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  • #74486

    Will bbPress 1.0 integrate easily with WP2.8 when it releases? Currently I have WP 2.8 and bbPress .9.0.5 installed. I’m wondering if I should keep pulling my hair out trying to get these two to work together or if I should just wait for 1.0 to release.


    Hey chaps

    I’m looking to hire someone to painlessly change the colour formatting on my BBpress forum to match in with my main website.

    Also I want to add a new header if possible again to match the main site.

    Main website is at:

    BB is at:


    Make copy of files and database, upload new files, run and you’re done :). I’ve done it many times and never had any problems.


    In reply to: Theme Hybrid forum

    Justin Tadlock

    Oh, I missed a couple of replies. ;)

    Thanks for the compliments. I feel like my forums are hanging by a thread some days, but nothing has completely broken. Mostly, I’m just ready to upgrade to the final release of bbPress 1.0.


    Fresh WordPress 2.8 and bbPress 1.0RC3 installation.

    I have assigned the ‘Authentication Unique Keys’ correctly in WP (auth_key, secure_auth_key, logged_in_key, nonce_key).

    Now when I check options.php in WordPress I have the following:

    * auth_salt

    * logged_in_salt

    * nonce_salt

    Thats it! No secure_auth_salt!!


    @burtadsit, I think this is what you need for compatibility with WordPress < 2.8:

    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    Ah I had never seen the One Click Updater for WordPress… that’s a neat plugin!

    I haven’t seen anything similar for bbPress. Has the plugin been audited for security holes? If it was compromised, that would be one scary situation!!

    I’m guessing it could be ported over to bbPress pretty easily… plugins and themes work pretty similarly across the two *Press platforms.


    In reply to: Menu Links

    @mikemcd22 – You crossed two of my posts, which were about different things.

    You could just edit your theme. Change the header file to have whatever menu links you want.

    This was in reference ONLY to the question of how to make your menu links the sme on BB and WP.

    A lot of bbPress’s functions come in the form of Plugins, so it’s easier for people to pick and chose what they want in their forum.

    This was as reply to his second concern of:

    … I can’t really delete posts or move to the appropriate area. This scares as me as I am sure there are a ton of other basic functions you should be able to do but can’t.

    So … both answers are right, but they’re neither the answer to what I think you’re asking which is: “Is there a plugin to make my header look the same between WP and BB?”

    Answer: No.


    johnhiler thank you for your reply. Until you brought up the point asking which plugin is displaying the information I thought it was a core bbPress feature. Yes, it is the Members Online (0.0.1) plugin that is installed.

    I don’t seem to see any related issues over at that plugin’s forum. Perhaps when I do upgrade to bbPress 1.0 the issue might ‘magically’ fix itself? I’ll report back either way.

    I’m also using the default theme and I don’t recall making any modifications to the templates that may have causes the dates to show this way but I’ll check.

    Please let me know if you have any ideas for me to check out.



    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I know that bbPress is not a plugin. This is abundantly clear. However, I am looking for a plugin similar to what you can find in a regular wordpress blog (One Click Updater) to add to bbPress that will give uploading capability inside the bbPress admin.

    When you are supporting a large company of 1,000+ employees restricting access is very prudent. We have learned in the past the damage many hands can do to a site (particularly, if they are marketing hands, which are the one’s who want to change the bbPress theme).

    Any insight on finding such a plugin would be very appreciative!


    Does anyone know of a way to sync up the BBpress tag list with the WP tag list? I’d like to have a group of standard tags our users can choose from in addition to the ones they can add.


    I use bbPress 1.0-rc-3 and WP 2.8. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not. Here is what’s going on…

    I installed bbpress this afternoon and things went fairly well. I followed Sam’s screencast on intergrating bbpress with my WP site. (which is superb!) After following the instructions exactly, I could not get to my WP dashboard. (Though I could login) I deleted the “bbpress Integration” plugin and removed the lines it had me put in wp-config.php. I could then get to my dashboard, and logging into my site or forum logged me into the other. (logging out worked too)

    I added a “Forum” page to my site that when clicked redirects the user to my forum. I discovered recently that when I log into my website and click the “Forum” link to administer my forum… I am logged in as I should be, but I cannot access my bbpress Admin page. (I can access the bbpress Admin page when I log directly into the forum as well as when I log into my site and type the forum URL into the address bar. Just not by clicking the link on my site.)

    Is it because I am not using the “bbpress Integration” plugin or is there a problem?

    My site is at

    Burt Adsit

    “If you are integrating with WordPress < 2.8 then you ned to make an additional setting in bbPress to get cookies to be compatible. “

    Can anyone share what this mystery ‘additional setting’ is?


    In reply to: Menu Links



    You wrote “You could just edit your theme. Change the header file to have whatever menu links you want.”

    Then you wrote “A lot of bbPress’s functions come in the form of Plugins, so it’s easier for people to pick and chose what they want in their forum. “

    At which point I wondered “So, is there a plugin for this? “

    That would be the “this” I was referring to. Hope this helps and thanks for any info in advance.

    anointed – If I were you, I’d leave it alone and keep vbulletin. There’s no reason to change if everything’s working and you don’t hate vbulletin :) Now, if you do hate it…

    Ryan Hellyer

    bbPress will likely run considerably faster, has a much more logical/smaller number of templates and bbPress is a lot easier to develop plugins for.

    Hi to all.

    I am a newbi on wwpress, I am looking at the default template and worder where can I find info/documentation on

    how to work with bbpress tags(syntax) just like wp tags?

    Can I use them on wp context?

    and the other way wp tags on bbpress context?



    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?

    bbPress isn’t a plugin, and if you can’t FTP or SSH in, I don’t think there’s an easy way to install it. What a silly IT department! SFTP and SSH are perfectly safe!



    in forum Themes

    Okay, I have been on wordpress since 2006, but just started to dabble with bbpress. I am launching a forum for our company intranet. Due to security our IT department has locked down the ftp to the server. However, we want to install a bbpress plugin like “One Click Updater” (used for wordpress). I have found the plugin browser, but I haven’t found anything for uploading themes. Does anyone know of a plugin that I can use for this? Also, as I have poked around the admin I noticed that there isn’t a theme editor. Does that require a hack or another plugin? This would be very helpful. Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!


    in bb-config.php:

    define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘mathes WP-config key’);

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘mathes WP-config key’);

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘mathes WP-config key’);

    define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘mathes WP-config key’);

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    don’t forgot to generate a new cookie key on site.

    in wp-config.php:

    define( ‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘mathes BB-config key’);

    define( ‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘mathes BB-config key’);

    define( ‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘mathes BB-config key’);

    define( ‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘mathes BB-config key’);

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);


    i’m wp2.8 (not mu) and bbpress 1.0 rc-3 all works without problem with this configuration


    Caching will help for non-members, especially considering that a more popular site has a few dozen bots crawling around it at any given time. But yes, it will have to generate a new file for each page.

    However even without wp-super-cache it’s possible to cache parts of pages for all members, especially worthwhile on parts that use a whole bunch of CPU cycles to generate each time.

    I wrote some code awhile back to cache the tag clouds, since they are not filtered by logged-in/out and remain static until a tag is added or deleted. The tag cloud took an average of 10-20 ms out of 120 ms to generate on the front page so the savings were worthwhile.


    @Sam I did the test on the language and everything seems to work with deep integration. i’ve tested it translating the bbpress pot for rc-3 in italian.


    Wow, this is a bit of a headache.

    I’m busy trying to get the integration sorted out and got along quite well (WPMU, BBPress, BuddyPress combo), although I still needed to log in twice, when my luck ran out and now I can’t seem to log into bbpress. Bit annoying. I’ve reinstalled the whole thing, but still no luck. Trying to debug it at the moment, but it’s tough going.

    I did come across something that needed fixing though; I’m not sure where to submit this fix, so I’m posting it here for now.

    The bug was this; the latest release candidate never displayed the dropdown from which one selects the keymaster during installation due to a mistake in line 2569 of bb-admin/includes/

    Previously the line was;

    $wp_administrator_meta_key .= $this->data[2] . ‘_’;

    which meant the meta_key it tried to query the db on looked something like this; ‘wp_capabilities1_’.

    I changed it to:

    $wp_administrator_meta_key = $bbdb->escape( $bb->wp_table_prefix . $this->data[2] . ‘_capabilities’ );

    so now the key will be ‘wp_1_capabilities’.

    This is obviously (when you look at the code) only relevant when setting the default blog id.

    Hope it helps someone!


    No issues! Jump ahead and make it happen. Its nothing that can’t be done ;)

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