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  • #5122


    I am a new WP and BBpress user.. I have read through a few other threads here regarding similar issues.. I am tryign to install the “allow-images.php” plug in for a BBpress… I have created the my-pluguns folder in the root of BBpress and placed the “allow-images.php” file in that folder. My understanding is the next step should be to activate the plugin…..

    Do i do that in the admin section of the forum? or admin section of WP?

    I cannot see a plugins section on the forum side of BBpress.. I am familiar with installing plugins on regular WP…. Am i missing something here? If i am.. Where in BBpress admin is the plugin section?


    @adeboy – I know how to create a page with an iframe, I just wanted to see your bbPress installation inside a WordPress page, in an iframe. When it’s ready, please post the link to it. Thanks.


    With respect Swaymedia mate, if you don’t read what people reply to you, you’ll never get the answer to the questions you’ve asked.


    _ck_: “If you don’t know what I know about bbPress it just means you are lazier than me”



    where would you put the code:

    $topics = get_latest_topics( );

    edit: @kevinjohn: i wont read all of that but “thumbs up”



    Ipstenu made some great points, to show you the thoughts of someone with a different perspective. While you might not see his point of view, he was kind enough to lay out his view point for you.

    As much as Ipstenu and _ck_ are making generalisations, so are you. You have no proof that “the majority” want what you want. You keep using the phrase “the majority” to back up your points, and while i mostly agree with your premise, i’m not overly confident that randomly adding in your guess on how many people might possibly maybe agree with you is helpful.

    “the majority” is the same as “deep integration will crush a shared server if you get a surge in visitors”, there’s not facts or figures, just someone’s massive assumption, laid out to attempt to prove a point.

    Ipstenu is wrong about integration not being mentioned on this site, it’s on the homepage (, the about page ( and on the documentation page ( and this is what confuses people who are new to BBpress. But, every time someone mentions it, it’s shot down.

    And yes, while using an iFrame is a hack, hacks are far from uncommon in the web industry, let alone wordpress or BBpress. Making things work has always been the way websites have been built, and while i understand and support your desire for a different method, there’s very little need for the ‘OMG’ simply because you dont like the solution presented (not to mention, i think very few 13 year old girls read this website so wont be too impressed ;-] ).

    There’s loads of things wrong with BBpress, and many are trying to work to make it better. Getting up tight becuase you dont like a solution or because you want others to code a better one for you isn’t going to make BBpress a better fit for you. Take a deep breath my friend.


    p.s. And if you were using an iFrame back in 1995 then my hats off to you, as Microsoft didn’t invent them until 2 years in later, so kudos for driving that delorian up to 88 miles an hour and going back in time to work as a microsoft dev in building IE 4.


    _ck_: “If you don’t know what I know about bbPress it just means you are lazier than me”


    @chrishajer – Its not quite ready for primetime but you just make a very basic page with the bb-load.php include and then you can get the latest topics/comments and create some links. You need some simple css in the page to match your site styling for the links and target the top frame in the links

    $topics = get_latest_topics( );

    Your homepage might have adverts, widgets, maps etc which will often load in an iframe, as well as images, so the latest topics appear as part of the page build up.

    One day i might get round to proper integration but until then, it works fine

    @swaymedia – grow up


    @matt – some genuine feedback to avoid Digg fan boys, taking the piss even further.:


    Once you get the BuddyPress version for non-MU WP out, would you not need Deep Integration on BBpress for that..?.. etc. BuddyPress + WordPress (non-MU) + BBPress (deep intergrated for post-alpha)… having to work around a ridiculous iFrame to show it on WP&BP is going to fan down big with the designers.


    Updating the Documentation now, will get alot more people to help. It hasn’t been since the last 8 releases.


    Look into intergration more, and synch BuddyPress with BBPress well enough for designers to do what they want with it.


    BBPress as the scripts name and TalkPress as the hosted version is the most stupidest thing i have ever heard. It’s going to show a deteriation on Automattics side.


    got plent more to moan about, but ill let someone else have a turn


    OH MY GOD… are you guys serious… your going to cross over the solution with a stupid “iFrame”.. this is ridicilous….

    @adeboy.. I know how to do iFrame, but design wise and everything else wise… Iframes suck… were taking a step backwords using iFrames, its like being in 1995 all over again.


    Hey I made this today just for you ;-)

    (well, I’ve been meaning to make it since my Mini-Track is broken)

    I’ll make some custom views for it over the weekend to show who is most active or least active. It will be easy now because the last time is tracked in their metadata.


    @adeboy: can you post the URL to your forum? I had heard in the past that the iframe idea wouldn’t work, so if it does it would love to see it. Thanks.


    Swaymedia, in the time you’ve spent writing all your posts you could have figured out how to do it. I did my iframe hack for the same thing you need in the time it took to write this post and it works perfectly. Stop moaning, its free software, it will happen one day but its not here yet, deal with it

    Matt Mullenweg

    Ipstenu is correct on the relationship between TalkPress and bbPress. :: ::

    We chose a new name for it to avoid confusion.

    I think I originally announced it a year or two ago, just nothing has happened with it until recently.

    _ck_ is absolutely right about not putting one of the product names in your domain. Better to start with something unique that you truly own, rather than using someone else’s name.



    As I said, just becuase you do not want deep integration it doesn’t mean the majority won’t. It is going over the top to call it a “Silver Bullet” just becuase it might have deep intergration.

    All I want to do is use the BBPress loop to add the latest topics on the index.php page of WP. … Getting told “oh well theres a plugin for that, for your sidebar” is probably the stinkiest response any one can give. People want to customize things, thats what BBPress is about, we dont want rigid fixed plugins. And not to mention really really lame. Deep intergration is the “right tool for the right job” for the majority of people using BBPress… except it wont be there.


    both points are too weak to stop deep intergration and are probably really insufficient to fight your side of the argument. Dedicated servers will always be used for a large community base that has enough power to crush a shared server.. which is not that likely anyway.


    Any template editing guide for WordPress should still be helpful for bbPress.

    The header and footer parts are somewhat similar, just some slightly different names inside.

    You are also going to need to change that link on your WordPress side for the forums to the proper link but that might be tricky since it’s not an internal wordpress page.


    Ah. Yes, but no. Read

    bbPress is a simple forum software. Full stop. The fact that it integrates better with WP than other forums is … a bonus. In fact, none of the about pages mention wordpress except in that WP was the reason for tBB to be made.

    The reason people come to BBPress is becuase of the intergration possibilities

    Yes, most likely this is true. Heaven’s knows it was for me!

    limiting the deep integration is the most Counter-Intuitive thing against its own selling point

    Except it’s not a selling point. If it was, I’d agree with you, but it’s clearly not. Even in the documentation on how to to shallow and deep integration, it suggests not doing it because of load and overhead and other things.

    I have no need for deep integration and I never will. I use four totally separate tools for my website: MediaWiki, bbPress, WordPress and Gallery2. ONLY WP and BB are integrated and even then, it’s just users so people can comment and post. I could, if I wanted, integrate WP+BB+MW, but even then I’d just want logins.

    Why? Because while I want the site to look the same on each one, each tool I use is slightly different and needs customization. I feel that I can give my users a BETTER level of cross-tool integration if I take the time to customize each of my tools to that it is consistent with my site design AND consistent with the intended use of the tool itself. And I’m not the only person who thinks that way.

    Some people want a silver bullet, a tool that does it all. Some people want the right tool for the right job and will customize as needed. Neither is right or wrong, it’s just preference.

    By keeping bbPress NOT deep-integrated with WordPress, bbPress leaves itself open to be integrated with any other application, or not. It allows itself to be customized based on the needs of the client. And that is, in my opinion, a fantastic selling point :)


    Two huge strengths for stand-alone (simple) integration over deep integration are:

    1. your forums can be still running even if your blog is temporarily down (or visa versa)

    2. speed/performance – deep integration will crush a shared server if you get a surge in visitors


    yeahs but BBPress is for coders to hack it together and make it suitable for a WP theme… that’s what its selling point is… its not just “another forum”… otherwise people would go for Vanilla or phpBB or other light forums.

    The reason people come to BBPress is becuase of the intergration possibilities… and limiting the deep integration is the most Counter-Intuitive thing against its own selling point… utterly contradictory and frankly stupid… The majority will want deep intergration either now or later on… Regardless what type of user you are… there will be a point in that users time when he/she wants deep intergration.


    Easy. You redirect BB presses signup/login to WP and then the WP profile to BB.

    Okay, not ‘easy’ but … If you’ve integrated login, you can edit the login links on BBpress so registrations go to WP and then put a couple redirects in your htaccess in case someone gets ‘smart’. You still have people login through BB or WP, but since it’s the same server, it’s all good.


    @adeboy, thanks for the pointer to columbusunderground.

    How is it that their signup/login is for WordPress, yet the profile page is from bbpress? Any idea?


    seriously guys, deep intergration is probably the most essential feature an “intergratable forum” has to have.

    All this talk about…. well… Not everyone wants it.. is utter garbage.

    Wow. Harsh. So my not wanting it means I’m garbage or my site is garbage? Nah, I know you don’t mean I’m crap, no worries, but really think about what you just said.

    I agree that SOME people want deep/full integration. And some people don’t. Should full integration be offered? Yes, but only for people who are totally hard-core hackers. Because it’s so hard, because it’s so complicated, and because it’s something that, if done wrong, will seriously jack you up.

    Shallow integration, of users and db, is what most people need. If you can theme WP, you can theme BB. If you can make a theme in WP, you can make it work in BB too with about an hour of work and make it seem seamless.

    A pain? Yes. But IMO better than having to re-code everything.

    And I too would rather sit on a cactus than use iframes.


    My guess would be this: is to what talkpress is to bbpress

    Nes pas?

    (and I’ve been told they don’t use those questions in the SATs anymore, which makes me feel old…)


    bbPress doesn’t yet have the ease of use that WordPress has

    but it can be customized in pretty much the same way.

    The problem is bbPress is much younger than WordPress so there is virtually no documentation and it’s also evolving so any changes you make today may have to be updated somewhat in a few months.

    The best bet is to study existing plugins and themes however if you are not a coder that may be problematic.

    You got this far though, I dare say you probably have the required determination to get it done.


    Hi all,

    First off, I’d like to say wow, this stuff is awesome! Thank you for the effort that has gone into it.

    I’d also like to pat myself on the back for having done two successful install/integrations of bbp and wp by following the integration screencast. Both have worked very well — I did have to use the fix admin login plugin on one, but it has worked since. The trick for a non-coder like me is to have the screencast in a separate window and pause it at every step.

    For the site in my profile, , I’m using the tarski theme on the wordpress side, and the matching geneologies theme on the bbpress side. The two look fantastic together!

    So my question is this: what’s the most effective way for me to get the knowledge/skills I need to pimp out my bbpress site like I did with my wp site as a non-coder? I’m not lazy — it just seems like I’m missing some basic information like how to get link into the bp sidebar with a widget as in wp.

    As a bottom line, is there a suite of plug ins that gives the an approximation of the intuitive interface of the WP admin area? Or do I (gulp) need to go back to school and get a computer science degree? Somewhere in between? It seems like given the hand holding from the screencast that there must be other handholding that I’m not finding for the other basic stuff.

    So two of the basic hand holdy questions: how do I put a link from my forum back to my wp blog? And how do a put an image in the header of the forum to match that of the wp blog?

    ps — I just posted this a few minutes ago, then realized I needed to edit a typo, so I hit the edit button and when I tried to save, it saved as a blank post?


    Hi all,

    First off, I’d like to say wow, this stuff is awesome! Thank you for the effort that has gone into it.

    I’d also like to pat myself on the back for having done two successful install/integrations of bbp and wp by following the integration screencast. Both have worked very well — I did have to use the fix admin login plugin on one, but it has worked since. The trick for a non-coder like me is to have the screencast in a separate window and pause it at every step.

    For the site in my profile, , I’m using the tarski theme on the wordpress side, and the matching geneologies theme on the bbpress side. The two look fantastic together!

    So my question is this: what’s the most effective way for me to get the knowledge/skills I need to pimp out my bbpress site like I did with my wp site as a non-coder? I’m not lazy — it just seems like I’m missing some basic information like how to get link into the bp sidebar with a widget as in wp.

    As a bottom line, is there a suite of plug ins that gives the an approximation of the intuitive interface of the WP admin area? Or do I (gulp) need to go back to school and get a computer science degree? Somewhere in between? It seems like given the hand holding from the screencast that there must be other handholding that I’m not finding for the other basic stuff.

    So two of the basic hand holdy questions: how do I put a link from my forum back to my wp blog? And how do a put an image in the header of the forum to match that of the wp blog?


    People should not be registering domain names with any of the Automattic product names in them. While the programs are open source and free, the name is still trademarked by Matt. I doubt he would ever sue little websites but Matt has gently requested this before:

    Discussing/promoting the products on your site is one thing, registering domain names with the products entirely different. If you are worried about SEO or promotion you can just use the name as a subdirectory, ie. = okay = not okay

    subdomains might also be a loophole:

    And it’s perfectly valid for them to have a commerical product called “TalkPress” that uses the open source bbPress engine. Just like BuddyPress uses WordPress MU and bbPress.

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