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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #73438

    Yay, it works!

    Thanks so much!!



    Ok, that sounds a bit scary so I’m just going to double check with you… (Love the Llama, I thought it was a chicken at first)

    So the folder in cpanel that’s called bbpress, I change the name of it to forums? Have I got that right?

    Ben L.

    First, go into settings and change the url. Then, the folder bbpress to forums.



    I’ve installed bbpress, and my forum is now called

    How can I make it so that it’s called or something similar?

    Does anyone know?


    In reply to: Username Issue


    The latter yes. instead of braddock16 it shows braddock16@email.whatever.

    I viewed user profiles in bbpress and the usernames are also the emails.

    I have no idea why or what to do to fix it?


    I read nearly 4 months ago from Sam himself that ALPHA #7 was “weeks away” from being release.

    Curious to know what the current status is on ALPHA #7.

    And yes, I have already read up on:

    So please don’t post that as a reply.


    Sure, that’s real easy. The hard part will be figuring out what UPDATE statements to write, and then writing and running them.

    You should probably take your sites offline while you run this maintenance…


    Thanks bobbyh. This is very helpful.

    user_id and username conflicts should be managable since the number of WP users is very small.

    On schema, it looks like I need to add the user_activation_key field.

    > That extra index on user_nicename is the least of your problems. :-)

    So I would just add it using phpMyAdmin?


    In reply to: Theme Hybrid forum


    Hey Greenshady, I thoroughly enjoy your site! Your bbpress is by far the best that i’ve seen.


    In reply to: makeover


    Using it now. Thanks a lot for doing it. I might even play with it a bit further.

    Ben L.

    Compare what you’re seeing now to

    If you like my version, you can use to transform completely!


    Hello Everyone,

    So let me start with I am on day 3 trying to get this working right. I have tried 5 different methods to getting the forums to workd with my WordPress MU install but I just cant get it working. Please Help.

    Everything is fresh and current.

    Latest Attempt:

    Following this guide.

    At the end of bbpress install I got this error. Check Code below.

    I also cant do step 6 because buddypress-enable.php is not there. What should I do?

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Modifying database: 40knetwork (

    >>>>>> Table: bb_forums

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_meta

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_posts

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_terms

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_relationships

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_taxonomy

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_topics

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> Fetching missing WordPress cookie salts.

    >>>>>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt not set.

    >>>>>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt not set.

    >>>>>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt not set.

    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: Warhammer Social Network

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master role assigned to existing user

    >>>>>> Username: admin

    >>>>>> Email address:

    >>>>>> Password: Your existing password

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum name: Warhammer Social Network

    >>>>>> Topic: Your first topic

    >>>>>>>>> Post: First Post! w00t.

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!


    Ah are you using an older version or theme? There have been some reports of the 39 year issue here:

    Ben L.

    This seems like a job for the view functions. is a good example, although I have no idea how to make it happen.


    This sounds reasonable but painful. :-)

    Some tips:

    * Only upgrade bbPress to 0.9

    * Upgrading to WordPress 2.7.1 almost made this impossible, but ck and superanne saved your bacon with plugins for WP 2.7 <=> bbPress 0.9 cookie compatibility. :-)

    * Don’t forget to assign your WP users privileges (e.g. Keymaster) by adding a row to the usermeta table

    * How are you going to handle user_id conflicts between bbPress and WordPress? For instance, if the WordPress “asdf” user/author has a user_id of 17, and there’s also a user on bbPress with a user_id of 17, you’ll have to do a bunch of UPDATE queries to wp_posts (post_author field) and wp_comments (comment_author and user_id), because when you create a new author with a user_id of 1000, it won’t match up with the post_author_field (etc.) which will have the old 17 number in it.

    * Also what about username conflicts, e.g. two users named “asdf”, etc.? That might result in more UPDATE queries… You’ll have to rename the WordPress user, probably.

    * The benefit to integrating the databases completely is you don’t have to make two connections to two databases. I’d go for it.

    * That extra index on user_nicename is the least of your problems. :-)

    * Are you sure that bb_users and wp_users has the exact same database schema? Confirm this! :-) Also, make sure to add any “missing indexes” that are currently in wp_users to “the new wp_users”.

    Good luck!


    We have a 3+ year old WP install (2.7.1, 100s of posts) and a bbPress install (0.8.3, 1000s of users). Currently the integration is only skin deep. Separate databases, no user integration. We are thinking of taking the plunge and deepening the integration. I think I have read all the relevant threads here (some of them more than once), but given that some of the advice has dated and that the “reverse integration” option isn’t covered in a lot of depth, I need to ask a few questions.

    First, I saw chrishajer ask why one would integrate. In our case there are two reasons:

    1. So that forum member identity carries over to commentor identity on the blog

    2. Because we want to do some customization of the profile information and there are a lot of WP plugins that can get us started on this

    Second, the approach I have in mind:

    1. Upgrade BBPress to 1.0 (for simplicity sake let’s pretend it is out of Alpha)

    2. Export the “bb_user” and “bb_usermeta” tables from the BBPress database (using phpMyAdmin)

    3. Import these tables into the WP database and rename them to “wp_users” and “wp_usermeta”

    4. Recreate the WP users I lost in the process (only a few of these)

    5. Point BBPress to the WP database for the user tables in the BBPress admin settings page

    6. Take care of all the cookie settings stuff (won’t focus on this one for now)

    My questions for now:

    1. Does this sound reasonable, or am I missing something important?

    2. I know my steps oversimplify the process – where is it going to get tricky?

    3. Is there some benefit to integrating the databases completely, or is the user-only integration ok?

    4. How do I handle the fact that “wp_users” has an extra index on “user_nicename”?

    5. Will this complicate future upgrades of WP and BBPress?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Ben L.

    Can you put the HTML source code of a page where the css and jquery are missing from <head> to </head> in ?


    In reply to: Problem with Smileys

    Ben L.

    In reply to: Menu Links

    You can both delete posts and move topics (but not individual posts within a topic) with bbPress.

    A lot of bbPress’s functions come in the form of Plugins, so it’s easier for people to pick and chose what they want in their forum.


    No wordpress, bbPress

    Im using Instant Password now, I prefer mailing.. still open for solutions.

    (sry for bad english)



    .9.0.4 works fine with php4, unless you are having that mcbs problem (which is fixed in the next upcoming version, or you could get the 0.9 branch from TRAC)


    Topic: Menu Links

    in forum Troubleshooting

    OK, call me stupid but I have been searching the site and can’t find an answer.

    Is there a way to add menu links to BBPress? I would love a link that would at least go back to the main site.

    I found a plugin but when I go to download it says link broken.


    What version bbPress? Are you integrated? If so, what version of WordPress?

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