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  • #75454

    I agree 100% with the comments of ryanhellyer & frooyo.

    Been casually following bbPress for the past year (WordPress is sooooo a Gateway drug to other Automattic projects) but the impending release of 1.0 and the various RCs pushed me to finally jump in and start really fooling around with the software. Couldn’t be happier. God bless bbPress pioneers like _ck_, Sam, and everyone else for the plethora of killer plugins and themes.

    Totally understand where people are coming from re: 1.0’s stability compared to 0.9 but it would be much more productive for attention to be focused on 1.0 instead of 0.9. After all, folks using/testing/tweaking 1.0 is how all the bugs, plugin compatibility, and various stability issues will be worked out!

    Exciting times are ahead for bbPress and 1.0 is the future. The more focus on 1.0 the better in the grand scheme of things. I’m going to get razzed but 6 months doesn’t seem unreasonable (or even 3 months), especially since everyone has known for quite some time that 1.0 was going to be coming out. Let’s embrace the future: 1.0!


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    In wpmu: define both force sll keys (admin an the other one I forget)

    In bbp: define force ssl login and user forms

    Make sure your not using adminssl plugin (at first?)

    Independently of each other that is how you would enable use of ssl, as long as your webserver is ready to accept and configured correctly to use https.

    It’s integration where things break and you’ll need three patches.

    Time for bed…Zz…



    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Have a question for you.

    Your SSL is for login and admin areas only right?

    I’ll have to keep track of what you’ve done, as I’ll probably want to secure the admin area as well.


    Post in the “Installation” area here –

    Or in the BuddyPress forums –


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    bbpress trac ticket for wp_admin_cookie_path issue when using wpmu.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Also, I had to put into my bb-config.php the below so that logging in via bbpress will allow login to wpmu admin page.

    // Not defining below will not create /wp-admin cookie in current bbpress 1.0. Required for SSL.

    // Guess this could be another bug as well.



    It’s not my “home” machine, so to say.

    It’s a test server running quite a few things and sitting on a local domain with working dns.

    Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8h mod_auth_kerb/5.4 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.6.2 SVN/1.6.1 PHP/5.2.9-pl2-gentoo with Suhosin-Patch configured

    Platform is gentoo-amd64.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Trac Submission and patch for 2.7.1 if you demand SSL. Requires patch to integration plugin as well.


    I don’t believe the Allow Images plugin works with 1.0 right now. Here’s the plugin:

    I just read through the comments there that someone posted a fix, but it looks like it completely bypassed security.


    In reply to: bbPress Codex


    Sam mentioned that he’d be making an official bbPress Codex the week after 1.0 came out… so maybe we’ll get an official one soon.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    I found the bug. Trac ticket submitted. Dang hard one to find.

    I have SSL working back and forth, forth and back etc…………

    Track patch + integration patch required.

    I have wasted my weekend on this one.

    – Jason Giedymin


    In reply to: bbPress Codex


    Simply installing wiki software does not a codex make.

    It’s been tried a few times before and no one has taken any time to do documentation, especially on a slow 3rd party server that can disappear at any time.

    It took WordPress a few years and only after 2.0 did volunteers finally get some documentation done, I expect it will be the same for bbPress.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Proposed Patch for integration plugin:

    function bbpress_integration_set_bb_cookies( $uri, $expire = false, $expiration = ”, $user_id = ” )


    if ( !$uri_parsed = @parse_url( $uri ) ) {

    return false;


    $secure = false; //Default no auth

    if ( force_ssl_login() || force_ssl_admin() )


    $secure = true; //Will create secure flagged cookies


    (I’m still going through my debug)


    In reply to: BBPRess friends plugin

    vBulletin allows you to have a simple “Buddy List” which links to a user’s profile. I think this would be a nice simple plug-in.


    Hi all, using bbPress 1.0, how do I add an image to a topic?

    Using <img src=”path_to_image” /> just displays that code on the topic.


    Any word on whether this converter works for phpBB3 v3.0.5 and bbpress v1.0? (asking before trying!)




    In reply to: Getting Plugin URL


    I think gautam2011 means outputting the path to bbPress’ plugin URL directory.

    Is there a constant variable like WP_PLUGIN_URL?

    I’m looking for this too! I’m porting a WP plugin over.


    Found it! It’s in bb-settings.php

    The variable is BB_PLUGIN_URL.

    Simple as that! :)


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Thanks r-a-y, thanks Jason_JM…

    I am now convinced that I need to go straight to WP MU 2.7.1 instead of upgrading to regualr WP 2.8

    The thing is that I have a running site with bbPress alpha 6 integrated and didn’t figure out the best way to switch to a WP MU + BuddyPress + bbPress 1.0 configuration.

    Anyway, you’re right I should make another post for it, but where? WordPressforum? bbPress forum (here)? BuddyPress forum?


    The biggest trouble I am having now is to figure out how can I test all thenew configuration and set up leaving the existing site running and than switch to the new congfig, when I see that everything works properly. Copy the existing into a subfolder and with anew database? Mmmh…


    No idea if it works, but there’s a good start.


    All I am saying is if a security problem is found with 0.9 it should be addressed until the end of 2010. Based on WP and bbPress history that will probably happen once or twice a year. Otherwise feel free to let 0.9 gather dust.

    Given the development speed of bbPress (slow) this is not unreasonable. We seem to be fairly split between 6 and 18 months, and I’d split the diff at 12 months, if it comes down too it.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Good news!!!


    I have some questions about translation files.

    1 Who can upload .po and .mo files?

    2 How we can report “bugs” in translations?

    3 Who decide is this a bug or not? Some specific knowledge is needed, but is the official place for download …


    Yeah, I believe it’s advisable to use the same database name for an integrated wordpress/bbpress install. bbPress does support using a database name different than an integrated wordpress install, but then your server would have to connect to two different databases (instead of reusing a single connection) when running bbPress. For that reason, I would advise using the same database name.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Sorry Jason_JM, I’m not on SSL or subdomains.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    SSL? With force ssl?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    +1 on WPMU 2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0.2 and bbPress 1.0.

    No issues… yet! ;)

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