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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #213177

    Hey there, I tried using the translation part of the bbp style pack plugin, while assuming, that once I was able to fix the translations I would then fix the CSS styling issues I have mentioned above (this would just take a little work on my behalf). Anyway, even though it says you have to play around with it to get it right (e.g. add the full stop if there is one etc.), I was not able to implement the translations. I am sure it has something to do with the way my site is set up and not the plugin itself, but alas, I had to find a different option.
    So, here is my frontend Javascript solution. I noticed that I have to put e.g. “weeks” before “week” in the object for it to work (i.e. plural before singular). For anyone who wants to know, the word “aktualisiert” refers to the English word “updated”, (as the verb goes to the end of the sentence in German it is slightly tricky to just translate “this was last updated…..”).
    I am not sure if anyone needs this, but as I require help with my website from time to time from people like those at bbpress (thx btw), if I can be of any help, I would like to. This is an IIFE btw:

    /* WB- translate some dodgy sentences (part English/ part German) */
    var translate = function () {
        //check if the page is a forum page. If not, return function
        var isForum = document.querySelector("#bbpress-forums");
        if (!isForum) return;
        // find if either forum or topic description (topic is one level lower in the forum where people can answer individual posts. forum is where all the sub-topics are listed
        var forum = document.querySelector(".bbp-forum-description");
        var description = document.querySelector(".bbp-topic-description");
        //If not on either the forum description page or the forum topic page, return
        if (!forum && !description) return;
        //set a variable to add the innerHTML to 
        var d_text;
        if (forum) {
            // if forum has no topics make no tranlation changes and hide the "Oh bother.... div"
            if (forum.innerText === "Dieses Forum ist leer."){ 
            var oh_both_text = document.querySelectorAll(".bbp-template-notice");
            oh_both_text[1].style.display = "none";
            d_text = forum.innerHTML;
        if (description) {
            d_text = description.innerHTML;
        // create object with list to translate (name: = English, value = Deutsch)
        var d_obj = {
            "This forum has": "Dieses Forum hat",
            "This topic has": "Dieses Thema hat",
            "This category has":"Diese Kategorie hat",
            "This topic is empty":"Dieses Thema ist leer",
            "and was last updated": "und wurde zuletzt",
            "seconds": "Sekunden",
            "minutes": "Minuten",
            "hours": "Stunden",
            "day": "Tag",
            "week": "Woche",
            "months": "Monaten",
            "month": "Monat",
            "by": "von"
        // use Replace method to run through innerHTML and replace English text with German
        d_text = d_text.replace(/This forum has|This topic has|This category has|This topic is empty|hidden|and was last updated|seconds|minutes|hours|days|day|weeks|week|months|month|years|year|by/gi, function (matched) { return d_obj[matched]; });
        //add "aktualisiert" to end of sentence
        if (d_text.indexOf("und wurde zuletzt") > -1) {
        d_text = d_text.slice(0,-1).concat(" aktualisiert.");    }
        //update the innerHTML of either the forum or the topic page 
        if (forum) { forum.innerHTML = d_text; }
        if (description) { description.innerHTML = d_text; }

    Unfortunately, upon activating it, it changes the layout of the forum. This would be ok, I could simply take some time to change it, but as there are so many features, I am not sure what else changes.
    Is there any way to take out the functionality of the translation part and make it its own plugin?
    Would this be too much work on your behalf?
    thx for all your help.

    Robin W

    the latest version changed some phrases and they have yet to be added into the translations.

    you can use

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>translations


    My forum is set in German (bbpress-de_DE)
    There are some things in my forum that are not translated.
    e.g: (See top line, a mix of German and English). I have tried editing the bbpress-de_DE-formal.po file using Poedit for Windows, but this does not make any changes.
    How can I edit existing translations and add further translations plz?



    I use WordPress version 5.4.1 and bbpress version 2.6.4 on my website with the theme woostify.

    I have something strange: I have downloaded the .mo file (named it, and the .po file is bbpress-nl_NL.po) from the official bbpress site and uploaded it through file manager in my forum.

    But nothing will be translated. When I look in the plugin Loco translate, that I use there is nothing translated.

    Can anyone help me please?

    Thank you very much in advance!

    With warm regards,
    Klaziena Waerts


    I really really recommend using the plugin called “WP Override Translation.” It works perfecty… you will then be able to change “Forum” to “Newsroom.”

    Hope this helps because the plugin helped me so much!!!

    Robin W


    Function reference


    pll_register_string($name, $string, $group, $multiline);
    ‘$name’ => (required) name provided for sorting convenience (ex: ‘myplugin’)
    ‘$string’ => (required) the string to translate
    ‘$group’ => (optional) the group in which the string is registered, defaults to ‘polylang’
    ‘$multiline’ => (optional) if set to true, the translation text field will be multiline, defaults to false

    so maybe

    pll_register_string( 'slug_users', '_bbp_user_slug', 'polylang' );


    In reply to: 2 questions

    Robin W

    I found this in another thread

    Found the solution: simply selecting ‘Dutch’ in the Admin > General Settings section instead of ‘Dutch (Formal)’ in the field ‘Website Language’ did the trick. After saving and refreshing the website, the forum shows the Dutch translation.

    don’t know if that helps

    Robin W

    it can be complicated and can require some digging to find the original phrase, but my style pack plugin has a translation section which works for quite a few

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>translations

    Robin W

    Put this in your child theme’s function file – or use

    Code Snippets

    add_filter(  'ngettext',  'rew_bbpress_translate' , 20 , 5 );
    function rew_bbpress_translate( $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain ) {
    	if ($domain == 'bbpress') {
        if ($translation == 'Viewing %1$s topic') $translation = 'Viewing %1$s messages' ;
    	if ($translation == 'Viewing %1$s topics') $translation = 'Viewing %1$s messages' ;
    	if ($translation == 'Viewing topic %2$s (of %4$s total)') $translation = 'Viewing message %2$s (of %4$s total)' ;
    	if ($translation == 'Viewing %1$s topics - %2$s through %3$s (of %4$s total)') $translation = 'Viewing %1$s messages - %2$s through %3$s (of %4$s total)' ;
    return apply_filters ('rew_bbpress_translate', $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain ) ;

    Same problem here. I have the right translation in my .mo-files, but still the english translation is shown in the freshness part for year, month, day, hour…
    Any suggestions?

    I can translate it with your style plugin, but it is way to big to install for just translating these few words…



    Really interesting plugin
    I did not even modify the Freshness Display and it switched to last reply by default.

    I’m going to help you out with the translation to Spanish of that plugin.

    By the way, for code improvements, how do you track changes? do you have public repo for the plugin or using WP SVN?


    I have created the po and mo files translated into Spanish and I have uploaded them but they do not work I cannot understand why it is so difficult to translate the forum



    In the past, I had the same question, but I didn’t try to find a solution yet.
    I’ll try to continue this thread.

    It’s about the page title for the opening page or index page of the forum, shown in the browser’s title bar. For the topic starter, that title starts with:
    Archiwum Fora
    It’s Polish for “archive forums”.

    For my site, it’s in Dutch:
    Archief forums
    It’s Dutch for “archive forums”.

    It’s the title of the index page of the forum shown by the browser.
    For forums themselves, the browser shows the title of the forum as text in the browser’s title bar. So that’s going well.

    As the forum opening page or index page is live and active, it’s expected to not to see “archive” as title in the browser.

    On my setup, I tried the suggestion of mclegend.
    Administration -> You mean the WordPress Back-End with all the configuration settings?
    For ‘Configuration’, I don’t see ‘Server Settings’, only ‘Settings’ and indeed ‘General’, which points to basic WordPress options / item “Forum Title” is not there.
    There is however a ‘Settings’ with ‘Forums’, and I see forum-related options. eg. Forum root and below the title ‘Single Forum Slugs’, there is ‘forum’, which could be a title, but not labeled that way.
    The setting or word ‘archive’ or Dutch translated variant is on those pages not mentioned.
    I suppose the Dutch (or for topic starter, Polish version) is by using translation file(s) and localized version of the WordPress.
    But it’s not about the translation, it’s about the original ‘archive’ in the title.

    So, question remains:
    How to get rid of the word ‘archive’ in the browser’s title bar for the opening page or index page of the forum, and/or where can we set a title manually?

    Current setup: PHP 7.3.12 / WordPress 5.3.2 / bbPress 2.5.14 and seen on earlier versions of 2.5.x and on the later 2.6.x versions while testing.


    In reply to: Translations

    Juha Metsäkallas

    The proper location of translation files for bbPress was a mystery for me too. It looks like, that for bbPress 2.6 you only need to put them into (a change from previous version)

    And yes, if you download from

    you get a po file with a wrong name, like
    which you must chagne.


    After last main update I still have problems with translations: some words in italian, and some words in english.

    How can I solve the issue? Or do I have just to wait for an update again?

    CGC studio


    How to translate forum Moderation notification email entitled “Moderation: Flagged topic”?
    I looked in BBpress settings and search for eventual po file but I didn’t find anything!!

    Could you tell how and where I could perform this translation?




    This is my complete configuration if it helps.

    I don’t understand why my “Meeting Schedule Assistant” forum has rather sporadic ordering of the forums!

    General Information - Category - Public - Order 0
     FAQ - Forum - Public - Order 0
     Misc - Forum - Private - Order 1 
    Meeting Schedule Assistant - Category - Private - Order 0
     General Discussion - Forum - Private - Order 0
     Assignments Editor - Forum - Private - Order 2
     Midweek Editor - Forum - Private - Order 2
     Midweek Editor Custom Templates - Forum - Private - Order 2
     Calendar Sync - Forum - Private - Order 3
     MWB Info - Forum - Private - Order 4
     Translations - Forum - Private - Order 4
    Public Talks - Category - Private - Order 1
     General Discussion - Forum - Private - Order 0
     Custom Report Scripts - Forum - Private - Order 1
     Custom Report Scripts Samples - Forum - Private - Order 2
     Calendar Sync - Forum - Private - Order 3
     Send Outlook - Forum - Private - Order 4
     Talk Outlines - Forum - Private - Order 5
     Translations - Forum - Private - Order 6
    Visits Rota - Category - Private- Order 2
     General Discussion - Forum - Private - Order 1
     Translations - Forum - Private - Order 2

    I created a new topic today:

    It is a private forum post. I used TinyMCE editor and it has:

    – Paragraphs
    – Table
    – Background colour
    – Code snippets
    – Heading 3

    I hit “Submit” and the topic looks good.

    I click “EDIT” and alot of all the underlaying HTML is stripped.

    So I hit BACK in my browser. I set the default editor as TEXT and then I clicked EDIT and this time the whole text showed in the TEXT editor.

    Why did the TinyMCE editor strip the content?

    I am using:

    – WordPress 5.3 (it uses TinyMCE 4.9.6 internally)
    – bbp Style Pack
    – TinyMCE ADvanced
    – Advanced TinyMCE Configuration

    I seem to recall I used to have the same problem in general in Wordress when editing posts that had code in them would show funny. I really don’t know enough about the mechanics of the whole system to know where to look or who to direct the issue towards.

    If anyone can replicate this problem or can direct me to a resolution I would be grateful. Thank you.

    Pascal Casier

    Translation of bbPress 2.6.x is being updated. Hopefully by next weekend all is done.

    Robin W

    ok, in 4.3.6 freshness tab, I have added translations

    Robin W

    I’ve looked further at the code, and yes my translation won’t work for time.

    I am just a bbpress user who helps out on this forum, so I cannot say when the devs will complete the translations.


    I couldn’t make it work with dates… Anyway, translation should arrive soon, right ?


    Thank you Robin !
    I saw your translation tab today and was thinking to giving it a try (thank you for the plugin by the way 👍).

    Edit : I tried it like this, but it doesn’t solve the issue :
    translation try

    Is there anything else to do than translating it here and saving that settings ?

    Robin W

    this is because 2.6 has changed some wording and context, and the new translations have not been made yet

    to fix the above either use this

    add_filter(  'gettext',  'rew_bbpress_translate', 20 , 3  );
    add_filter(  'ngettext',  'rew_bbpress_translate' , 20 , 3 );
    function rew_bbpress_translate( $translated, $text, $domain ) {
    	if ($domain == 'bbpress') {
         $words = array(
                            '%s day' => '%s jour',
    						'%s days' => '%s jours',
    						'Last Post' => 'Dernier message',
         $translated = str_replace(  array_keys($words),  $words,  $translated );
         return $translated;

    Put this in your child theme’s function file – or use

    Code Snippets

    or use the translations tab in my style pack plugin

    bbp style pack

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