Basic integration screencast
I’ve created a screencast which covers how to setup the most basic form of integration with WordPress.
bbPress and WordPress basic integration
- Shared cookies (single sign-on)
- Shared user tables in a shared database
- bbPress installed in a sub-directory of WordPress
i’m integrated the rc-1 of bbpress and wp 2.7.1 (not mu) but when i login in wp i’m logout to bbpress and if i login to bbpress i’m logout to wp.
i’ve checked all the key and are the same, i’ve installed the plugin… so i’ve followed step-by-step the screencast…
please can anyone help me? thanks!
Hey i got this working, the only problem is, when i log into WP or BBpress, it logs the other out. Its not a big deal but i was just curious if theres a way to fix this.
I get all the way to the end of the installation in step 3 at and there is no user present in the Key Master box. However, I have a user…me! I tried to enter the user info manually and got this error:
Database installation failed!!!
Referrer is OK, beginning installation…
>>> Setting up custom user table constants
>>>>>> Removed user tables from schema
Step 1 – Creating database tables
>>> Database installation failed!!!
>>>>>> Halting installation!
If I leave it blank it won’t go any further. What is wrong? Why can I not get this installed? I meticulously followed the videos directions. Thanks for any help you can give
Grrr I tried the Download 1.0 version and that didn’t work either. This time no user info appeared, it took my info, acted as if it was working, generated an email with no password but nothing really happened. Here is the error this time:
Forum could not be created!
Referrer is OK, beginning installation…
>>> Setting up custom user table constants
Step 1 – Creating database tables
>>> Database is already installed!!!
Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)
>>> WordPress address (URL):
>>> Blog address (URL):
>>> WordPress cookie keys set.
>>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt set from input.
>>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt set from input.
>>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt set from input.
>>> User database table prefix: wp_
>>> WordPress MU primary blog ID: 1
Step 3 – Site settings
>>> Site name: Quilting with Moxie Guild
>>> Site address (URL):
>>> From email address: –snip–
>>> Key master created
>>>>>> Username: admin
>>>>>> Email address: –snip–
>>>>>> Password:
>>> Description: Just another bbPress community
>>> Forum could not be created!
>>> Key master email sent
There were some errors encountered during installation!
What now?
I wrote up a quick outline of the screencast that may be helpful:
I found that I would forget some of the non-intuitive steps but not want to re-watch the whole screencast.
That was a great tutorial my friend, it seemed simple but I haven’t done it yet and before I do I have few questions.
Will WordPress 2.8 work with bbpress or do I have to do WordPress 2.8 with bbpress 1.0-rc-3?
Thank you in advance.
There’s no existing way that I’m aware of to integrate 2.8 with bbPress 0.9. The two plugins which allow that sort of cookie integration were broken when WordPress changed their cookie method in 2.8…
Alright, so basically I have to get WordPress 2.7 and unstable version of bbpress. Alright no problem I guess, Blogs are simple and these forums are simple and thats just the way I like it.
I use bbPress 1.0-rc-3 and WP 2.8. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not. Here is what’s going on…
I installed bbpress this afternoon and things went fairly well. I followed Sam’s screencast on intergrating bbpress with my WP site. (which is superb!) After following the instructions exactly, I could not get to my WP dashboard. (Though I could login) I deleted the “bbpress Integration” plugin and removed the lines it had me put in wp-config.php. I could then get to my dashboard, and logging into my site or forum logged me into the other. (logging out worked too)
I added a “Forum” page to my site that when clicked redirects the user to my forum. I discovered recently that when I log into my website and click the “Forum” link to administer my forum… I am logged in as I should be, but I cannot access my bbpress Admin page. (I can access the bbpress Admin page when I log directly into the forum as well as when I log into my site and type the forum URL into the address bar. Just not by clicking the link on my site.)
Do you think it because I am not using the “bbpress Integration” plugin or is there a different problem with my installation?
My site is at
Yeah, I think I’ll just get WordPress 2.7 and Unstable version of BBpress so I don’t have to deal with crap. Not like 2.8 has anything major to offer anyway.
Sam, I have WP 2.6.2, I followed all your steps and I have an integrated beauty now… Thank you so much! I acknowledge you for the complete work you did. If you want to see the labor of following your steps go to
I integrated 2.8 & 1.0.1 and it seems to be working beautifully.
I created a walk through for myself (based off of the screencast), you can see it here. I thought I would post it here for anybody else that might want a set of typed instructions. Maybe this topic should be sticky or put a similar set of instructions on the documentation page?
1. Install WP 2.8 on domain, in this case (I’m going to skip the WP install. I know how to do this.)
* database: exampledb
2. Open wp-config.php in a text editor.
3. Go to and copy the provided keys (the entire text).
4. Paste the copied keys into wp-config.php above the text “/* Stop editing */.”
5. Save wp-config.php to web host.
6. Install bbPress files into a subdirectory. In this case (I’m going to skip the bbPress install. I know how to do this.)
7. Fill in step 1 of bbPress setup.
* database: exampledb (use same database as WP install.)
8. Step 2 of the bbPress install.
9. Check “Add integration settings.”
10. Check “Add cookie integration settings.”
11. Open wp-config.php again and copy and paste “AUTH_KEY” , “SECURE_AUTH_KEY” and “LOGGED_IN_KEY” (just the long string of letter, numbers and symbols in between the quotes) into the appropriate fields in the bbPress Step 2 page.
12. Go to (there should be a link in the ? section of the salt fields)
13. Find the appropriate salts and copy and paste them into the appropriate fields in the bbPress Step 2 page.
* If there is no secure_auth_salt leave it blank.
14. Check “Add user database integration settings.”
15. Look in wp-config.php again and copy the “table_prefix” into the appropriate field on the integration page. (in my case it was not just wp_ , it was wp_xxxxxx_ (the x being other numbers and letters.).)
16. Click the save button and you should see “Your WordPress integration cookie and database settings have been successfully validated. etc…”
17. Click the Step 3 button.
18. Fill in the Site name: Example Forum.
19. Check the URL (should be
20. Select a Key Master (if integration was successful the WP admin should show up here and can be selected).
21. Fill “First forum name” (First Forum).
22. Click “Save.”
23. Click “Complete Installation.”
24. Go to the brand new forum.
25. I was already logged in to WP so when I went to bbPress, again I was already logged in.
26. Click on “Admin”
* It shouldn’t work.
27. Click “Log Out.”
28. Log back in to bbPress as the admin.
29. Click on “Admin.”
30. You should be able to enter the Admin page of bbPress now.
31. Go to “Settings” / “WordPress Integration.”
32. Setup the “User Role Map”.
* WP Admin: Keymaster
* WP Editor: Moderator
* Everybody else is a member.
33. Click Save.
34. Go to the WP install (
35. Install bbPress Integration (WP Plugin): 1.0
36. Activate the integration plugin.
37. Go to “Settings” / “bbPress Integration.”
38. Check the “bbPress URL.”
39. Leave “plugins URL” alone.
40. Check WordPress type.
41. Click Save.
42. Scroll down to “Manual Cookie Settings” and copy the code in the grey box.
43. Open wp-config.php and paste the copied code above the text “/* Stop editing */.”
44. Save wp-config.php to the web host.
45. Voila everything should be set up!
46. log in and log out of WP and bbPress and move back and forth between the two to make sure that the integration is working.
I have buddypress install with bbforum integration working as far as it shares users etc and if you login you are logged in to both sites.
However, I can’t log out of the other if i logged in with
For example if i log in using WordPress and go to my forums I am logged in but can not log out from that location, i have to go back to wordpress to logout.
The same if I login through forum I can go to wordpress and I am logged in but I can not log out, I have to go back to forum to logout.
Clicking logout button does nothing in either scenerio.
A while back, I added bbPress to my website. I used the bbPress Integration plugin and followed the screencast instructions, but it never quite worked right. Since then, I’ve seen too little need for integration, and I’d like to just get rid of it — keeping the bbPress installation, but getting rid of integration.
I can’t find good instructions on how to do this. Further, I can’t even properly get into my bbPress admin area. I log in, but I just get the regular bbPress screen, and when I click Admin, it just redirects me right back to the regular screen. And I do believe this is the result of things going wrong with cookies because of the integration plugin.
Help! Thanks
Just flush your cookies
Ah, well, that did help me at least get into my admin area, thanks. Now what else needs to happen, other than deactivation the integration plugin? There have to be some settings in WP and/or bbPress that need to be set back to something, no?
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