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Ok… Let me start off by saying I’m not your “average” user seeking help. I’ve spent the last 2-3 hours combing this forum and trying almost every combination of cookie configurations and tweaking.
My site is setup like this:
This is what I have thus far:
In my bbpress config.php
$bb->cookiedomain = '';
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
$bb->sitecookiepath = '/';In my wpmu wp-settings.php around line 245
if ( !defined('COOKIEPATH') )
define('COOKIEPATH', '/' );
if ( !defined('SITECOOKIEPATH') )
define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/' );
if ( !defined('COOKIE_DOMAIN') )
//define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.' . $current_site->domain);
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');Of course I replaced “” with my actual domain.
The result is I get a total of 4 cookies when I login into both sites.
Both sets are identical except expiration. (I even edited the expiration date with no avail, apparently bbpress is a full year and day off)
the cookie properties look like this:
website name path secure expires value
bbpress wordpresspass / no Mar 03, 2008 long_hash wordpressuser / no Mar 03, 2008 test
wpmu wordpresspass / no Mar 04, 2007 long_hash (same as the other) wordpressuser / no Mar 04, 2007 testThe only difference is the expiration date. As you can see bbpress has an issue with the date.
Perhaps I need sleep, or I don’t understand how the cookies are supposed to work. But I’m beat.. I can’t battle it anymore tonight.
I’m going to go get some sleep. Perhaps I’ll be able to figure it out from a fresh approach.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
How does BBPress compare to Simple Machines, PPHB and VBulletin?
I’m a bit worried it’s /too/ simple!
How well does BBPress integrate with WordPress?
I have an illustration blog (WP) at
I want a forum at
that works with the illustration blog
can bbpress and wordpress do this?
Topic: exlusive only for members
Hi! i have successfully installed bbress to my site integrated with wordpress. Now, i have another question? can we make it possible to make the forums(the entire bbrepss forums) exclusive only for members? what do i need to do? thanx!
Topic: Character Encoding Problem
I have bbpress and wordpress running independently on the same domain but am having some encoding problems with bbpress that I didnt have on my local server.
As an example . . .
Shows as . . .
I am sharing some of the same header information between my bbpress install and my wp theme, but I don’t know enough about encoding to know if that’s the problem.
Topic: I cannot install bbp
My bbPress does not want to show graphics and log me on.
It looks like if i would run it from my disk, without xampp.
Help me please.
My bbPress does not want to show graphics and log me on.
It looks like if i would run it from my disk, without xampp.
Here is my config.php
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’); // The name of the database
define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘admin’); // Your MySQL username
define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘precision’); // …and password
define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value
// Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.
$bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!
// If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct.
// Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL.
// Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here.
$bb->domain = ‘’; // Example: ‘’
// There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. ‘/’ is fine if the site is in root.
$bb->path = ‘/’; // Example: ‘/forums/’
// What are you going to call me?
$bb->name = ‘Thinker’;
// This must be set before running the install script.
$bb->admin_email = ‘’;
// Set to true if you want pretty permalinks.
$bb->mod_rewrite = false;
// The number of topics that show on each page.
$bb->page_topics = 30;
// A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting.
$bb->edit_lock = 60;
// Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time.
$bb->gmt_offset = 0;
// Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
// For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BBLANG to ‘de’
// to enable German language support.
define(‘BBLANG’, ”);
// Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage
// of Akismet’s powerful spam blocking, you’ll need one. You can get an Akismet key at
$bb->akismet_key = ”; // Example: ‘0123456789ab’
// The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.
// If you’re not, just leave the rest as it is.
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ”; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;
$bb->wp_home = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘’
$bb->wp_siteurl = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘’
/* Stop editing */
if ( !defined(‘BBPATH’) )
define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );
require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );
I have a WordPress blog installed at:
And another (with another MySQL database) installed at:
I would like to install bbPress into my ‘otherblog’ like so:
Could someone just clarify what I should put in my config file (as I am getting confused about the correct URL to enter). I am also confused about integrating the BB into my blog. Last time I uploaded (FTP’d) the whole folder (i.e. the ‘bbpress’ folder) to:
Was this the correct location? Should have uploaded the contents of the ‘bbpress’ folder to this location or should it have been uploaded to:
Also, where exactly should I put the .htacess file (to enable permalinks), last time I put it in:
I’m sorry if these are simple questions but I don’t want to damage my existing installation of WordPress.
Kind regards,
I just installed bbpress and now how do I get it to work within my current wordpress template?