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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #73199

    Early in the morning on a shared box may mean your provider doesn’t know what they are doing and is not running the daily backup in “nice” mode, therefore overloading the server.

    Either that or you might have a misbehaving neighbor.

    bbPress doesn’t naturally cause that kind of problem, unless you are running an older alpha which uses more queries – and some of my plugins like hidden forums had a bug in a previous version that caused extra queries – you only used 10 queries so I think you are running 0.9

    If you know what you are doing, even on a shared host you can run a simple PHP program with cron checking the load every minute – the moment it starts to spike, say over 3.0, you can have it email you “ps aux” which will show you which neighbor is misbehaving, even on a shared host.

    See this:

    bb_init = 0.178 <<<

    bbpress’s core is completely loaded at this point,

    plugins, everything the amount of time is okay and acceptable – 50 to 100 files have been loaded

    bb_index.php_pre_db = 4.966 <<<—- this is kind of a lie, it’s not pre-db, there have been some queries…

    so in 4.5 seconds or so, here’s what’s been done:

    $forums = get_forums();
    $topics = get_latest_topics();
    $super_stickies = get_sticky_topics();

    it’s actually loaded all the forums and gotten the latest topics

    It’s using about 8-9 queries so 4.5 seconds is absolutely terrible, almost impossible if the server is working correctly.

    If your page time is normally under 1 second for that part, here’s what I think is happening.

    I think your host is running a backup at that hour OR one of your neighbors on the same box is doing a remote backup to/from the server, including mysql.

    That ties up the cpu and ties up mysql because the disk is thrashing and mysql is not caching at all.

    To prove my theory, see if it happen every day at the exact hour.

    Even more suspect would be if it happens on the hour or half hour.

    By the way, why do you assume it’s “your” mysql connections that have been exhausted – it’s actually the entire server’s pool on a shared host. I suspect you have a misbehaving neighbor who is accidentally making you think it’s you that’s the problem.


    WooHoo! A plugin accomplishing that has been just released: <— in plugin repository <— author’s blog with more info on usage

    Tested it and it works well on WP 2.7.1 and bbPress 0.9.4 :)


    if you edit the php file, you can manually specify your code where you see ‘##-#######-#’


    Yah I definitely agree! You have to be pretty computer literate to use bbPress… and there isn’t great support, other than us volunteers.

    But it’s like that quote from Churchill: “Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”

    bbPress is the worst message board software ever – except for all the others I have ever tried. :-)



    Well, i recently change to bbpress (this rocks) and i’m trying to make a theme compatible with the current theme in my wordpress blog. It went pretty well, until i came across the post-form to create a new topic and i’m in blank…

    Let me explain: i’m using the theme kakumei, and instead off the hottags on the left, i’m going with a sidebar with other features (tags, the ‘fav this’ feature, link to main forum, etc…). This works well in the front-page, in the topic, profile, and other, but i’m having some problems put this working in the post-form.php !

    The way i use to style was: the sidebar in <div id=sidebar></div>, and the content (infobox, post, topic meta, etc) in <div id=”content”></div> just like the kakumei theme.

    My problem with the post-form.php is the function that is used in the to the ‘pre_post_form’ and ‘post_post_form’. Using the <div id=”content”></div> in the post-form.php the <div> actually appears in the middle of the code of the form in the post-form and the content dont stay aligned. Putting the <div> in the, just makes the <div> repeating in the others pages where the post-form is used, and the content dont stay aligned anyway.

    i’ll really appreciate if you could suggest me some ideas. tks :)

    Ben L.

    I’m making a moderation/administration log feature for the bbPress Moderation Suite and I’m wondering what actions you consider “important” enough to log.

    So far, I have plugin (de)activation and forum deletion.

    Cyndy Otty

    I suppose this is a matter of opinion, really. Granted it’s not the most user-friendly software out there and it can be much more complex to customize, but it is also a project that is in development and such things do take time to perfect.

    However for what it is – a no-frills, basic forum software – it is actually exactly that right from the start. :)


    Youre right! ;-)


    it is very difficult to use and to get support if you are not computer literate. There is no support apart from some dedicated volunteers. People would be advised to use another Forum option unless you are very technically inclined or have someone on retainer that knows how to use the software.


    I’m also looking for that feature. Is there a working plugin?

    Or maybe there could be a solution which uses some kind of feed parsing to display latest posts?

    That is what I use to display latest discussions from bbPress into WordPress – just use the built-in RSS-parser. Is there something like that in bbPress?


    Topic: bbsync

    in forum Plugins

    this is a neat plugin, but is it possible to go backwards?

    Is it possible to import new threads from bbpress as posts in the wordpress blog? Not all of them, but ones labelled/tagged/etc in a specific way?


    I haven’t done any kind of integration. I just have the two things installed in the same home directory and then tried to make this plugin work. My wordpress is using a theme as I set it up before the bbpress but I did not do anything with bbpress, it is a clean install.

    The site is temporarily at


    (though I am playing a lot with it so it may or may not be up if you try)

    I’m wondering if maybe I got some of the keys wrong, would that do it?

    In the documentation it says to use the “secret key” from the wp-config file but there is no secret key so I guessed which one sounded the most like it could be a secret key. The keys are:





    I have seen other forums that integrate with wordpress but to be honest I like the simplicity of this one, the others have way too much shit in them so I hope I can figure out how to get this working! :)


    In reply to: En español


    Hola a todos!

    Me he tomado la libertad de modificar y terminar la traducción de la versión 0.8 que cogí del directorio Subversion. Los archivos se pueden descargar de:

    Si alguien sabe cómo subirlos al Subversion que me lo diga.

    Un saludo!


    Hmm, those are the versions that I think these plugins were designed for.

    Is it possible you’re using seamless integration? Other users have reported similar problems between Freshly Baked Cookies and seamless integration:




    sorry I should have mentioned that. I am using WordPress 2.7.1 and bbpress

    These were both downloaded and installed yesterday.


    I am not able to post a youtube video with this program and I am the admin.

    I have latest stable version of bbpress



    So I’ve successfully integrated WordPress and bbPress, and have been messing around with it! It’s great, but I’ve been receiving this error every time I delete a topic. (The topic still gets deleted, it’s just. . . I have to hit “back” in my browser, but having an error at all still bugs me.)

    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘WHERE status=0 AND user_id>0 AND size>0 AND post_id IN (SELECT post_id FROM bb_p’ at line 1]

    SELECT count(*) as count FROM WHERE status=0 AND user_id>0 AND size>0 AND post_id IN (SELECT post_id FROM bb_posts WHERE post_status=0 AND topic_id=25)

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /my/absolute/path/forum/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /my/absolute/path/forum/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 232

    Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


    In reply to: Installation Error


    It sounds like your server is using PHP4?

    If you upgrade to PHP5, it should work! :-)


    I downloaded the latest release of bbPress. I uploaded all the files/folders to my site. I even deleted them and uploaded them again to see if it fixed it. I get to the install screen and when I click “let’s get started” I get the following error about 200 times.

    Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /home/content/t/b/i/tbiznet1/html/bbpress/bb-includes/wp-functions.php on line 113


    What versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?


    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_validate_auth_cookie() (previously declared in /home/alwaysbe/public_html/thefashionstudent/wp-includes/pluggable.php:497) in /home/alwaysbe/public_html/thefashionstudent/wp-content/plugins/freshly-baked-cookies.php on line 52

    what could be causing this? I am able to log into wp and bbpress with the same username/password but I would really like to be able to only have to log in and log out one time.

    I tried using the other plugin (Ann’s plugin) but when I activated it I could no longer access the website and got a fatal loop error page until I deleted the plugin file.


    It seems that bbPress didn’t have the sidebar & widget system.



    Install bb-benchmark but that won’t show why the sheer connection number has increased.

    bbPress only uses one connection per page load, but the number of queries can vary.


    3. Is it possible to use WordPress blog’s header on bbPress (Replacing forum header with blog’s header) without integration?

    Yes, it is possible. I did it for my own website, and i dont experience any kind of performance problems (yet).

    4. Page Views is not appearing in the forum menu. How to fix that?

    There’s a plugin for that …

    And for the rest i must say. Use the search button more often, there’s a whole world of answers on youre questions, just throwup a searchphrase, and you will be amazed what you could find ;-)

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