this is very good, my only problem with integration is shown the buddybar on forums page… i’m waiting the start of this project, thanks for the news chris!
This isn’t that difficult, and there are many sites that have been doing this for months now, including my own if you excuse my defense. 
Glad to see someone is taking charge of this however. Best of luck to those guys.
Has anyone, including yourself, posted the procedure or a how to on how this was accomplished? I would say a good 50% of the currentl questions in the forum are related to integration of [WP|WPMU]/bbPress and possibly BuddyPress. If it wasn’t that difficult, there wouldn’t be so many questions. Please point me and everyone else to a definitive guide on how to pull it off, and we can resolve all these troubling integration issues.
Thank you.
I’d like to see a howto for this, if it exists. I haven’t seen one yet and I continue to see questions here about WPMU integration with bbPress. Thanks.
Once bbPress goes 1.0, I’ve got a write-up in the queue that will go on and I’ll give to Sam also to put here. I’m going to do a walk-through and probably put it on also. Trent and I had talked about joining our efforts together a few weeks back, but I think we’re both waiting for bbPress1.0 to drop.
The only reason I haven’t put anything official out there yet is the process has changed 3 times in the past 3 months and I’d prefer not to add any more info to the mix that will potentially be out-dated before it’s even cited as a valuable reference.
Half the reason there are the questions there are, is because there are 10 different ways to do it, and none of them are correct for every installation/version of each application.
I’ll try to talk to Sam tomorrow on IRC and see if there are any cookie/login/session changes due for bbPress before 1.0, and if not I’ll set something up ASAP.
No changes are coming that would affect the guide and walkthrough you mention.
That’s great news. Let’s get that bad boy pumped out in that case!
What are the updates to make it all work in 2.9.1 and above?