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  • #53805

    I am still a stuck on this, I am not totally sure what to enter in my plugin options. With the old plugin I adjusted these options in the plugin php file:

    $bbpath = ‘/content/forums’; // Adjust the path to suit your bbpress location. Example: ‘/forums’

    $forum_slimit = ’20’; // Adjust the limit to show

    … and I was able to get the feature working.

    In the options menu for the new plugin I have adjusted the path to reflect the above path. I left the options below the “External DB” option blank: “Bbpress DB User, Bbpress DB Pass, Bbpress DB Name, Bbpress DB Host,” for I believe these are for using the external database, and I am using the local host and sharing a database with WordPress. (I also tried filling the “Bbpress DB User, Bbpress DB Pass, Bbpress DB Name, Bbpress DB Host” options, with out checking the external datatbase box, and I ran into the same issue.)

    Anyhow, I will have to re-activate the old v.3 working plugin for now, and we will have to manually edit the title lengths in the meantime. I will still be pushing for a solution, and if anyone has any ideas to why I can’t get this plugin working, the help would be appreciated.



    btw- i’m on WordPress 2.1 & bbPress 0.8.1


    Thanks for the replies. I have updated the plugin, but now I am getting an errors on my wordpress pages:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘content._bbtopics’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM _bbtopics WHERE topic_status = 0 ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 50

    I am starting to research this, and if anyone else already knows what the problem might be, feel free to chime in.




    in bb-admin panel, it shows only the code of php file.

    what bout other questions ?


    There is no activation required for bbPress plugins. Just drop them into a folder called my-plugins and they start working automatically. If you don’t already have that directory, go ahead and create it in your forum root.


    ok, i did something like that in my front site, and everything seem to be working ok, but:

    – look at forum and at wordpress- there is a little difference between them. text in forum is on the left, out from the table.

    – in my bb-admin page i have bad encoding (im polish), i have to use the unicode, dunno what bbpress uses

    how to add (activate) plugins for bbpress? i want to have display-name plugin to change moderators names :)


    Make sure that when you enter: require_once( ‘../wp-blog-header.php’);, it’s absolute path. For example: /home/username/archas/ram/wordpress/

    To find out what your absolute path is:

    1) make a file and call it path.php

    2) add this code into the path.php: <?php $p = getcwd(); echo $p; ?>

    3) upload it to your wordpress directory and access it, that will output your path.

    For more info:


    installed wordpress here:

    installed bbpress here:

    installed plugin which integrates registrations in wordpress and bbpress.

    i want to have same design in wordpress and bbpress, i added in my bbpress config a line require_once( ‘../wp-blog-header.php’);

    doesnt work. in my bbpress links on the left dont work too.


    Hey Community,

    We are getting closer to the launch of our site, and we are still having trouble with our bbpress title lengths interfering with our wordpress layout.

    You can see our bbpress forum locations spread through out the site.

    Is there any way to put a limit on the length of titles so they don’t break our site? We are using the same setup as described above.

    Any help would be appreciated, even if it means some sort of a temp css fix to hide overflow.



    Trent Adams

    What have you done? You have to give details of what you did because I (maybe others) cannot translate what you did into a fix without you telling us what exactly you have done…..



    what can i do


    My development machine is a local install of Apache/PHP/mySQL on my PowerBook running under OS 10.4.9.

    I’ve tried installing bbPress within a folder of my wordpress installation for a project I’m working on, but I’m getting blank pages from bbPress (ie. no content at all – just a white page). WordPress installed and works fine, but I can’t even get to the point of installing bbPress.

    I’m running PHP 5.1.6 and mySQL 5.0.22-standard.

    Anyone got any suggestions on how I can get content showing on the pages?


    I have integrated bbpress with wordpress without problems.

    To have the same header in bbpress and word press I include


    in the config.php in bbpress, then I edit the header.php (bbpress) with some wordpress functions.

    It’s runs ok, but the bbpress admin interfase can’t load.

    There are some comments about?

    Trent Adams

    What do you mean? The second link from so10? I don’t know why it didn’t work for you. Search around the forums as there are people have have gotten the integration with a wordpress theme done.

    As I stated above, I use the first link and built a theme from scratch. In my opinion, there is no real ‘easy’ way to build a theme by including a file from WP that I have found, but I will stand correctly if someone can explain to me now. Good luck!



    i did what u wrote. look at this… :

    links on the left don’t work. no header.

    Trent Adams

    Many people including myself have implemented the themes of bbPress and WordPress by actually making a theme in bbPress that looks like WordPress. There is information creating theme available here. As well, doing what you wanted has been tried and documented on these forums before, so I would suggest a quick search. I know so10 has a patch on his site at:

    Hope that helps!



    doesn’t work :( whats wrong ://


    Possibly you need to go up two or three directories, since config.php is called somewhere else? I have no idea really. Just try an absolute or base URL, such as or /wordpress/wp-blog-header.php, hopefully that will work :) If it doesn’t you can probably be sure it’s something else.



    everything works well but i just cant add header from wordpress. i add to my bbpress config:

    require_once( ‘../wp-blog-header.php’ )

    my directories look like this:

    /wordpress – here is the wordpress

    /wordpress/forum – here is the bbpress

    whats wrong :)?

    and i want to remove ‘views part’ .


    In reply to: Ajax libs used…


    I wasn’t asking to remove the whole ajax staff.

    I was asking to reduce it. Once we need only ajax http requests feature, why we should use the whole lib?

    Can’t we just write a function for that?

    It would be also great to had the possibility of including or not including any ajax libs in forums API, those already predefined and distributed with the bbPress or WordPress?!

    Still unresolved…..



    I’m new to bbpress, and I’m trying to install it. I already use wordpress. There are lots of posts that talk about integration, but I’m not sure what ‘integration’ really means.

    Is there a site where I can look and see an example of ‘integration’? What are the benefits? How do a BLOG and FORUM integrate? Thank you! :)



    Is there a problem on Windows servers, or just on localhost on Windows?

    Of course my suggestion is only a temporary solution. But I am of the belief that the QA or dev server should be the same configuration as the production server, to eliminate the possibility of bugs being introduced when you go live. Installing this on localhost on a Windows desktop machine and ‘making it work’ when your production site is on a linux server seems to me like too much work.

    With bbPress still being beta, I’m not too worried about it. WordPress 1.0-RC1 was released somewhere around Jan 1 2004. Their version before that, 0.72 beta1 was released in August 2003. There’s certainly time to get it right.


    How about installing a linux distro in house since your server is linux also?

    That’s a temporary solution, but once bbPress goes final and gets publicity the likes of WordPress, this Windows/localhost problem will need to be addressed.


    I see that forum in have this toolbar function in reply text area, is it tinyMCE or whatelse Editor?


    You could disable it just to see if that’s the problem. In addition to removing or modifying the .htaccess file, you need to set

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    in your config. That will turn off the rewriting completely. Both need to be working for the pretty permalinks to work (i.e. the .htaccess is present, and the $bb->mod_rewrite = true. It doesn’t work on all servers though. Oddly, it works for my WordPress just fine, but not for bbPress which is in a subdirectory, so I have mine set to false for bbPress.)

    I would disable it for now, just to see if that’s causing your problem.


    Yeah, I setup Xampp Lite on my computer to be able to run WordPress and bbPress. Then I modify things, and play with it on the localhost before uploading things to my live sites/forums..


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