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I see that forum in have this toolbar function in reply text area, is it tinyMCE or whatelse Editor?
Topic: Force WP registration
I would like to force users to register via the WP blog that my bbpress install is integrated with. Is there any fast and easy way to do this?
I know I could probably crawl through the code and hard code the link so it goes to the WP registration screen instead, but I was hoping someone might have a different suggestion. Also, forcing them to log in through wordpress would be kind of nice as well.
Call me crazy, but I’m still a little cautious about running registration and login through the BBpress side.
Topic: User ID = 999999999?
I have recently integrated a bbpress install with an existing wordpress blog/site. The WP blog had three users prior to the integration, and all three made it over to the bbpress install with no problems. However, today a new user registered on the WP side and her ID defaulted to 999999999.
I proceeded to register a “dummy” user, just to see what happened. The next registration ticked up to user ID #1000000000. While I doubt that this will lead to any serious problems, it seems silly to me to have user IDs starting around ONE BILLION, when even 1,000 would be plenty high enough for my lil’ ol’ site. Having McDonald’s-esque “XX billions served” sized numbers seems to fly in the face of the “Code is poetry” mantra.
Any ideas as to what’s going on here?
The link to
but its title “OLD INSTRUCTIONS”
After I try modify config.php
My blog user login fail to bbpress.
msg show “Cannot select DB.”
any good idea?
Topic: Profile Page and Permalinks
I finally got everything set up at Books In Bed. The Forum is working well too. Tell me what you think of it so far.
The problems I have had are linking to a topic author’s profile page. I can get the “last poster’s” profile page link though.
What I think I need to do is get the author’s “user id” to do this, but for some reason I can’t get it.
Also, I’ve tried everything on this site to get pretty permalinks working (I use GoDaddy). They’ve always worked fine on my WordPress blog, but not on bbpress. The only thing I haven’t done is
because I keep getting an error when I go to that page.