just deactivate the “Display Name” plugin and try again, that was the only solution I’ve found. You can reactivate it after you do you changes
Works great, although I added a couple of rewrite rules.
/forum/profile to /forum/profile.php and /forum/tags to /forum/tags.php
The profile and tags pages were still returning 404 headers.
Problem solved.
Turns out that I overlooked the part of the integration documentation which advises users to add the path to wp-blog-header.php
In the upgrade, a new config.php is created, and naturally one needs to add this path again to the new document for them to work.
Once you do it… it works! Yaaay.
Working now. As this was a new data base with no content yet, I dropped the database, made a new one, installed wordpress, then bbpress. All seems to be working correctly. I must have put wp_ in step 1 the first time instead of leaving it at bb_. No problems with logging in like I had when I tried the upgrade. Thanks.
Why isn’t bbpress installed in a subdirectory of WordPress (that’s easiest for integration)?
And what does this mean exactly:
> WordPress 2.5 is installed in example.com/WordPress/
> with the actual public blog up one level at example.com/
Do you have two blogs, one or both of them WordPress?
I’m not sure if people don’t know how to do it, or if it’s not possible, or if I’m just not explaining it clearly enough… So I’ll try again:
Right now, physically, the folders are arranged like so:
The address:
also works and goes to the forum just fine.
However, I want to keep the physical folders arranged that way, and make the address:
WordPress itself has the exact same option under “Settings” by changing “Blog address (URL)” to whatever.
Any help would be appreciated!
I’ve uploaded the bbPress files to example.com/forum/ and WordPress 2.5 is installed in example.com/WordPress/ with the actual public blog up one level at example.com/
When I go visit example.com/forum/ or even example.com/forum/admin/install.php all I get is a blank post from the WP site that reads “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.”
What do I need to change in order to make the installation run?
WordPress created this .htaccess file and placed it in webroot, and I’m guessing this is the problem:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
This looks good. I’m looking forward to the next version.
Any chance of you upgrading the Private Forums plugin?
“yes this will work only if you have bbpress running inside of wordpress. But I will release a next version which automatically do it”
I do have bbpress running inside of WP and still get the error…
@_ck_ yes this will work only if you have bbpress running inside of wordpress. But I will release a next version which automatically do it.
My host has disabled sendmail (because they like to make things a pain in the ass for everyone, apparently), so I have to find workarounds for everything I have installed. This plugin for WP has saved my bacon for my main site, but I haven’t found a solution for bbPress and my php fu is weak.
Hi everyone,
Currently my forum is located in something like:
But I want to rewrite it to be like this:
Since WordPress can do that, I was hoping bbPress can too, but I’m not sure how. Is there some setting I can change?
Also secondary to that is that if there is no setting for such an option, can I just move the “forum” directory out of “dir” and into the root, and change the “bbPress address” to force it to physically be like “example.com/forum/” or would that screw things up?
Thanks a lot everyone
I also get the same error…
I hope the author will come up with a fix, this would be a handy plugin.
I have spent the last couple of hours on the forums trying to figure out how to actually do this when the existing blog and forum are currently seperate databases.
My situation is as follows:
– wordpress 2.3 blog with no users (except admin)
– bbpress 0.8 forum with many users
I want to get to a wordpress 2.5 blog and a bbpress 0.9 forum with an integrated database.
I think the steps are:
1. upgrade wordpress to 2.5
2. upgrade bbpress to 0.9
3. then?…. how do I combine the database?
Or can I keep the seperate databases and still get the benefits of combined cookies and users carried from wp to bb and vice versa? If so, how do I bootstrap the wp database with the existing bb users?
Any help out there?
Other function names:
* get_usermeta => bb_get_usermeta (the same applies to delete usermeta)
* add_option doesn’t exists
* update_option => bb_update_option
* $current_user->has_cap => bb_current_user_has_cap (or something like that, check the files in bb-includes).
* is_user_loggedin => bb_is_user_logged_in
And others …
Fields can be added via plugins but I don’t believe there is any general plugin available to do that yet on an easy basis like WordPress.
Well some are far easier than others.
First look for $wpdb and change to $bbdb
Then you have look at things like get_option
and other functions and see if they can easily use the bb_get_option
or other bb_
version of the function.
But even if the alternative function exists you have to be sure that it’s doing what you want. Things that relate to users are similar but things that relate to posts have to be change to topics and then there is comments vs posts.
The problem is definitely the lack of a WordPress table prefix.
The path of least resistance is to rename the WordPress tables adding a prefix, and change your configs to reflect the new table names.
Unlike WordPress I don’t believe bbPress has an easy way to do role management (yet). There is a privilege built-in for bb_current_user_can( 'write_topics' )
which means it is technically possible to control who can start topics by taking away that role privilege from the “member” role.
In theory a small plugin should be able to do this – I’ll take a look at how it might be done as an exercise in learning more about bbPress roles…
Just set up the “user role map” in the “WordPress integration” section of the bbPress admin area.
It seems fixed now but almost sounds like you are running separate user tables when they should both be pointing to the user table in WordPress? Are you certain you have the correct setup in bbPress pointing to WordPress?
And I assume that’s WP 2.5 with bbPress 0.9?
ps. be sure to check out the alternative Kakumei Blue theme (in bbPress 0.9) to match your WP’s blue colors…
Sounds interesting but:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bb_option() in wp-content/plugins/bbpress-admin/bbpress-options-admin.php on line 38
Is this for people who has bbPress running INSIDE WordPress, instead of just stand-alone integration?
I’d like to see bbPress replace commenting in Word Press. Ideally it would just embed as a plugin and look the same as the current commenting but then the comments could be viewed and managed as a forum.
If bbPress was designed to easily embed as a commenting system it wouldn’t have to just be used in WordPress either. I’m currently trying to implement something along these lines where bbPress functions as the comment system on a website so people can comment on our short films through the forum or directly on the website. Each comic/film/whatever will be tied to a separate topic ID and pull related comments. Hopefully it works because I like the way it looks in my head.
WordPress is thinking this forum page does not exist., so WordPress throws the 404 but the page is still properly served. It happens only because you’ve included blog-header.php (a normal integrated installation wouldn’t do this).
I think this post covers it (basically, install a WordPress plugin to overcome the problem):
to better illustrate my issue, my current code for the profile page is:
if ( avatarupload_get_avatar(ID) ) {
} else {
echo bb_get_avatar( $user->ID );
which means if uploaded avatar exists then display it, else get gravatar.
but what i really want is:
if uploaded avatar exists then display it, else if gravatar exists then display that, but if neither exists then display the avatar upload default avatar.
Right now it displays gravatar default instead. which isn’t my first choice since avatar upload would give me control over the default image which is better for obvious reasons.