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  • #55170

    so there is no image uploading inherent in bbpress? But there are image plugins?

    What can be shared between WP and BB? logins? Can wordpress show latest BB posts?


    Version 0.5 (2007-03-04):

    • Fix display name for bbpress that not integrated with wordpress.
    • Add option to set if your wordpress is integrated with bbpress or not.
    • Add use Bbpress permalink option


    My friend, this is the ONLY way to go. I previously had used PhpBB, and I was in the same boat. I wanted something simple, powerful, yet it HAD to integrate with WordPress. I was reluctant to go down this path, but I was swayed by two things:

    First, I love WordPress, the community, the customizability, etc. I was impressed with the simplicity available, with more complexity/power possible depending on what the user needs. Second, I was extremely enticed by the prospect of a “seamless” integration. I won’t say that it’s been a total breeze, but compared to the PhpBB/4Images integration I did last year, integrating BBPress with WordPress was a breeze…AND A HALF! Don’t be fooled, though, this can be as simple as installing it and adding two plugins. Just depends on what your needs are.

    95% or more of what I’m modifying is template based files, NOT core files. This is quite different from my PhpBB/4Images integration, where I had to hack the core to the point that an update would have been disastrous. (Consequently, I never updated it, though it didn’t matter since the site never really went live.)

    So, yes, this is a beta product. And yes, some of the administration options and a few specific features present in other bb systems aren’t here.

    Would I use something else if I could do it over again? NO

    Do I miss any features from PhpBB? NO. In fact, what I suspected is exactly what has happened, that being that I’m as happy with what BBPress DOESN’T do as I am with what it does. Anything that I’ve needed so far has already been addressed in the forums, usually with a plugin. That makes modifying core files safe and simple. Bottom line, it works great, and I haven’t looked back.

    Hope this helps.


    Check my site at And here you can see the Pregnancy Forums. Let me know what you think, and feel free to ask any questions/comments there on the contact page.


    How does BBPress compare to Simple Machines, PPHB and VBulletin?

    I’m a bit worried it’s /too/ simple!

    How well does BBPress integrate with WordPress?

    I have an illustration blog (WP) at

    I want a forum at

    that works with the illustration blog

    can bbpress and wordpress do this?


    Trent, I’m not sure I understand your response. I think what you’re saying is that if bbpress stores the information for the user’s profile in wp_users, as does wordpress, then we’re ok. However, if bbpress stores the information in a different place, then the update won’t work.

    Well, that led me on a little journey to see how wordpress stored the information in the extra fields such as first name, last name, im username, etc. I found it is stored in wp_usermeta, and I’m guessing bbpress doesn’t have anything to do with this. So, I’ll look into this further.

    In the meantime, does any moderator/contributor have any other ideas as to how this can be achieved? I would really like to add the necessary fields for my signup, such as First/Last name, and then more specific things for my site such as how many children, their names, etc. Any suggestions would be very well appreciated.

    Thanks – Ron


    I forgot to mention that if you’ve already got a WordPress AMP then you can just call that javascript in the header and not even install the standalone plugin. It can do mediawiki’s, most bboards, straight html, whatever’s on your network. Except maybe Zope, I can’t get it to parse the javascript.


    Brilliant – works straight away again and has all the options I wanted. Thanks. :D


    Recent Change: (2007-03-04)

    • Bbpress Latest Discussion Option Page.
    • Ability to set Bbpress url
    • Ability to use different database


    Yes, those tutorials and downloads are meant to use the WP theme. They just call the WP header. I tried this one:

    It works like it says it does, but unfortunately for my site, it looks terrible and doesn’t integrate at all. Looks like I’ll have to modify the forums’ style sheet, which isn’t that bad. It’s just that it would be nice if when I modified one, it worked for both.


    Hi! :) i have successfully installed bbress to my site integrated with wordpress. Now, i have another question? can we make it possible to make the forums(the entire bbrepss forums) exclusive only for members? what do i need to do? thanx! :)


    I have bbpress and wordpress running independently on the same domain but am having some encoding problems with bbpress that I didnt have on my local server.

    As an example . . .


    Shows as . . .


    I am sharing some of the same header information between my bbpress install and my wp theme, but I don’t know enough about encoding to know if that’s the problem.




    I’m having trouble with this plugin – MediaWiki version 1.6.9, using the Authpress.php from the codex link in the first post.

    I try to log in and I get this error:

    ..from within function “AuthPress::authenticate”. MySQL returned error “1146: Table ‘*********.wk_wp_users’ doesn’t exist (*****.***)”

    It looks like it’s appending wk_ before my user table?


    My bbPress does not want to show graphics and log me on.

    It looks like if i would run it from my disk, without xampp.

    Help me please.

    My bbPress does not want to show graphics and log me on.

    It looks like if i would run it from my disk, without xampp.

    Here is my config.php


    // ** MySQL settings ** //

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘admin’); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘precision’); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    // If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct.

    // Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL.

    // Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here.

    $bb->domain = ‘;; // Example: ‘;

    // There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. ‘/’ is fine if the site is in root.

    $bb->path = ‘/’; // Example: ‘/forums/’

    // What are you going to call me?

    $bb->name = ‘Thinker’;

    // This must be set before running the install script.

    $bb->admin_email = ‘’;

    // Set to true if you want pretty permalinks.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    // The number of topics that show on each page.

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    // A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting.

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    // Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time.

    $bb->gmt_offset = 0;

    // Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the

    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.

    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BBLANG to ‘de’

    // to enable German language support.

    define(‘BBLANG’, ”);

    // Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage

    // of Akismet’s powerful spam blocking, you’ll need one. You can get an Akismet key at


    $bb->akismet_key = ”; // Example: ‘0123456789ab’

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave the rest as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ”; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘;

    /* Stop editing */

    if ( !defined(‘BBPATH’) )

    define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );



    Are you using xampp? I’ve no experience with that whatsoever, but since it’s a path on your hard drive it seems that way to me. I’ve seen a few people say they’ve had problems using bbPress with that, and someone rightly point out that if you test on xampp you’ll get a bunch of errors you wouldn’t get on a server and miss the ones you would get.

    I’ve personally had no problems on my server, and if you already have hosting and an unused or wordpress db then there probably isn’t any harm in just testing it on the server. :)

    Edit: err – hehe …



    I have a WordPress blog installed at:

    And another (with another MySQL database) installed at:

    I would like to install bbPress into my ‘otherblog’ like so:

    Could someone just clarify what I should put in my config file (as I am getting confused about the correct URL to enter). I am also confused about integrating the BB into my blog. Last time I uploaded (FTP’d) the whole folder (i.e. the ‘bbpress’ folder) to:

    Was this the correct location? Should have uploaded the contents of the ‘bbpress’ folder to this location or should it have been uploaded to:

    Also, where exactly should I put the .htacess file (to enable permalinks), last time I put it in:

    I’m sorry if these are simple questions but I don’t want to damage my existing installation of WordPress.

    Kind regards,



    I have custome made theme and template, so it probally going to take me a lot of hours to manually change everything in bbpress to wordpress. I am thankfull that you posted the above links. Hopefully it will save me some time.

    Trent Adams

    I am not sure of the actual path, but I would imagine that it will be in webspace formatting with forward slashes off localhost or whatever and off the actual server (web server that is) host. Better wait for someone else who has installed on a localhost to answer I guess, but I would imagine that path is not right in your config.php


    Trent Adams

    Here are a couple of good places to start (I have never done this, just edit CSS and template to match myself):



    I just installed bbpress and now how do I get it to work within my current wordpress template?


    I’m not sure exactly what your asking. I copied and pasted the code in my WordPress template into my bbPress template. Works fine in WordPress, gives me the above error in bbPress.

    The code I used was:

    if ($rs = aggrss(''))
    // dump the structure
    //echo "<pre>";
    //echo "</pre>";
    echo "<a href='" . $rs[link] . "' style='color: #000000; font-weight: bold;' >" . $rs[title] . "</a>";
    echo $rs[description] . "<br />";

    foreach ($rs['items'] as $item)
    echo "<p><a href='" .$item['link']. "'>" . $item['title'] . "</a><br/>" .html_entity_decode($item['description']). "</p>";
    if ($rs['items_count'] <= 0) { echo "Sorry, no items found in the RSS file <img src='' alt=':-(' class='wp-smiley' /> "; }
    echo "<!-- It's not possible to reach RSS file -->";


    What baptiste posted in another thread worked like a charm:

    “Easy fix (hack) in bb-includes/template-functions.php, update this function to look like this:

    function get_post_text() {

    global $bb_post;

    return stripslashes($bb_post->post_text);

    return stripslashes(apply_filters( ‘get_topic_title’, $topic->topic_title, $id ));


    May be an artifact of the wordpress integration – not sure. “

    (Made a small change of adding the filter for the titles too… was originally split over two posts.

    if ( !defined('BBPATH') )
    define('BBPATH', dirname(C:AllProgramingphp&mysql SERVERwordpressbbpress) . '/' );
    require_once( BBPATH . 'C:AllProgramingphp&mysql SERVERwordpressbbpress' );


    Are this last lines correct if the path to my bbpress is: “C:AllProgramingphp&mysql SERVERwordpressbbpress” ?



    Does anyone know how this can be achieved without doing a custom query. (using built in bbpress or wordpress commands)

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