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Translations not running good

  • Hi!

    i am installing a bbpress forum for my website… Eveything is right but the translation to spanish its not running good. Some words are translated and some others no. I have modified the es_ES.po so to have all the english words translated to the spanish. But… some words are running and some others no… why could be that? What do i have to do so to fix it up? Do i have to touch all the theme file´s so to put each word directly to spanish or it is another way i am not seeing?… please HELP!


    My website is:

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  • chrishajer


    What version of bbPress did you install, and which translation?



    Silly question but did you rebuild the .mo file?

    The po/mo on the automattic svn is very outdated and is from 0.8

    Try this version which has many more stings, even thought it’s for 1.0 it might work well on 0.9

    I’ve translated bbPress in to the Dutch language, no problem at all. I just found a old translation file, and edited a bit. So, evry thing just works just fine ;)

    People!!! Thanks for the replys!

    @chrishajer: I have installed the latest stable version of bbPress: The “Brubeck” version

    @_ck_: I have rebuilded the .po file… (¿do i have to rebuild the .mo file too?…)

    I will try with the´s translation… let me test it and i will talk again.


    Bad news… the problem persist…

    its the same…

    In Ayudawordpress i have found just the .po file… but not the .mo…

    so maybe i really have to edit the .mo file… how can i do that? with what program could i edit it ? because notepad or dreamweaver is not reading it good!




    Poedit will automatically re-save the .mo file when you edit and save the .po file by default unless you’ve changed the default settings.

    the mo file is in here, it’s all you need

    in bbPress 0.9 put it into bb-includes/languages/

    in bbPress 1.0 put it into my-languages/

    and change in your bb-config.php


    Thanks a lot! Now its working excellent!

    But now i have another question… how can i edit some words like: “Maestro de las llaves”… ? in the .mo file so i can change some translation words?.

    What program should i use?

    Where i can find a guide so to do it?




    The program you need is poedit.

    WordPress has pretty good instructions for doing it, and the process is similar with bbPress:



    Also note that you edit the es_ES.po file which then makes the new file when you save the changed in poedit.

    Their es_ES.po is here:

    You men are incredible! Thanks for your efforts for helping people all over the country! I could fix all my problems because of you guys… thanks!

    Good Luck!

    Thanks to all. I had the same language problem before but now it resolved.

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