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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #73476

    RE: generating the .htaccess automatically


    I’ve setup the role map, and WP integration ages ago, but newly registered users get “inactive” role by default… ? (WP2.7.1&bbP1a6)


    FYI, the .htaccess file is never included in the distro. Nor are your my-* folders. It’s SOP to copy those, and your config file, over in WP and BB. Probably considered ‘understood’ for anyone using the RC.

    I can’t paginate through my users on the admin side. The links give me the URL of:


    HOWEVER if I manually put in this, it works:


    Still can’t paginate from that page, though. Then ALL the links become the userspage=2 (yes, the 2, if I change it to 3, the links are 3, etc etc). I reset my .htaccess (just in case) but no help there.

    Logged in #1076


    So I just noticed that the Admin panel uses a different stylesheet than the general form style sheet.

    As such, I want to report how the Admin CSS is out of alignment for management links.

    Screenshot of Admin links out of alignement


    After I created the missing .htaccess file and now using the RC-1 now for about an hour, it works greats.

    No problems at all.

    Only comments I have, other than say WAHOOOOOOOO :) is:

    1. It’s feels a bit slower than ALPHA 6 but that could just be my imagination. (Hope someone ports WP SuperCache soon for caching non-logged in content … that will make a huge difference simply by having a cached front-page and user topics/posts).

    2. The admin panel interface links seems a little out of alignment for Managing User & Topics but then again – I’ve modified the style.css so much – that could just be a result of that.

    3. Wish the user Admin Panel had the same clean interface that the Upgrade database schema interface has. But I assume that will all come later, after 1.0.


    I got URLs to work by creating a .htaccess file in my root bbPress directory with the following:


    Options +MultiViews

    Works now, though it appears the file is missing this file.


    It’s doesn’t appear the .htaccess file was included because none of my URLs are working for forum posts, etc..

    Previosuly, I was running ALPHA 6.

    To upgrade, what I did was:

    1. Copied my theme directory from /old/bb-templates/mytheme ==> /rc-1/bb-templates/mytheme

    2. Copied my bb-config.php from /old/bb-config.php ==> /rc-1/bb-config.php

    3. Logged into Admin panel, ran the database update. It was successful.




    Cool. Upgrade went easy. Shared login with WP 2.7.1 works. Now to test…


    This is great news Sam. Can’t wait to try this out.

    Sam Bauers

    Hi everyone, bbPress 1.0 is moving beyond Alpha stage and skipping Beta to go straight into a series of Release Candidates towards a final 1.0 release. The first RC is now available for download.

    We’ve made this decision to push towards 1.0 final as the scope of what was going to be included in 1.0 has been whittled back and we have had some serious real world trials through TalkPress.

    Please note that if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress version 2.7.x or lower, you will need to add this line to your bb-config.php to maintain cookie compatibility:

    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);

    When you upgrade WordPress to 2.8 that line will have to be removed.



    I’m using WP2.7.1 & bbPress 1alpha6 currently. I’ve noticed recently that the img tag acting abnormally. I know the Allow Images is only compatible up to 0.73, but shouldn’t there be a solution …

    When a user inserts an [img]url[/img], it’s only shown to that user. And after I edit the post as admin and re-paste the image URL and save, the image appears OK.

    Has anyone stumbled upon this problem ?


    What version bbPress are you talking about, and will it be integrated with WordPress?

    Spaces are no problem already.


    With WordPress there is a handy way to override the url Options set in the DB like so:

    define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘http://localhost’ );

    define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘http://localhost’);

    This is really useful for local development. Anyone know the equivalent in BBPress?


    I had a functioning bbPress install for a couple of weeks now. However, the secret key was not entered into the bbPress integration settings. I entered the secret key into the WP integration settings inside bbPress. After saving, none of my usernames will log me in. I receive “This username does not exist.” Tried searching, but nothing seems appropriate.

    I have a 2.7.1 WP with 0.9bbPress


    In reply to: Username Issue


    I don’t know what is going on but my replies are being deleted every time. Please mods, stop it…i’m trying to find a answer to my problem.

    Johnhiler, I deactivated all the plugins but the problem persists.

    How can I reset the installation? I mean, the wordpress and bbpress tables are now one aren’t they? I think that’s how I installed it in the first place. How can I start over from scratch with the forum installation?




    The newest 0.9 branch should have it fixed. Since 1.0 already has this fixed I assume you are using 0.9

    So try upgrading to this version of 0.9


    I’m attempting to install bbPress on a completely fresh site, latest WPmu and bbPress and have php5 and I’m getting the same message.

    please help!





    I’m trying to set up a BuddyPress site.

    The instructions for integrating bbPress state:

    5. Head to the Admin area (/bb-admin) and then the settings menu. Check the “Enable XML-RPC” option.

    Also check the “Enable Pingbacks” option just below.

    There is no XML-RPC option on the settings page. Did I miss something during the installation?


    Yes they are done calling them alphas

    though I definitely disagree with skipping of the beta label.

    It won’t be a few weeks, more like a few days I think, unless I misunderstood.



    Thanks _ck_ for the info.

    Just to make sure I understand correctly … ALPHA #7 will be bbPress 1.0 rc1, right.

    I’m eagerly awaiting the announcement. Hope to hear it in the next few weeks :)


    bbPress 1.0 rc1 will be announced shortly,

    aka 1.0 alpha 7, Sam has decided to jump the beta test phase.

    I don’t want people to use 1.0 on live sites because you can never go back to 0.9 once you upgrade. There is always an upgrade path, there is no downgrade. It is very tedious for plugin developers to keep up with radical changes in the alpha development, bbPress 1.0 is a different creature internally than 0.9

    You can read more about my reasons here.



    No, I don’t use any plugins.

    Also, you said:

    >> “Now that there are options to use bbPress 0.9 with WP 2.7 there’s no excuse to use the alphas. “

    That seems to imply that you do NOT want people to start using the ALPHA. Why?

    Shouldn’t bbPress be pushing developers to start using the ALPHA in non-production settings to hunt down bugs.

Viewing 25 results - 51,626 through 51,650 (of 64,087 total)
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