav”>
    <?php function get_the_pa_ges() {
    global $wpdb;
    if ( ! $these_pages = wp_cache_get(‘these_pages’, ‘pages’) ) {
    $these_pages = $wpdb->get_results(‘select ID, post_title from ‘. $wpdb->posts .’ where post_status = “publish” and post_type = “page” order by ID’);

    return $these_pages;

    function list_all_pages(){

    $all_pages = get_the_pa_ges ();
    foreach ($all_pages as $thats_all){
    $the_page_id = $thats_all->ID;

    if (is_page($the_page_id)) {
    $addclass = ‘ class=”current_page”‘;
    } else {
    $addclass = ”;
    $output .= ‘<li’ . $addclass . ‘>ID).'” title=”‘.$thats_all->post_title.'”><span>’.$thats_all->post_title.'</span>‘;

    return $output;


      if (is_home()) {
      $addclass = ‘ class=”current_page”‘;
      } else {
      $addclass = ”;
      echo “<li” . $addclass . “><span>Home</span>“;

      if (is_page(‘190’) ) {
      $addclass = ‘ class=”current_page”‘;
      } else {
      $addclass = ”;
      echo “<li” . $addclass . “><span>Forum</span>“;

      echo list_all_pages();?>

    <div class=”cleared”></div>
    </div> <!– Closes Nav –>

    I changed the code to use the function is_page() when trying to identify it as a forum because that is what it looked like I needed to use, but I’m still pretty new to wordpress functions. the “190” is the id of the entry in my wp_posts table that contains the guid of (the link itself)

    So I know it is kind of working, because it is grabbing the right url and everything, I just can’t get it to recognize that is is viewing that current page to add the class.

    Help anyone! As soon as I can get this resolved I’d like to publish the modified theme files so other users can easily implement bbpress with their studiopress theme.


    We are looking to work with developers that can help us develop an authentication plugin for bbPress. If you are interested, please contact me at andrew.s.chen[@]



    I’d love to see WordPress, Bbpress and Facebook Connect working beautifully in unison. Will this dream come true? Any suggestions?


    You should be able to delete and edit from the post view, not the admin view.

    What version of bbPress?


    1) just installed have 2 members a few topics but none of the topics are appearing in the admin area of the bbpress… so i can’t do things like delete or edit or such…

    is there a way to fix this?

    2) also what are the proper file/directory permissions for bbpress is there a map for this for best security practices?


    Technically the plugin has been abandoned by the original author.

    I don’t think the download can be disabled but Sam or Michael might be able to move it on the SVN from the trunk directory to a tag where the extend section would make a link that would fail to download so that would prevent people from blindly installing it.

    The plugin was written after bbPress .7 had just updated to .8 so there were few other plugins available for the author to model some security against. It’s design is a little dated and spread out across several files makes it hard to maintain (a similar problem that the avatar upload plugin shares).


    One point: if your database is on another machine, you will need to edit the advanced settings to put the host name in there. But that’s aside from this problem.

    If bbPress couldn’t write the file, then it’s probably a permissions thing. So, you created the file yourself. That’s OK. But maybe it’s in the wrong spot or has the wrong information in it?


    I integrated bbPress with WP2.7.1 this weekend and everything seemed to work fine (apart from a few bbPress plugins I downloaded). Yesterday two users emailed me that they couldn’t edit their website anymore (in the WP backend, dunno about the bbPress backend, but since I have ’em integrated..).

    For some reason I’m getting an ‘invalid user id’ message when I try to edit it (as administrator) through the WP backend..

    I know that before I integrated with bbPress it did work and I didn’t get the message, so this must be a bbPress issue too.. Guess I’ll have to change it in the db until v1 is stable..


    Also: Having it be a plugin means that people who don’t wont those ‘features’ don’t have to disable. It’s the basic idea of bbPress: Simple :)


    It’s because it is a plugin that we’re all able to patch it without upgrading the entire bbPress install itself!

    I agree that it’d be nice if the top plugins had security audits of some kind. Thank goodness a user reported this and another one fixed it though – that’s exactly how open source communities should work (ideally). Thanks merlin214365 and _ck_!

    I do feel dumb for just installing this plugin without even looking at the code. I’m going to do a personal security audit, and report back if any of the plugins I’m using turn up with security holes. Hopefully we can use this incident to improve the overall security of the most popular bbPress plugins!

    Is there then a way that when a registered bbPress member visits the WordPress area of the site, that WordPress will recognize them as registered bbPress members

    Integrated login will do that. If you only want to use the BB side of things, you can use a ‘Hide Dashboard’ plugin for WP (to … hide things ;) ), and then just never link to the WP profile stuff. I’m doing that and the three smarties who know they can login on the WP side quickly learned: Ain’t nutin’ there.

    As for targeting ads, I suspect you can do that, though it’d be a question for the WP side methinks.

    Hide Dashboard:


    thank you Chris for your reply.

    Now I have try a fresh, clean install.

    Step 1 – Database configuration: I put my data, I don’t edit the advanced settings, I click on “Save configuration database file” and I got this message:

    Step 1 – Database configuration


    Your settings could not be saved to a configuration file. You will need to save the text shown below into a file named bb-config.php in the root directory of your bbPress installation before you can continue.

    So I copy the “Contents for bb-config.php” in a file and i put this one on my site.

    After I follow the instruction:

    “Once you have created the configuration file, you can check for it below”

    I check and i get another time the same error. :(

    What do I do, now? I have not idea! can you give me some further help?

    thank you so much!


    I’m setting up a new website that is using WordPress as a CMS, and probably bbPress as a forum. (I’m toying with phpBB at the moment, but the integration I want here will likely push me to bbPress.) The WordPress area won’t require registration since its content is a series of short videos, and I want guests to be able to view them. Visitors will be invited to join the forums to discuss the videos, and I want them to self-identify their field of occupation when registering. My site is specific enough that the list of relevant occupations can be limited to a known list, so that field will be from a fixed set of possible choices.

    Is there then a way that when a registered bbPress member visits the WordPress area of the site, that WordPress will recognize them as registered bbPress members and somehow pass that information out, so that an adserver (like AdSense) can target the ads it serves more specifically to that visitor based on the occupation they provided?


    hi, i’m trying to install the bbPress 1. alpha version in a subdirectory “forum” of my site.

    But I got an error in the first step of the installation.

    I have created the bb-config.php file and I have uploaded them.

    I check for the file and:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/mysite/public_html/forum/bb-config.php on line 1

    so, I’m in trouble…

    anyone please can help me to solve?

    thank you!


    I figured it out. There were two records for my capabilitues in the database. I don’t know why. When I changed both of them to keymaster, I got admin rights.


    A customerd update his blog and forum to 2.7.1 and BB Press alpha and got in trouble with integration… asked me to solve it, i tried and got some result, forcing in DB hash salt key now login and logout in WP or BB reflect in other side but… on multipaged topics on bbpress when I request another page after the first one it ask me to login again and again… coockies lokk correct… I’m loosing my mind on this problem…

    Note the bb theme is made so the content is from BB but sidebars headers and footer is from WP (very old intergation did by someone else time ago)

    Any help?


    Thanks for those, I’ll use them!


    Thanks again Chris for coming back on this thread. I am surprised to read your statement about integration though, as it was this feature of bbpress that made me go for it over other forums! Oh well, may be it’ll come out good in the end.

    Here’s the code for wp-blog-header.php. Line 14 simply says “wp();”.



    * Loads the WordPress environment and template.


    * @package WordPress


    if ( !isset($wp_did_header) ) {

    $wp_did_header = true;

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-load.php' );


    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php' );




    In reply to: del Sol Owners Club


    Thanks for the advice and keep up the good work! I look forward to hearing about your bbpress integration if it happens.


    In reply to: bbpress wysiwyg status


    I use the latest stable verson and doe not work for me. I think i finnaly i had to use the tinymce and have more secs loading it.


    If you are using the Private Messaging plugin

    by Joshua Hutchins /

    or even Detective’s mod version of it, you need to take it offline immediately.

    There are some very serious, multiple security problems with it.

    If you are running it, your site can easily be hacked.

    Please take this warning seriously, it’s not worth the headache.

    Make sure you delete not only the plugin file

    but the additional files it uses in the bbPress root.


    These are awesome. I’m working on converting at least one of them into Zenphoto themes.


    I’m having trouble with blank RSS feeds. All the feed links generate correct URLs but have no markup (completely blank)… not 404 pages. I’ve tried changing themes, turning off permalinks, disabling all plugins, using different browsers, selecting different types of feeds (topics, forums, tags, etc.)— all with no results.

    This is an independent installation without WP integration (separate database too), though this bbPress installation is a subdirectory in a WP blog. Here’s a link.

    I’ve got to be missing something here. Permissions?



    Link manually to bbPress profile link field?

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