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  • #73361

    In reply to: Menu Links

    I’m … not sure. Can you show me what you have in bb-templates and my templates? I’m assuming it’s this:


    If so, rename the folders under my-templates to something like ‘my-kakumei’.


    chrishajer – Not exactly.

    I NEVER put WP in the root, after (in the 1.* days) it pitched a hissy fit with another web app over permalinks and htaccess. And since you can run WP out of root while having it in a subfolder, and no one can tell the difference, it works rather well.

    I have this:

    /var/www/example/index.php <which points to the wordpress folder>
    /var/www/example/wordpress/<wordpress files>

    accessible here and here


    accessible here

    With this, once I got my auth keys in order, it worked fine. I’m not saying it can’t be done your way (and hey, if it works, leave it alone! :) ), I’m just saying that I’ve seen it cause more headaches.


    It sounds like you lost your Keymaster access.

    You can restore it with this plugin:


    Yeah, I think I’ll just get WordPress 2.7 and Unstable version of BBpress so I don’t have to deal with crap. Not like 2.8 has anything major to offer anyway.


    bbPress Live claims on its download page to only be compatible up to 2.6.2. I tried it anyway, and it did not work. The widgets did not function at all, and the template functions did not pull any forum data.


    bbPress Live works fine with 2.8 unless you’re doing deep integration. As for with deep integration, I’m not sure if the error is with my files or with the plugin itself. I have discussed it with Sam. But unless you’re doing deep integration, Live works with 2.8.

    I was using it until I decided to change the look of my website. When I went to PixoPoint’s Theme Generator, it called for having deep integration. And since I’m far too busy right now (I’m not a coder or anything like that for a living.. I’m a mother), I didn’t feel like doing all the work arounds to get the same functionality as I had previously. But if you have a bbPress that doesn’t need deep integration, I highly recommend bbPress Live.


    I use bbPress 1.0-rc-3 and WP 2.8. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not. Here is what’s going on…

    I installed bbpress this afternoon and things went fairly well. I followed Sam’s screencast on intergrating bbpress with my WP site. (which is superb!) After following the instructions exactly, I could not get to my WP dashboard. (Though I could login) I deleted the “bbpress Integration” plugin and removed the lines it had me put in wp-config.php. I could then get to my dashboard, and logging into my site or forum logged me into the other. (logging out worked too)

    I added a “Forum” page to my site that when clicked redirects the user to my forum. I discovered recently that when I log into my website and click the “Forum” link to administer my forum… I am logged in as I should be, but I cannot access my bbpress Admin page. (I can access the bbpress Admin page when I log directly into the forum as well as when I log into my site and type the forum URL into the address bar. Just not by clicking the link on my site.)

    Do you think it because I am not using the “bbpress Integration” plugin or is there a different problem with my installation?

    My site is at


    I have been searching and searching for a solution to this but cannot find anything having similar issues. I recently installed wpmu, buddypress & bbpress and have it all integrated for the most part. The problem is when I go t the bbpress admin panel most of the functionality is gone.

    All I see on the left side navigation is Forums, Topics, Posts & Users. I have no way of activated plugins or themes and whatever else there is to do(it’s been so many days I forget what all was there). I tried to browse to plugins.php and it just redirects me back to the forum homepage.

    Anybody experience anything similar?


    And… I’ll be happy to assist in any way I can. My bbPress installation is completely wedged at the moment and I’ve spent nearly two days now trying to figure out how to get it to work.


    I was reading a thread yesterday about bbPress registration emails not reaching new members. I can’t find it now, but there were comments in the thread about ISPs having limits, and maybe even auto-banning you from shared server space as a spammer. In case it’s of use to anyone, I emailed my UK hoster, kNet Hosting, and got this reply today;

    Hi Michael,

    We have a sending limit of 1000 mails per hour for SMTP mail from your account.

    Sending mails from scripts e.g., a forum is not included in this so there are no limits. Obviously the higher rate that you send them could mean they are more likely to be flagged as spam by the major ISP’s.

    Let me know if I can assist with this further.


    On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Michael wrote:


    I’ve been reading on a forum that sending emails to groups of people via your server space can trigger alerts, get you banned from major players like Google and others, and even banned from your hoster. I don’t have many forum members at present, but if I got say, a few hundred, and sent everyone an email would it cause problems?

    Essentially, I guess my question is what limits are there for this on shared hosting?




    Sometimes, integrating bbPress into your WordPress can cause you to lose your admin access.

    This plugin can help restore your access. :-)


    i am using wp2.3 and bbp 0.9

    i integrated using the help in forum and after that i am unable to login as administrator into both wordpress and bbpress.

    How can i resolve it?


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /web/bbpress/bb-includes/ on line 1734

    This is what I’m getting right now. Maybe you’re modifying something?


    Alright, so basically I have to get WordPress 2.7 and unstable version of bbpress. Alright no problem I guess, Blogs are simple and these forums are simple and thats just the way I like it.


    Dear Developers, dear community

    currently I am trying to set up the following combination: WordPress MU (2.7.1), Buddypress (tried both, 1.0.1 and 1.0.2) as well as bbpress (1.0-rc-3). My problem is the following error that appears on the “Installation success”-page:

    Database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') /* WP_Users::append_meta */' at line 1]
    SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id IN () /* WP_Users::append_meta */
    Caller: BB_Install->BB_Install, BB_Install->process_form, BB_Install->process_form_finalise_installation, bb_get_user, WP_Users->get_user, WP_Users->append_meta

    Database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') /* WP_Users::append_meta */' at line 1]
    SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id IN () /* WP_Users::append_meta */
    Caller: BB_Install->BB_Install, BB_Install->process_form, BB_Install->process_form_finalise_installation, bb_new_user, bb_get_user_by_nicename, WP_Users->get_user, WP_Users->append_meta

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [...] bbpressbb-includesbackpressclass.bpdb.php:569) in [...] on line 1095

    To track down the error I will try to explain my installation procedure – the starting point is a vanilla installation of WordPress MU 2.71 and Buddypress 1.0.2:

    1) Put bbpress into the same directory as wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes – basically (“/”)

    2) Go to the installation routine on ./bbpress/bb-admin/install.php and start step 1

    3) Enter the same database name, user and password as for the WordPress MU installation

    4) “Show advanced settings” and set database character collation to “utf8_general_ci”

    5) Save and go to step two

    6) Add integration settings

    7) Add cookie integration

    8) Enter the URL of the page (Note: The description “This value should exactly match the WordPress address (URL) setting in your WordPress general settings.” is wrong, there is no such value under Admin Panel > Settings > General nor under Admin Panel > Buddypress > General settings

    9) Have already tried both: Setting the page URL again as well as setting URL + “/bbpress/” (Note: Again the description “This value should exactly match the Blog address (URL) setting in your WordPress general settings.” does no match since there is no such value in the Admin Panel in General Settings

    10) Copying all cookie keys from the wp-config.php

    11) Add user database integration settings

    12) Set MU primary blog id to: 1

    13) Save and go to step three

    14) Enter site name, enter side address as base URL + “/bbpress/”, enter keymaster and according email address as well as a title for the first board

    15) Save and install

    From here on I get the error message (white one white background), the installation routine shows a successful installation nonetheless. The protocol is:

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…
    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 - Creating database tables
    >>> Modifying database: [...] (localhost)
    >>>>>> Table: bb_forums
    >>>>>>>>> Creating table
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done
    >>>>>> Table: bb_meta
    >>>>>>>>> Creating table
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done
    >>>>>> Table: bb_posts
    >>>>>>>>> Creating table
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done
    >>>>>> Table: bb_terms
    >>>>>>>>> Creating table
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done
    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_relationships
    >>>>>>>>> Creating table
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done
    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_taxonomy
    >>>>>>>>> Creating table
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done
    >>>>>> Table: bb_topics
    >>>>>>>>> Creating table
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    Step 2 - WordPress integration (optional)
    >>> WordPress address (URL): http://[...]/
    >>> Blog address (URL): http://[...]/
    >>> WordPress cookie keys set.
    >>> WordPress "auth" cookie salt set from input.
    >>> WordPress "secure auth" cookie salt set from input.
    >>> WordPress "logged in" cookie salt set from input.
    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    Step 3 - Site settings
    >>> Site name: [...]
    >>> Site address (URL): http://[...]/bbpress/
    >>> From email address: [...]
    >>> Key master created
    >>>>>> Username: forumadmin
    >>>>>> Email address: [...]
    >>>>>> Password: [...]
    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community
    >>> Forum name: General
    >>>>>> Topic: Your first topic
    >>>>>>>>> Post: First Post! w00t.
    >>> Making plugin directory at [...] bbpress/my-plugins/.
    >>> Making theme directory at [...] bbpress/my-templates/.
    >>> Key master email sent

    Installation complete!

    I mean the forum is working, but I fear still something might have gone wrong after the above error message. What do you think?

    Kind regards


    In reply to: rss by forum


    If you click into a forum, you should be able to click on the RSS link in your browser and get a feed specific to just that forum?

    Alternatively, this plugin may do the trick?


    Topic: rss by forum

    in forum Plugins

    I apologize if this has already been requested but how did/do you add the rss feed button to your forum not the individual topics?

    Is there a plugin available to do this?

    I am testing bbpress to use as a knowledge centre at our office and need to find a easy way to subscribe to the forums section including all the subtopics or the latest discussions so new posts/replys or when new topics are created I will be notified and have the option to sign up to a rss feed?

    As currently I can select a forum and then a topic and add as a favorite which works great, I get emails when this topic changes and I can add as a rss feed to say internet explorer. BUT I have to individually do this to each topic that I am interested in.

    When a new topic is created I am not aware that this has happened (I am the key master) unless I find it in the latest dsicussions..

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers, Dan.



    I get the following errors when using bbPress:

    Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /var/www/ on line 71

    Warning: join() [function.join]: Bad arguments. in /var/www/ on line 71

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/ on line 85

    I’m using bbPress 1.0 alpha 6 and I should also mention that I have integrated BuddyPress and WordPress MU and enabled WordPress’ WP_CACHE as stated here:

    Does that have anything to do with the error messages?

    Thanks for reading!


    Sounds like bb_repermalink could use some more work – you may be the first person to use bbPress on Solaris:

    If you could report back what you find, maybe we can submit a patch or ticket back to trac… so the main developers can have a look at the issue.

    Good luck!


    Ipstenu – I have always installed bbPress and WordPress together like this, without a problem:


    accessible here


    accessible here

    Are you suggesting NOT to install it like that?


    Hmm, I’m still getting a Redirect Loop in Firefox for the forum links?


    There’s no existing way that I’m aware of to integrate 2.8 with bbPress 0.9. The two plugins which allow that sort of cookie integration were broken when WordPress changed their cookie method in 2.8…

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