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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #74255
    Sam Bauers

    We have bbPress physically located a subdirectory within (WPMU), you can call that “bbpress”. We do it this way because we point * to the same host (well not exactly, but for the point of the example let’s say we do). Anyway, because on all blogs are given a subdomain, we need to intercept the forum subdomains and push them to the bbPress code before WPMU executes. That’s what this .htaccess code does.

    You could do it without fewer rewrite rules if you didn’t use pretty permalinks.

    Sam Bauers

    I tend to use these terms and they are all potentially mutually exclusive, no one type of integration absolutely depends on the other although the first one generally requires the second one to work (99.9% of the time).

    • Cookie integration – Sharing of login cookies with WordPress
    • User database integration – Sharing of user data tables with WordPress
    • Deep integration – Including the WordPress codebase (PHP) inside bbPress to allow use of WordPress functions inside bbPress


    Topic: Fatal error

    in forum Installation

    Help! I’m using bbPress 1.0 rc-2. I’ve completed the installation process. But after I’ve tried the first log in to changed my password I could not go back to dashboard. It has an error message like this.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bb_is_search() in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/bb-includes/ on line 70

    I’ve just downloaded bbpress 1.0 rc-2 today.


    Was curious what the message said, so plugged it into Google Translate:

    Title: Download bbPress 1RC2 Translation Castilian / Spanish

    Now you can download the translation of bbPress to castallano Spanish version of the new 1RC2.

    Found in the downloads section

    Alongside this, you will find translations of BuddyPress 1.0.1 and WPMU 2.7.1

    Jose Conti

    Ya puedes descargarte la traducción de bbPress al castallano Español de la nueva version 1RC2.

    La encontrarás en la sección descargas de

    Junto a esta, encontraras las traducciones de WPMU 2.7.1 y BuddyPress 1.0.1


    Thanks Sam. I’ve yet to try this, but I will tomorrow and will let you know how it works. I suspect probably better than I could ever do on my own. :)

    My guess, is this works if bbPress is installed in a directory off the WordPress root called “/bbpress/” ?

    Does this mean that some/all of the code above goes into the WordPress .htaccess file to prevent it from taking over, or does it go in the bbPress .htaccess file?


    I managed to get BBPress installed and running at the address that I wanted it to be:

    All is fine. But I created a page on my blog named Forum that I want to foward to but instead its leads to this which is BBPress but shows and page does not exists. Can someone please lead me in the right direction as to what I should do? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


    __CK__ is the one and only:

    plugin for this here :


    I have a number of issues and questions. I’m new to bbpress and also trying to do an integration with 2.8, so I’m not sure what is a bug or what just may not work at all. I did the integration with WP and it allows me into the pages to post and into the admin. However it won’t let me post or change anything. No matter what I do, I get a box with a message “Your attempt to do this has failed”. Its not very useful it telling me why. It happily sends me back to the admin area, so it doesn’t seem to be the login. Is there some variable to debug permissions, as that seems to be a continuing issue with integration.

    One question I have is how do I determine what version I have? I don’t see a version file.

    I also don’t see a way of setting permissions for users or forums

    Also, email isn’t working for registration. We run Postfix, could there be a problem? Is there a setting?

    Markus Pezold

    Hi again,

    the code doesn’t work 100% in my installation.

    After the Login in WordPress – my testuser is shown as “logged”, but I can’t go to the Administration. :( The System doesn’t redirect me. At the same time my testuser ist shown as “logged in” in bbPress and there I can go to the admin.

    When I test the login from bbPress first nothing seems to happen. I’m not logged in in both bbPress and WordPress.

    hmpf … So … I’m going to test tomorrow again.

    Sam Bauers

    The tag issue is fixed.

    This list contains all the outstanding reported issues which I am aiming to fix before the 1.0 release. At the moment there are only two things there. If you know of an issue that isn’t there, then please add it immediately.

    Other remaining tasks before 1.0 is released all have to do with finishing the admin screens. This will be heavily based on WordPress.

    We also have Ben Dunkle – the guy who created the WordPress admin icons – working on some missing icons (forums, topics, posts).


    I’ve downloaded a plugin and now testing it ..


    Ok, I fixed it.. Kinda.. It’s a nasty fix, but it _does_ work (I’m using it on now).

    A quick cliffnotes version:

    Took 2 main changes.. a) I had to update the validate_auth function in the _freshly_Baked_cookies plugin to make it work with the new password-including authentication. b) I had to modify the bb-include/pluggable.php to use the new algorithms for salting & auth (wp_salt and wp_auth). The ones that ship with bbpress don’t pass a Schema around, and apparently it’s important now.

    If you want the two files, you can download them from . i really hope _ck_ can take a look at this and see if it can all be encapsulated within the fbc plugin.. As it is now, soon as I upgrade bbpress I’ll lose it again.


    Hi, i’m looking for a plugin, that can integrate comments on my wordpress width post in my bbpress. First what I need. When I add a new article ( post ) on my blog, I would like that plugin will automate create a topic on the same title on the bbpress forum. I seen something like that before, but I can’t find that …

    It will be nice, if that plugin will also create post on that topic, if someone add a comment to the article on a wordpress blog, maybe it can work in other way too, when someone add post to topic on forum , a plugin will automatically add comment to blog.

    Thanks for all help.


    Sweet, glad it’s working now! :-)


    Yay – genius! Many thanks. Hope the topic is of use to another as well.


    Your database is still storing variables pointing to… so your header area is still pointing to talkspirit URL’s.

    Check out this call to your css file:

    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”; type=”text/css” />

    Here’s the code that generates that (in my header.php at least):

    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bb_stylesheet_uri(); ?>” type=”text/css” />

    You should be able to fix this using phpmyadmin. Try running this query to find the row you need to change:

    SELECT * FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE meta_key=’uri’

    Then edit the row so that the meta_value for that row is the url for your new site…


    No worries. It was but I didn’t like it much, so it’s now

    I’ve checked the sub-domain, which is pointing to talkzen, and the old talkspirit one is deleted via cPanel. That was all done perhaps 4 or 5 hours ago, so shouldn’t be a server filter-through issue.

    Thanks for taking the time.


    What is your bbPress Address set to now?

    And do you mind posting a link to your forum, to help with troubleshooting?


    Just tried that, but it jumps to and shows a cPanel page with;

    Great Success !

    Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server



    My login.php form posts to the following url:

    <form method=”post” action=”<?php bb_option(‘uri’); ?>bb-login.php”>

    Did you change your bbPress Address here?


    Think of this as a reference post we’ll go back to, in order to get information to make a tubularly cool super sexy bbPress Codex magnifique!

    Sorry, it’s been a day.


    Ah yah Vizworld, I think you nailed it.

    I took a look at ck’s original plugin and it mentions support for WordPress 2.8 (as of 3/13/09):

    But this post (from 4/3/2009) on ck’s blog points out that WordPress 2.8 changed their login model:

    Sounds like WordPress may have changed it after the Freshly Baked Cookies plugin was released, breaking the FBC plugin?

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