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  • #63933

    also for some reason when using the theme it doesn’t load correctly? any clue?


    okay not sure if this is the right forum category but i’ll ask here

    how can i make the forum display on a wordpress page? is there an object html code or something for doing this?

    ie i want the same header, footer, and sidebar as my blog, i just want the bbpress forum to show up in my content window where a normal blog post would be shown

    thanks in advace


    In reply to: What if…

    Sam Bauers

    Set up the user role map in the “WordPress Integration” section of “Settings” in the admin area of bbPress. This will apply roles for each existing member and for subsequent members who join.

    Sam Bauers


    Upgrade to version to permanently fix your problem.


    What version of WordPress are you integrating with? It needs to be at least version 2.5, I need more detail to help you out.


    This is the error report after running upgrade.

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Database is already installed!!!

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> Integration not enabled

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: Head On Radio Network Forum

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master created

    >>>>>> Username: forum

    >>>>>> Email address: *****************

    >>>>>> Password: **************

    >>> There are existing forums in this database.

    >>>>>> No new forum created.

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

    I expected agter bb_config.php was verified I’d be taken to the forum.

    It continued a new install?

    Restoring database and old files for now.


    _ck_ thanks for your reply,

    I contacted to technical service, and they said they opened multiview option. But it did not work. And they gave me virtual host configuration:

    The error I saw is, ” page not found error”

    I use wordpress in my root directory, and I use bbpress in subfolder named as forum. I think wordpress’ .htaccess file do not interfere with the one for forums.

    I also asked for httpd.conf settings, but the technical stuff said, directadmin uses very clean httpd.conf settings, and their virtual host setup is nearly the same thing, so they gave virtual host settings:

    <Directory /home/>

    Options +Includes -Indexes +MultiViews


    Technical stuff also, did not figure out why this problem occurs. And he also said multiviews option could reason some security problems.


    I’ve installed the new version of BBpress, and evrything works just great, and the integration into WordPress is also great!

    I’ve installed a copy over here (in dutch):


    I’ve written my own custom plugin to have bbPress use my site’s authentication system (it’s not wordpress). It’s working beautifully (for the most part). I replace bb_is_user_logged_in and bb_current_user (and the latter sets bb_set_current_user).

    The problem is this: AJAX calls to add a new tag, to remove an existing tag (your own or as admin), or to delete a post all fail with a “you don’t have permission to do that”. I see that other plugins have had that problem too. However, if I submit the request using the old school (non-AJAX) url, it works just fine.

    So I’m guessing there’s something unique in the AJAX calls and that code seems dense to me. Can anyone suggest some places to check first?


    I just moved my forum from cpanel-shared hosting to debian vps server- directadmin.

    The only problem I faced was permalinks on my forum.

    I am using wordpress & bbpress together, and wordpress had no problem with permalinks.

    I tried two options for permalinks to work;

    1) option multiviews,

    2) bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php

    I use .htaccess redirects on my wordpress and had no problem with it. I dont know what to change on my vps, or what to try on my vps, and all of the urls saved on google are not working for now.

    I dont know much about debian or vps server, this is my first month. I have root access.

    Software Versions

    Wordpress 2.2.2


    Server Software Versions

    Apache 2.2.8

    MySQL 4.1.10

    DirectAdmin 1.31.2

    Thanks for reading.


    No listing in the plugins tab means the plugin is malformed and is seen as just a file in that directory, not a plugin. You are going to need a plugin header, something as simple as this:

    Plugin Name: No 404s


    Thx!!! nice support here :-)


    Seems pretty silly to me too. They could at least put that code in the template and comment it out if they don’t want it to appear, like you see in WordPress themes sometimes.


    Yes, it’s possible. Since you have users already, you’re going to need to get those users set up as WordPress users so they can comment on your blog. You are going to need an integrated install, and I would recommend WordPress 2.5 and bbPress 0.9 when it comes out. Before that, it will just be painful.


    is it possible? Whats with the users on the board, may they write comments on wordpress?

    my forum is here

    and i want to install the worpress here


    Thanks for all the help so far guys. I think I know what the problem is now. Since the site is integrated with WP, I’m using the WP headers, which are responsible for throwing the 404 error even though the page generates fine.

    The relevant discussion on this forum is here.

    I still haven’t fixed the problem though. Should I give up on using a single header for both WP and BBPress? Is the plugin fix suggest the best bet? Other ideas?


    Thanks for the reply Chris. Yes, I’m using 2.3.3 right now. The content of the plugin code is exactly as above:

    function mbob_flush_rewrites() {
    global $wp_rewrite;
    add_action('init', 'mbob_flush_rewrites');

    function mbob_add_rewrites($wp_rewrite) {
    add_rewrite_rule('forums/topic', 'forums/topic.php');
    add_rewrite_rule('forums/forum', 'forums/forum.php');
    add_rewrite_rule('forums', 'forums/index.php');
    $wp_rewrite->rules = array_merge($wp_rewrite->non_wp_rules, $wp_rewrite->rules);
    add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', 'mbob_add_rewrites');

    And I’m not getting a specific error really. Simply that when I upload no404s.php with this code to my wp-content/plugins directory, there is no listing in the Plugins tab to even activate it.


    Start by sharing a link to your forum and describing how you would like it to look unless it’s completely obvious to anyone viewing exactly what is wrong with the positioning.



    I have integrated my wordpress theme into my bbpress theme but even though it looks the same, the text and forum is not in the same postition as they are supposed to be. How do I fix this?


    What does the content of your plugin look like, and what is the error you are getting when you try to activate it (do you have access to error logs)? Also, what version WordPress are you using( 2.3.3?)


    So close! I have this same issue with my regular installation of WP, and I only realized today (after 3 months) that this is the reason my forums – – are not getting indexed!

    I tried creating a plugin from the code above, but I couldn’t activate it. Can someone please help me with a step by step fix for a regular WP install? Gracias!


    What are you entering there? And are you using a language file other that the default US English? Any plugins? Are you trying an integrated install with WordPress? What version bbPress and WordPress are you using (if you’re using WordPress at all)?


    Should be fairly straightforward to mimic.

    I might give it a try sometime this month if they don’t release it.


    In reply to: Conditional tag?


    How about in your WordPress header.php try to wrap the breadcrumb call with something that happens only on bbPress pages. So, if your forum is in a directory called “forum” or something, maybe you could check the REQUEST_URI for the presence of forum. Then you wouldn’t show the breadcrumbs if you were on a forum page. Something like that?


    In reply to: Conditional tag?


    Breadcrumb script:

    I’ve integrated it so that bbPress calls WordPress functions, meaning I use get_header and get_footer. All the forum CSS is in my WordPress CSS.

    In the WordPress header.php I use that breadcrumb plugin, but obviously on the forum pages I don’t want it to appear.

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