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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #72692

    What version of bbPress did you install, and which translation?



    i am installing a bbpress forum for my website… Eveything is right but the translation to spanish its not running good. Some words are translated and some others no. I have modified the es_ES.po so to have all the english words translated to the spanish. But… some words are running and some others no… why could be that? What do i have to do so to fix it up? Do i have to touch all the theme file´s so to put each word directly to spanish or it is another way i am not seeing?… please HELP!


    My website is:


    Here is what I was trying to get some kind of multi-language support going:

    Index: bb-includes/l10n.php


    — bb-includes/l10n.php (revision 2040)

    +++ bb-includes/l10n.php (working copy)

    @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@

    function get_locale() {

    global $locale;

    + if (isset($_GET))

    + $locale=$_GET;


    if (isset($locale))

    return $locale;

    Then I go to: and it supplies that language. Great, but of course none of the links that bbPress generates has the ?lang=en_US option set. So I guess, is there a plugin for this?

    I’m not looking for (but would be better than nothing):

    Something that lets a user set their language, and changes the language when logged in.

    I am looking for (ideal plugin):

    Something that allows multi-language support by virtue of URL location and/or variable (as above). What language you are viewing makes more sense to depend on the URL, not on your login. Especially, since forums are also useful to the public when they don’t have a login to begin with.

    Even just being able to set the language on a per-forum basis would be good, then I could just make different forums for different languages.

    I guess I can modify my theme to include “language translation” links and keep my current hack.

    Any ideas?


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation


    I have a general question. How updated language files can be uploaded to



    In reply to: Bulgarian translation


    Че аз така и направих – с текстовия редактор. Замених навсякъде тоя текст с празен. Може и да има друг по-хубав начин ама не го зная.

    Сега ще се мъча да инсталирам и уча KBabel примерно ;).


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation

    Между другото, в .po файла мисля, че ще е добре навсякъде трябва да се махне онова

    хахах, да :) трябва да се зачистят пътищата но нямам идея как да стане освен направо да бръкна в .po файла с текстов редактор.


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation


    Представа нямам. Попаднах на превода ти търсейки точно същата информация. Ще трябва да питаме.

    Между другото, в .po файла мисля, че ще е добре навсякъде да се махне онова


    Не, че пречи кой знае колко – и с него и без него успях да направя другия файл ма стои някак … не много стилно. :)


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation

    Благодаря :)

    Когато излезе бета версия на 1.0 ще обновя и превода, засега остава на стабилната 0.9

    Колкото до конкретните преводи на някои думички – за нашите нужди звучи приемливо добре :) Променили сме и още някои нещица – сещам се за “Стил” вместо “Тема”(Theme), защото Topic също се превежда като “Тема” и става объркване. Макар, че сега влиза в разрез с превода на WordPress… може би трябва да стане “Тема”(Theme) и “Дискусия”(Topic)

    Може би трябва да се произнесе някой от комисията по стандартизация ;) (Н.Бачийски?)

    А знаеш ли какъв да подновим превода в официалното хранилище с този?


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation


    Добра работа :) Пробвах го на trunk – засега изглежда супер :)

    Само това “Вписване” и “Отписване” ми звучи странно … Може хората да го разберат като “Регистрация” и “Изтриване на регистрация” … при мен поне това е първосигналната реакция …


    In reply to: Norwegian translation


    Norwegian translation of -> here

    Norsk oversettelse av -> her


    Norsk WordPress og bbPress forum


    Hello :)

    I noticed that Bulgarian translation is quite out of date so with a friend we made an update. It is available here:

    bbPress 0.9 in Bulgarian


    In reply to: mo file is not working

    There are known issues with BuddyPress, bbPress and translations, IIRC


    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options

    Sam Bauers

    The only gotchas with bbPress-1.0-alpha (up to alpha-6) are the less stable code and a few missing functionalities with regards to tag management. If you are doing “deep” integration then there are reported problems with language translation files not being loaded. There are some other sundry issues as well, most of which just need some quality time with a PHP person to fix.


    ok guys i just can’t get it

    i figured out, that the file where wiseacre brought me to is the pot for the Alpha 5! I found a pot file for the Alpha 6 @

    1 Documentation

    2 Installation


    4 pot

    5 tags

    BUT: Big problem with that pot. I translated it two times and everytime i try to translate some phrases with:

    “%d” e.g. “%d topic:”

    then this phrase cant be translated. And after the try, the pot file is broken. i cant open it anymore and ALL TRANSLATIONS are gone. thats very very frustrating.

    Problem of me or problem of this


    Using poEdit 1.4.2


    Thanks to Sam for these lines, I can use the $wpdb object in bbpress which is really great !

    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

    include_once( '/Full/Path/To/wp-load.php' );


    Unfortunately there is a serious drawback as it breaks the translation of bbpress. The seems to have no effect with these line.

    Could you please help ?


    I plugged the text into Google Translate, and got this rough translation: State Academy of Sciences

    Chinese bbPress forum

    The question now is, it can paste the Chinese but not Chinese user name registration interface, sinicized also garbled, character set problem?

    Welcome to visit and discuss

    I may be misunderstanding this, but the question sounds like it may be: “I can’t register chinese language usernames using bbPress… why is this?”

    If so, that’s because bbPress 1.0 doesn’t allow unicode usernames… only unicode display names.

    If the post said something else entirely, let’s pretend this comment never happened! :-)


    Hi !

    I’m using wpmu 2.7+buddypress+bbpress trunk

    and cannot translate bbpress. Only the admin side is half translated and nothing on the user side except one or two buttons (ie in login)

    mo file is absolutely not working yet !

    And i had same troubles with past wpmu 2.6.5…

    i tried many things found here on the forum. Latest test was to retrieve BB-LANG settings in, disabling mo file in my-languages folder. Nothing, no error nor translation !

    Does anybody has the same configuration as i, with a foreign language working ?

    So please tel how you make this work !



    Hmm. Okay, we need some people with translations on bbPress (alone, no WP/WPMU integration) to give us their results. This could just be the bbPress translation, or it may be due to the integration, but until we test it both ways, it’s hard to say. I don’t use a translation so I can’t really poke around that for you :(


    honnestly, i think at this time, there are not many people using wpmu+buddy+bb !

    And most of them (as i read on several forums) encounters basic difficulties to simply translate the pot file of one or the other…

    I translated each of them as a first step

    Integrated them as second step

    In third step, WPMU translation is ok and works 100%

    buddypress is ok – 100%, too

    but bbpress, hum, 30%


    *LOL!* It’s always good to state, up-front, what you’ve done before ;) That way people know and don’t give you useless answers like I did!

    Have other buddyPress language translations had the same problem?


    I expected such an answer, Ipstenu !

    I already use the french translation, and as i said, it is not working correctly, not working at all. :-)

    And i use it because i’m the author of the file you mentionned me.

    The admin panel of bb is in french, the public side absolutely not. On the buddy forum, this appears to be a bbpress question, and here it is a buddy question.


    As end user, I only know that something is not working well between forum and buddy.

    Show here by yourselve:


    _dan_ – buddyPress already has a French language mod. Have you tried that? I’m not sure why the prefs would be overwritten, but I think it’s the integration, whcih means it may be a buddyPress forum question.


    Hi !

    I’m the admin of the french buddypress demo site. I encounter some difficulties with translating bbpress into french.

    It seems as bbpress runs with WPMU+buddyPress, the translation is not working correctly. Probably due to cookie session mistake or something like this…

    While .mo file is installed in /forum/my-languages directory, many lines are translated by the WPMU .mo file instead of bp’s one.

    So, in my case, I need bp completely translated in french, not half showing in english.

    Any idea of what is happening ? Thank


    I guess I should have added the word CURRENTLY.

    Not CURRENTLY possible to change via a plugin.

    But you won’t see them do it via a plugin at any time anyway.

    Translation hooks can already do it, it’s just a pain to do.

    Right now there is only one person working on the bbPress core and I wouldn’t go distracting him with stuff like this when there is plenty of far more serious work to be done.


    Uh, you are talking about text in the core?

    Not possible to change via a plugin.

    Only thing you could do is use the language translation filters and do an “english to english” translation of the phrases you want to change. Note that it adds some overhead but I guess everything in bbPress does.

    There is one other scary method you could use and that would be to capture php’s output buffering and change it on the fly. That would be an extremely ugly workaround.

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