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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #15134

    Topic: Theme Editor

    in forum Installation

    Can anyone create a theme editor for bbpress? Or know a blog that shows me how to do it?


    Yeah. Erm, what she said. :)

    The neat thing is, you get lots of help and it all works in the end.


    You cannot run WP or bbPress smoothly on Dreamhost, moving to a real host should instantly cut your page render time in half. I always recommend against Dreamhost because they use NFS (remote network storage) instead of local drives attached to the machine. This allows them to keep costs down and give away oodles of space but it makes anything with a lot of files to load very slow and impossible to cache. bbPress 1.0 has even more files than 0.9 so the problem is magnified even worse.

    As far as your other needs, the policy here is that you should post a way for people to contact you, usually an email address and then we close the topic. If you want people to contact you via your contact form on your website you can request that instead.

    There are extremely few bbPress pros for hire right now, but you can see my post here for some ideas:


    Hiya feast. I like the look of your forum, though something’s not straight – can’t figure out what it is..! ;)

    I’m not a bbPress expert, but an idea occurred to me. As you might not find someone to do everything you want, why not offer a price for each individual piece of work? There’s a post about it at


    Neat idea xtint – I like it. I’m not a bbPress hotshot by any means, and am also busy with my own forum set-up, but I’ll keep tabs on this one. There are some superb coders in the forum, and I’m sure you’ll get some pointers soon enough.


    i need help with creating a plugin that helps send a forum post through email.i have achieved sending a notification with title of the post and author but i need to also show the contents of the post.Also i need some one to be able to reply to this post through email.Any help please.Am new to bbpress and plugin creation.



    Sam, from the BBPress Trac ( I see you are hard at work.

    You thinking about a possible RC4 before 1.0?

    You are doing a great job, absolutely thrilled with BBPress!


    With this plugin i must install only bbpress and use this plugin to integrate the two applications ? but the users are not replicated ?


    Looking for a bbPress expert who could help us tie our blog entries to

    appear on the forums via Bbsync and fix a couple of bugs on the


    ••• Troubleshoot and optimise our forums. Right now Dreamhost is forcing us to upgrade our services because they claim our bbpress forums are taking too much of a server hit. Looking for someone to help us optimize our forums.

    ••• Upgrade to the latest version of Bbpress. Right now we’re at .9

    ••• Install BBsync

    new blog post, this post will be turned into a new topic in your

    forums. Replies can be made to the topic. Comments made through the wp

    comments form will also be shown as replies to the corresponding

    thread. All comments/replies will show up automagically in wordpress,


    ••• Code Buttons:

    Automatically adds an easy access button toolbar above the post

    textarea to allow quick tags in BBcode. This is an enhanced

    replacement for the Comment Quicktags plugin. No template editing


    Requires the BBcode-Lite plugin (or some other kind of BBcode support).

    Some buttons will only appear if the tag is supported (ie. img, center)

    ••• Upload Image Files / Attachments

    This may not work with the version of bbpress and wordpress that are

    compatible. Right now I’m waiting for bbpress to get to full 1.0 to

    upgrade both to WordPress 2.7 and Bbpress 1.0, which my guess will be

    in the next 6-8 months, but hopefully sooner.

    ••• Post Notification

    If you have a topic in your favorites and there will be a new post to

    this topic it sends you an email. Simply upload and it does its job.

    •••• Bb Socialize

    Add social network links to form/user profiles.

    Allows you to set and display your social media profiles in your

    public forum profile. As administrator, you can select which sites

    will be supported using simple management panel.

    – Show quoted text –

    ••• Search problematic

    Also users are complaining about the search function not working well,

    is there anyway to troubleshoot this or enhance the search inside the



    Fausto Fernos


    In reply to: bb_meta corrupted?


    bbPress relies on the database to tell it what plugins are active. If your db is having trouble and rolling back to an old set of data somehow it might show deactivated plugins.

    You don’t have a shared host that is restoring backups on you, do you?


    frooyo I am certain not trying to discourage you from learning more about how bbPress works and trying to create plugins – however you should be able to find those hooks easily by reading the code. That’s how I learned everything I know about bbPress, I keep the windows search window open and pointed to the bbPress folder and I search for things. Many times the hooks are in the dozen php files in the bbPress root, sometimes you have to dig much deeper into the core files. If you can’t follow the code, you need to reconsider what you are attempting to do.

    I have no idea what other plugins you’ve written, modified or ported from WordPress but this is not exactly and easy conversion to start with. You need to understand what can and can’t be cached and it’s very different from WordPress.


    @frooyo – Start here:

    It has all the functions and probably the hooks as well. That’s where I start when I want to figure out what’s up. You can view the code in the pages, and click on links to explain what each function etc is. I have no idea what functions etc you’ll need. I’d personally start by boning up on WP-Super-Cache, seeing what it hooks into on WP, and then, under the assumption the WP and BB has similar structures, look for the BB version of the WP hooks.

    And then I’d get a beer.



    Actually, I don’t believe people have tried converting SuperCache over yet. Because everyone is under the mentality that bbPress is “already fast enough”.

    I would like to take on the challenge to converting the plug-in myself. What I don’t understand is why people are giving me a hard time for attempting to create a plug-in. I’m simply trying to better the bbPress community.

    As such, all I’m asking for is a little bit of assistance and that’s:

    – What is the hook to perform an action immediately after a new Post/comment?

    – What is the hook to perform an action immediately before rendering the frontpage?

    – What is the hook to perform an action immediately before rendering a topic page?


    @frooyo – Either get Donncha to explain the plugin (good luck, he’s busy) or download it for WP and study it. Honestly, I think you’re a little nuts, only because you’re picking possibly the most complicated plugin in the history of WP to convert as your first plugin :)


    @frooyo if you dont know how to program a plugin … don`t say your going to do something that some people have tried before

    if it was easy it was done already


    version 1.0 has been released several minutes ago!



    What’s so difficult about it?

    Let’s assume we only output cache for non-logged in users, just like SuperCache.

    You only need 2 hooks.

    1. A hook after a POST is submitted to re-cache both the frontpage and topic page

    2. A hook before rendering both the frontpage and topic page to check to see if the cache is present.

    Am I missing something here?

    Sam Bauers

    New plugin version 1.0 has been released with a fix for this warning.


    When logging in, or out, through WordPress (MU) the following error(s) occur.

    Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array[...]


    Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/s/a/sandbox/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-integration/bbpress-integration.php:202)

    Also reported on:

    It works fine when login in through bbPress, and then accessing the admin in WPMU (user login integration shared)


    frooyo, the fact you have to ask how indicates you won’t be able to do it

    It will take someone with experience quite a bit of work and testing to accomplish.

    It’s not a trivial conversion like some other plugins.


    Hi guys,

    FYI, I’ve updated the code for the BuddyPress bar in bbPress:

    It uses bbPress’ header and footer hooks, instead of WordPress’.

    The BP bar now also works in the bbPress admin area as well!



    If you have some info on how I would create the SuperCache “hooks” into bbPress, that would be greatly appreciated.


    Frooyo – I think you are going to set a record for posting the same thing over and over! :-)



    I would like to attempt to convert WordPress’ SuperCache plug-in to bbPress.

    I’ve never created a plugin before.

    Does anyone has any reference docs or pointers on how I would create the hooks needed for SuperCache on bbPress?

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