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  • #73684

    In reply to: Install loop error


    Found a hack around this problem in another thread!

    Forum could not be created!

    Just create an entry in your bb_forums table and it will fix it.


    We are considering extending our wordpress site with forum capbilities. The question is whether is possible or not to integrate mailman and bbpress. Any experience?

    Thanks in advance.


    In reply to: bbPress Polls


    I couldn’t see what you meant while using Firefox… but I switched to Safari for the Mac, and see blue boxes with question marks!

    I think Safari shows that blue box with the question box when it can’t load an image. I found a discussion forum that talked about it here – there are some links to screenshots showing the issue:

    I right-clicked on the blue box and asked to view the icon… and it showed me this image url:

    Is it possible there’s a missing file? My version of bbPress polls displays an icon with a similar url when there’s a poll:

    My guess is that if you move your icon.png file to under /bb-plugins/, the image will show up and your blue boxes will disappear?


    Just wondering if someone can build a plugin to support wow itemlinks on bbPress.

    See wowhead for what’s needed.

    Part of it would require the addition of a bbCode [item] [/item] for this purpose as well.


    In reply to: bbPress Polls


    I can’t see it on there. At least no question mark.

    I’m using FireFox if that changes anything.


    In reply to: bbPress Polls


    I suppose a link might have helped :-)

    The top post shows the box


    In reply to: bbPress Polls


    Do you have a SS or link to what you are referring to?

    I can’t see what you’re talking about and just added polls to mine.


    I’m so happy for you all with working integration. I couldn’t get my log-in/logout integrated. In other words, I log in to one, then must log in to the other.

    Thinking it was something in my theme, I started completely fresh after trying everything to get my existing WP site 100%.

    Today, clean server – root installation – new WP, new bbpress, followed video! edited, checked, double checked and still … utter frustration.

    log in to one, logs you out of the other and vice versus. All the cookies show and disappear. looks just like the video.

    I will try for a few more hours some day, then I quit. Good Luck to all.


    Topic: bbPress Polls

    in forum Plugins

    Anytime a user posts a poll there’s a box with a question mark next to it. Same box for when you try to add a poll.

    Is this normal or is there a better graphic I can insert for the poll? The blue box looks like an error.

    Functionally the plugin works fine.



    There was a similar report here and we weren’t able to figure it out:

    We did narrow it down to most probably an htaccess issue. In the end, the user just hardcoded the Add New link… which actually worked pretty well.


    I am trying to integrate WPMU 2.71, BuddyPress 1.0, and bbpress bbPress 1.0-rc-1.

    WPMU and BuddyPress work fine.

    BBPress is a nightmare.

    It never finishes the installation although it says:

    Your installation completed with some minor errors. See the error log below for more specific information.

    Key master could not be created!

    Forum could not be created!

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Database is already installed!!!

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> WordPress address (URL):

    >>> Blog address (URL):

    >>> WordPress cookie keys set.

    >>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    >>> WordPress MU primary blog ID: 1

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: Lilien Brown Forums

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master could not be created!

    >>>>>> That login is already taken!

    >>>>>> Existing key master entered!

    >>>>>> Re-setting admin email address.

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum could not be created!

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

    When I try log in it takes me back to the install page.

    Can someone advise how to get out of this loop?

    If not how to delete BBpress?


    To make the forum look like your WordPress theme, you need to create a custom theme for bbPress to match WordPress. Browse the integration tag here and you will see this is one of two things that people mean by integration:

    1. user login integration between WordPress and bbPress

    2. make bbPress theme look like WordPress theme


    Dawormie thanks for the reply, the bbPress Address in admin is correct (bbPress address (URL))

    Any other ideas? I have tried this on 2 different installs & have the same issue on both.


    1. Create a directory on your server called my-plugins – create it on the same level as bb-plugins and bb-templates.

    2. Put the unzipped plugin files into that directory.

    3. Access the bbPress admin and activate the plugin.


    Only thing I can think of is…

    In your admin settings what is the URL for the bbPress Adress?


    I did! I tend to do that. Have a problem, post for help, find a solution! (I find the solution SOONER if I post about a problem first….)


    Sadly, I think I was ignored over on WP forum site (perhaps I’m marked as a spammer there too?) :-(

    I ended up using the “Page Links To” plug-in within wordpress to make the forum ‘page’ actually take people to the bbpress installation.

    It looks naff right now since bbpress theme doesn’t match up with WP theme. I have yet to figure out how you get bbpress to appear in a frame below your site’s menu bar. I guess both themes need to match up?

    Thanks again for your help.



    General Settings >Pretty permalink type>

    Look at “If you activate “Numeric” or “Name based” permalinks, you will need to create a file at /PATH/TO/BBPRESS/.htaccess containing the url rewriting rules provided here”. The provided here is a clickable link that will get you the needed code that you will then paste into a .htaccess file that you create at the root of your bbpress directory.

    Edit: Noticed that you got it. :)


    Hi Sam,

    Unfortunately i might not be able to get into the box as an admin. Can I override that via htaccess until the next rev of bbPress?


    Page re-instated with a brief history section added.

    If anyone has any more relevant information to add to the article, feel free, but please try and make sure that it does have a reliable source, preferably from somewhere on the Internet OTHER than this site.


    I’ve set up a couple of forums recently, and one had ‘someone’ register, the website given (sounding like a university) turned out to be some online casino. I rejected it, then enabled Akismet, and also the Human plugin which asks for the answer to a simple math question. I’ve also trawled these forums for posts about spam, but am not sure I’m best protected yet.

    My question: What are the best methods to us with bbPress without overloading it or the server?

    In case of replies like “read the forums”, I have, and there are plenty of posts on this. What I’d like to know is what tools those ‘in the know’ have found to work effectively. (There doesn’t seem to be a definitive answer anywhere). Thanks.


    In reply to: cannot access install


    Hi Can someone please tell me what I did wrong or what I can do to get bbpress installed. I cannot access the install page…

    The procedure here is very clear

    But I don’t even get to the installer.

    This is my second install and the first worked fine.



    im glad my userbase does share


    i dont use buddypress and/or WPMU

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