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  • #75311

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    2frooyo: thx


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Sam, can you update the theme used here to make the FRESHNESS column clickable to the last post? It’s a pain in the a** to have to always view the first page if you have already read it…

    Love the new admin interface of 1.0 by the way, thanks…


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    I agree frooyo.

    Prediction: we are going to shock the world and break the Firefox 3 download World Record.

    You heard it here first.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    By the way, the download counter if very cool.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    This is NOT an attempt to knock _ck_ (any more than she meant to diss on Sam), as her points are totally valid and, in fact, I’m a member of ‘If it ain’t broke…’ If you’re ON .9 and everything works and you’re happy, then STAY. If you have needs that can no longer be met by .9, however, you may need to start looking into 1.0. There’s a reason that some people are still on WP 1.5ish releases. It works and they’re happy. There’s nothing wrong with it.

    My reasons to use 1.0

    1. You haven’t installed bbPress yet, so you don’t have an existing stable site.

    2. You don’t actually use a lot of plugins anyway.

    3. You can integrate with WP 2.8 and WPMU without having to hack the bbPress cookies (thanks to WP changing things all over the dang place…)

    4. The Admin area ‘matches’ WP and, lets face it, pretty is better ;)

    5. If you’re going to write new plugins for bb, you may as well write them for the release version since that’s the way it’s going to be.

    6. While it is slower, we’re not talking ‘it now takes 3 minutes to load a page’ like some bbs out there. And it’s still faster than WP.

    7. Given the speed of servers these days, you may not ever notice the DB queries.

    8. No matter how long you spend debugging, you’re never going to find all the bugs until something’s used for real by hundreds of users, so months vs years really doesn’t mean as much as you might think. Now DAYS versus months… Still, until a lot of people get out there and try to use it for weird ways, 1.0 won’t be as well tested as 0.9, but that’s true of any new release of software.

    9. RC seems rushed, with a lot of slapped up fixes, but that’s because a group of us were out there breaking things for the rest of you. The major kinks are fixed.

    10. Once you bite the bullet, the small upgrade to 1.0.1 (which is inevitable and we all know it) will seem like nothing.

    11. You really want to see that download counter MOVE!

    Okay, so some of mine are for the amusing side.

    I’ve been on the 1.0 train since I started, since at the time you couldn’t do 2.7 WP and 0.9 BB. I’ve never had a major OMG! show stopper problem and I think bbPress is far far better than the old systems I’ve used. Small, simple, easy.

    Thanks to Sam and also SO many thanks to _ck_ for her patience with stupid questions :)


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    i want upgrade to 1.0, how make this properly from 0905?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    I completely agree that alpha/beta labels should be respected.

    But it’s been now in development for YEARS and for most users – bbPress simply works.

    At some point, you have to just call it “stable”. Why not now?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    frooyo, I didn’t say not to use 1.0, I said if people are using 0.9 they should wait a few months to upgrade to 1.0


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    I totally understand that _ck_ has done a tremendous amount of work related the to plug-ins.

    But her telling people to simply not use the new release causes more damage than harm to the community, no?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Actually my warning is geared more towards existing 0.9 users who won’t realize that 1.0 is not a simple upgrade to 0.9 like 0.9 was to 0.8 – 0.9 was just 0.8.4 with a whimsical number bump. Calling this release “1.0 final” gives the impression of well tested and compatible, which it is neither.

    Someone who has been happily using 0.9 on an active site with several plugins and tries to upgrade to 1.0 is virtually guaranteed to run into problems. Even worse, if they have not backed up their database, or don’t immediately downgrade, they will lose their ability to roll back to the stable version they had.

    Ignoring internet-wide standards for “alpha” vs. “beta” vs “release candidate” labels is a very dangerous thing to do as far as user experience. IMHO 1.0 is currently still at a beta level. Calling it “release candidate” and now “final” is just politics to please some of the least patient yet most vocal people around here.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Anyone else get hungry for Honey Smacks cereal when they look at the new internal ‘Posts’ icon?

    Perhaps Dig’em Frog is secretly bankrolling Automattic and bbPress…


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    @frooyo – I agree that changing the name to Release Candidate greatly increased community involvement. Marking a release as 1.0 stable seems like a scary way (to me) to increase involvement! But maybe the release will be stable, and my skepticism is unwarranted. Looking forward to seeing how the release goes. :-)

    But can I ask that you please not attack active members of the bbPress community? _ck_ has done more than almost any other volunteer to help extend the power of bbPress. I’ve seen a number of open source projects where someone is told that if they disagree with something, they should shut up and just fork the code. I hope that bbPress doesn’t become one of those sorts of projects.

    Good luck with the release Sam!


    In reply to: Performance


    500ms on a empty bbPress install hints at NFS

    SMF would probably be fastest on your current server as it uses 13 files to generate the front-page vs well over 100 files for bbPress 1.0


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    In my opinion, of course I can’t speak for Sam, because it was ready.

    Also, now that it’s marked as stable 1.0 – more people will be willing to use it.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Everything you describe is a reason TO USE 1.0. The more people who use it, the better it will become because more people will report any noticed issues etc.

    Telling everyone to wait a few months will then just cause NO ONE to use it. Then in a few months, the bbPress core is no better than when it was initially released because the community never got involved.

    Simply look at how much involvement the community jumped in when Sam changed the name to Release Candidate.

    There was more activity in the last few weeks than in probably the last 6 months.

    (Also, you’re post smells of so wishes that 0.9 never changed. You can always fork 0.9 and start you’re own forum product. Maybe call it ckPress)


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    so, why you released 1.0 now?!


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    A reminder to those using 0.9 not to upgrade to 1.0 yet as many of my plugins (and others) do not support 1.0. I will not be addressing plugin upgrades until December.

    10 reasons why to wait a few months to upgrade to bbPress 1.0

    1. Your 0.9 install is stable and the core is secure

    2. Roughly half the plugins for 0.9 will not currently work with 1.0

    3. Once you upgrade you cannot downgrade due to database changes

    4. It does not have significant additional features over 0.9

    5. It doesn’t use the proven 0.9 core, major parts have been rewritten for BackPress

    6. It’s slower, uses 50% more code when producing the same output as 0.9

    7. It uses more database queries per page than 0.9

    8. It’s code has only months of debugging vs years for 0.8 + 0.9

    9. RC was rushed, some changes were made only days ago and are not well tested

    10. Version 1.0.1 will be out in a few days (if not a few hours)


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released




    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Wow, really nice! I was expecting this only in 2010 :)


    I’m trying out bbPress, completely clean install, nothing fancy, my own machine with apache 2.2

    Installation goes through without any problems, config file gets created, database gets filled.

    When I trying to log on first time, the login page redirects me to incorrect location:

    “POST /bb/bb-login.php HTTP/1.1” 302 –

    “GET /bb/bb/ HTTP/1.1” 404 279

    As can be seen, “bb” (the name of installation subdirectory) appears twice.

    Lets work around the error by correcting the url manually in the browser:

    “GET /bb/ HTTP/1.1” 200 3356

    The forum appears to work fine, however attempt to click the “Admin” link (by the only existing, key master user) leads to even more peculiar behavior:

    “GET /bb/bb-admin/ HTTP/1.1” 302 –

    “GET /bb/ HTTP/1.1” 200 3356

    As can be seen, server immediately redirects access back to the starting page (the correct one, unlike the “login” redirect).

    Does anybody have any idea what can it be?


    In reply to: Performance

    Martin R.

    The one i found under Downloads: “The latest stable version of bbPress is “Bechet” version 1.0:”


    In reply to: Performance


    What version of bbPress are you using?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers

    This forum is actually now running 1.0 as well. So if you notice any bugs or glitches here let me know.

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