Hello, I would get the translation into Galician for my bbpress forum.
Okay cool…. so two questions:
1) Does keeping the PHP there burn resources?
2) If I don’t care about translations, is there any reason to keep that stuff?
We have just finished the Romanian translation for version 1.0.2
Info in Romanian about the translation and how to install it can be found at: http://www.reflectionmedia.ro/2009/09/bbpress-in-limba-romana/
The actual translation files, both .po and .mo, can be found at: http://www.reflectionmedia.ro/download/bb102.zip
I just checked out 1.0.2 via svn and I see backpress is included as an external:
Fetching external item into 'bb-includes/backpress/pomo'
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/mo.php
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/app.php
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/languages
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/languages/app.pot
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/languages/bg.mo
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/languages/app-side.pot
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/languages/bg-side.mo
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/languages/bg.po
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/sample/languages/bg-side.po
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/po.php
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/streams.php
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/entry.php
A bb-includes/backpress/pomo/translations.php
Checked out external at revision 191.
It’s actually included in the packaged download here too:
I don’t think using trac to grab the source is the same as actually downloading the package. Maybe that was the problem?
There are translation function calls in the installer script, so it should just be a case of just translating the appropriate strings, unless it’s not actually loading those at all?
Thanks for the advice.
@Olaf: I searched the forums here and couldn’t find out how to set up the custom fields. I tried the plugin you linked to, but that didn’t work either.
@Senteevs: Where can I find the translations file and my-languages? It sounds like a good idea, but I’m not sure how to implement it.
Well, couldn’t you just go ahead and change the names of the fields in the translation file and then copy the result to my-languages.
Agreed, it may no be the best way to do this, but it’ll do the trick.
In a few days, I completed the translation of bbPress (1.0.2) from English to Turkish. There I share the link you can download the language file (.mo format):
More – Fazlası:
English Note: I’ll be waiting for feedbacks to make the translation more understandable, so please e-mail me at ebs [at] rahmetli.info for advices. Thank you.
Türkçe Not: Türkçe için üstteki adresi ziyaret ediniz. Ve lütfen çeviri hatası varsa size göre ebs [at] rahmetli.info adresini kullanarak geri bildirimde bulununuz. Teşekkürler.
I noticed there was not really a Dutch translation around, so I put something together. It can be found here: http://basszje.vrijwazig.org/wp-content/dev/bbpress102_nl_latest.zip
If anybody makes improvements I’d like some feedback ( see readme ) so we can keep the best version together!
Dukessa: unfortunately, _e() (and __()) attempts to translate the string it is given – which means that if you try to call “_e(topic_time())”, it will be interpreted as “_e(“August 12, 2009″)” (or whatever topic_time() outputs). The solution is to put translation functions inside the topic_time() function. Note however, that that would indeed translate “August” into “Augusti”, but it won’t fix the order (it’ll still go “month day, year”) nor the capitalization (in Swedish, months are spelled with lowercase first letter unless in the beginning of a sentence). In WordPress, the order problem is solved by an admin setting for the date format, but the capitalization issue remains.
I hope that explains it. If I have the time some day, I’ll try to submit a patch for it to be fixed in the next version.
Yes, it seems that also here RSS do not work anymore…
Any idea about what is wrong?
Hello, I have a working translation for bbPress 1.0.2, and Im having the topic_time() issue too.
It doesnt translate into my local language, even though months, days etc, are translated in the lang file.
When I use _e(‘something to translate’) everything is fine, but calling directly topic_time() doesnt translate anything.
How do I wrap topic_time() into _e() ? or… what is the correct way to translate time?
да, за заповедната форма си прав, но не се сещам дали съм следил за това…
оправих и другата дреболия всичко е в SVN вече
I think Prutser should update his page. Language files are now being put in /my-languages/
You have to create that folder.
Also it’s a good idea to download Poedit and also download his .po file. Translated words as “moddereter” doesn’t sound so nice :$
And beside that, THANKS A LOT prutser, we love you man.
Translation is not bbPress 1.0 ready? In Finnish translation same.
bbPress Simplified Chinese Translation.
You can download it with the URL below.
bbPress 1.0.2 Simplified Chinese Translation.
You can download it with the URL below.
There maybe still have some translation bugs. So please let me know and I will fix it.
You may use the bbPress Admin Fonts Beautifier plugin too…
В страницата с разширенията горе има едно “Инталирани” – липсва с-то
Hi guys!
I’m trying to install the brasilian portuguese ( pt_BR ) language to my bbpress and it’s not working! No way!
I’ve tryed everything already! Help me , please!!!
А, сега се сетих – в някои проекти за превод на свободен софтуер са приели като правило да не се използва заповедна форма. Например вместо “Добави” -> “Добавяне”, вместо “Изтрий” -> “Изтриване” и тъй нататък.
Но пък наистина скоро не съм ползвал превода на WordPress и не зная какъв е стила … пък и да се мъчиш да преправяш сега за тая версия не си е работа.
[важно] също звучи добре и разбираемо …