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  • #53082

    Nevermind, much props goes to boyevul on GoogleTalk! ;) ;D The login codes were placed in the theme’s header2.php file, directly after an “onclick” action, which was the culprit.

    So this:

    <div id=”header” onclick=”location.href='<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>’;” style=”cursor: pointer;”>

    <h1><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a></h1>

    <?php login_form(); ?>

    <div id=”memlist”><a href="<?php bb_memberlist_link(); ?>">Member List</a></div>


    Was changed to this:

    <div id=”header”>

    <h1><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a></h1>

    <?php login_form(); ?>

    <div id=”memlist”><a href="<?php bb_memberlist_link(); ?>">Member List</a></div>


    And all was peachy! I didn’t however upload the latest files of bbPress to the online copy, and I didn’t upload the new changes I just made here either.. I will then .. ;) :D

    Either way, problem is solved!



    larmir, do you have an example URL where we can register and test this out? Also, does Dreamhost have a phpinfo() where we could see about magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime? If they do not have that file, can you create a file on your server called info.php or phpinfo.php (name does not matter so long as you know it) and then, in that file, put this:




    That will give all sorts of useful information, including your magic_quotes settings.




    try this plugin


    function your_function_name($where) {

    global $topic;

    if ($topic)

    return $where . ' AND topic_id = ' . $topic->topic_id;


    return $where;


    function get_first_post_of_current_topic() {

    global $bb_post;


    $bb_post = get_latest_posts(1);

    if(count($bb_post) == 1 ) {

    $bb_post = $bb_post[0];





    where you want call get_first_post_of_current_topic();


    try this..

    create a plugin with this code..

    function your_function_name($where) {

    global $topic;

    return $where . ' AND topic_id = ' . $topic->topic_id;


    function get_first_post_of_current_topic() {




    call get_first_post_of_current_topic in the loop where you show tipc name.

    let me know if works.. this is just a hunch



    Alright, I uploaded a copy of my actual Localhost now, to my domain name:

    You can see what I’m talking about there, well hopefully lol! =P Also, please keep in mind, things might be broke, still screwy.. just register if you can, only for testing purposes.. ;) :)

    Also, this isn’t even near done yet lmao. I got a lot of nice things in mind for this baby.. LoL! =P



    I don’t know the ‘official’ answer, but I have had several users register a new name with an old email address (their username was spelled wrong or something) and they got their email and it works fine.

    To test, I just re-registered myself with a new name and an old email address, and it was received. I am on a gmail account. I do know that MSN, AOL and Yahoo tend to be aggressive with their anti-spam, and there are a lot of false positives (I know this from other business mail I send.) user_email is not a UNIQUE field in the database either. (I am integrated with WP – not sure if it matters.)

    I suspect it’s spam filtering catching the emails.


    Ok first post and I’m going to start by saying having only been using bbpress for 2 days I think its great, and just what I was looking for in appearance for a forum ie clutterfree and simple.

    I am no expert on this but I’ll try and explain a problem I am having with registration emails. It may not be anything to do with bbpress but I’m hoping someone here may have the experience to help.

    PROBLEM: User register seems to be fine and the mysql database is filled with their details. They get the email. All ok. However, if I try to create a different user with the same email (I’m doing this for testing) I never seem to get a registration email. Does bbpress do a check to see if a email address is already being used? I don’t seem to get this problem if a create users with an email address at the domain the forum is hosted. Also if I have an account and use the forgotten password recovery I find I get the email to generate a new password but don’t see the email with the new password.

    On top of this yahoo seems to be picking up the registration email as spam, I don’t know if this is normal.

    I hope this isn’t too long winded. If anyone has any thoughts I’d love to hear them. I know people are registering with my forum and using it so it does work! But they all have individual passwords. Thanks! :-)


    get_top_tags($recent, $limit) will return an array of tag objects… each object contains the tag ID, tag (tag all lower case), raw tag (tag how it was typed), and tag count (how many times the tag is used). To get the link to a specific tag, you use get_tag_link(). You’d want to use the get_top_tags function like this: get_top_tags(false, X) where X is the number of tags you want displayed.

    You can also pull the tags straight from the database. Here’s the code used in functions.php:

    $tags = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->tags ORDER BY tag_count DESC LIMIT $limit")

    I’d take out the limit part if you want all the tags. Then, if you want a drop down menu, you can just do this (this is from my head and untested, so it might not work if copy and pasted):

    if(!empty($tags) ) :

    echo '<select name="userid" id="userid">';

    foreach( $tags as $tag) :

    echo "<option value='$tag->raw_tag'>$tag->tag</option>";


    echo '</select>';


    echo "No tags exist";


    Then you just gotta figure out how to either redirect to the desired page using POST data or something like that. Not exactly sure how I’d go about it.


    Alrighty, just to be a dumbarse, I’d love to use this plugin but I’ve NO idea how to do the “Upgrade the installation of bbPress to the latest version from the code repository” bit.

    I’ve recently migrated from phpBB over to BBpress, with all my posts and topics thankfully intact… but I’ve some forums I need to hide.

    Is there no way to hide forums based on the user level at all?


    Thanks for this super great feedback Trent!

    1) This is something my plugin can’t do. You have to change the views-template, because this message is also missing in any other view without contents. Maybe something for a trac-ticket?

    Just add

    <?php else: ?>

    <p>Sorry, no matching posts found!</p>

    in front of the last <?php endif; ?> in the views template.

    2) I’ll implement a function for this :)

    3) Maybe like the latest discussions on the front-page? … Yeah, it’s a good idea instead of leaving it blank!

    4) Donno exactly. When I look at the views-code there seems to be paging functionality already?!

    5) I thought of this issue, too. It adds a few queries on every page refresh, but I have no idea how to optimize this.

    Thanks again man!

    Trent Adams

    I tested this out and it works great! It seems to work the way you intended for sure! Couple of things:

    1) If there are no posts, could there be a message like ” You have seen all posts since your last visit!”

    2) Could there be a way to call the link with a function so you could also place it wherever you wanted?

    3) Could we get a functionality if the person is a new visiter and hasn’t registered anything in the DB for their last visit time. Maybe show ‘all posts’ or a certain number anyways!

    4) Could we borrow the paging functionality and (posts per page) from Ardentfrost’s Memberlist plugin (0.73c) for the views page?

    5) How DB intensive is this and the online plugin (for curiousity!)

    Look at me! Greedy already! Great plugin Thomas!




    This is just something a lot easyer to do. It requires just a small plugin, I’ll make one for this, ok? :)

    The posts since last visit plugin is getting a bit more complicated then I thought. I’m doing it as plugin for my onlinelist plugin, cause I think doing this database driven is better … so you can view the posts since your last visit anywhere.

    If you want to see how it looks like at the moment, go to (Test / test) … not sure if you can really try it :D


    edit those pages with what mriannnnn?

    By the way, chrishajer, I only did this on the front page by adding an image that they can click on to take them to the latest post, or if they dont want to go to the latest post, click on the topic title. You can see it on my site, it’s the clipboard image that takes to the latest post.


    ok you have to edit these pages:




    just three files not much.


    In reply to: Private Forums Plugin

    Trent Adams

    So10, is it possible to have an addition (or another plugin) that will mark the private posts (under latest discussion on front page) as such? That way, then people would know to be logged in to view them without getting fired off the error (not logged in page)?



    In reply to: Plugin – bbPortal


    Null, I’m not sure what to say, I haven’t downloaded this, and tested this yet.. (I’m not sure how many others did either lol, because there are no replies in here, but your own.. =/ )

    How many downloads have you had for this bbPortal so far? Maybe after some time here (after Holiday deal is over), and people get back into swing of things.. they’d start helping you figure this out..

    I could download it, and try it locally once.. but, I myself is just swamped with stuff too.. :( I’ll see what I can do though. ;) :)



    UPDATE: I just wanted to fill everyone in on what I have just done..

    1) I downloaded and installed the Themed Login and Registration plugin for WordPress.

    2) Upload it, then activate it as normal.

    OR, If you are running WordPress version 2.1-alpha3.. Before uploading and installing this plugin, open the themed-logreg.php file..

    Find this line:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration-functions.php’);

    Change it to this:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration.php’);

    This is because in the 2.1-apha3 version, they just renamed some of the files in the wp-includes/ directory..

    3) I made a page called: Where To

    Since I have pretty permalinks on, the page’s location is here for example:

    In the Where To page’s Write Window, I added the following text/urls for example:

    “If you are seeing this page, you now have the ability to access the following places with your username and password.

    The <a href="">Codex</a>.

    The <a href="">Forums</a>.

    The <a href="">Site Admin</a>. “

    4) Under Plugins => Login Register Options =>

    A) Under the: Uninstallation Options => I put check in box for: Toggle Complete Uninstall:

    B) Under the: Redirect After Login: => I changed wp-admin/ to where-to/

    If you have the normal setup for the permalinks, (for me on localhost this worked): /?page_id=11

    Of course, change the actual number to your own..

    C) Under the: Redirect After Logout: => I left this one at: wp-login.php

    D) If you are using any other theme, then the “Gathering” theme, you might want to skip this section. And follow the directions for it, according to your theme’s layout!

    Unless your sidebar call is like this.. in the index.php file:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    Still in the Login Register Options, I left everything alone from there down TILL the part for the “Template Header Files: section..

    D-1) Since I’m using the “Gathering” theme, the call for the sidebar, in the theme files is right after the header call.

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    D-2) In the Template Header Files: window, I made it like this:



    D-3) In the Template After Header HTML: window, I made it like this:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <div id="maincontent">

    D-4) In the Template Before Footer HTML: window, I made it like this:

    <?php endif; ?>


    <!--index.php end-->

    <!--include footer-->

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    D-5) In the Template Footer Files: window, I made it like this: footer.php

    E) Scroll down to the User Email Template: window. Since he uses variables for his stuff.. here is what I used for mine, and it works because I got the email after doing a test sign up. :D

    Username: ##username##

    Password: ##password##

    You now have the ability to access any of the following locations with your username and password.

    The Site Admin


    The Forums


    The Codex

    Please note: Of course… change the The Codex and Forums urls to whatever your’s is.. example: ##siteurl##/my-forums-folder-name/

    And for Codex/Wiki: or whatever..

    Then I click the Update Options button.. :D ;)

    F) In my Theme’s CSS File, I added the following CSS Style references:

    #login {margin:0 auto 0 auto;width:250px;}

    #login ul {margin:0;padding:0;}

    #login ul li {display:inline;margin-left:10px;}

    Everything seems to be working just fine! I hope this helps others..

    After logging in, you should be taken to this page then:

    Which of course.. can still be seen by everyone, either way. (But it’s not really made public either, because I don’t have the page itself, listed in the header nav bar, and sidebar nav section.)

    However.. it’s not going to do much good to them, because if they aren’t registered and stuff.. they can’t access my blog’s wp-admin, forums or codex.. lmao!

    Anyway, I just did TWO test signups.. and was able to login to my Codex, Forums, and the Blog’s wp-admin control panel.. whee!!


    Nicki Faulk

    Updated plugin list:

    * Allow Images 0.7.1

    * Avatar .73a

    * bbEmoticons version 0.72

    * Memberlist .73c

    * Google Sitemap Generator .6

    * BBPress Private Messaging 0.73

    * Use Display Name 0.7.2

    * Online List 1.3-fix

    * WordPress Integration .7

    * Post Notification 1.2

    * My Resolve Title 0.1

    * Limit Latest Discussion 0.73

    Trent Adams

    I haven’t heard back, so why not. I am not saying for sure that everything is going to work on this one. Backup your current my-templates/ folder and then test with this one:

    Trent’s bbPress Default Template


    Trent Adams

    I will have a post to devlist, but I am pretty sure that only Micheal changes the core code, but will get around to it after the holidays! I tested them both earlier and they did work for me! It has been 3 weeks since a core change and there is about a dozen or so tickets since then!



    my bbpress is integrated with my wordpress. the 2 required plugins, and adding


    in my config file so i could use my wordpress theme as my bbpress template. ok, so everything was file. now i tested it’s functions.

    i tried to make a test topic as sticky. apparently i can’t use sticky as long as the above code (require once etc) was in the config. i removed it and i could do as normal.

    so now i ask: i wnat to keep my wordpress theme as the bbpress template, unless i use that line i can’t… that line is not allowing me to sticky/unsticky. anyway this was the error msg i got.

    Warning: main(../wp-blog-header.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gray/domains/ on line 57

    Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../wp-blog-header.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/gray/domains/ on line 57

    Edit: another error, seems i can’t access my ./bb-admin/ when the above integration is active.


    Trent, I am looking into bb-templates/profile.php around line 52. It seems like this test always fails and thus prints ‘No replies.’ Seems like the wrong two values are being compared or something. Also, it seems like strtotime(get_topic_start_time()) returns a really weird date, in the future too, and it’s changing too, every time I run the query. That should not happen for the topic start time (it is what it is, right?) Here are some of the time stamps I’ve received in the past couple minutes.

    1169441052 Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:44:12 -0600

    1169441231 Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:47:11 -0600

    1169441457 Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:50:57 -0600

    The topic_start_time from MySQL:

    2006-12-07 21:43:24

    The topic_time from MySQL:

    2006-12-17 15:58:30

    The topic_time is accurate in the profile page (1166389110) but it fails because get_topic_start_time() is returning some date in the future…


    (Also, the date on my server is accurate, and my post freshness is working properly. The only issue I have with time is that the server is GMT -0500 and my customers are GMT -0600, so the post times are off an hour, but no one minds that.)

    Trent Adams

    I am using the latest from TRAC, but if I add a duplicate tag, it just updates the tag with the recent timestamp, but doesn’t give errors. Is this on .73?



    Hehe, it was a pice of cake. :)

    AND it is easy to add the extra “step” to ” Website Design > HTML Basics > Whats wrong with my site” to the top-links if you like and it’s easy to group the result on the frontpage if you like.

    (“General (forum cat block 1) >

    –Latest news (forum under general cat)

    –General Discussions (forum under general cat)

    –Site Feedback (forum under general cat)”)

    Well I think it feels “to much” so I made a new row in the table insted of giving every caregory its own line but its an easy to fix. Well, I didnt found any easy way to add a “middle-forum”, like it is in phpBB. If you clock on a categori you see all avalible forums.

    Well, well. My point with this post, if you would like i can post the code and changes. But I warn you, my “hack” isnt realy nice, it demands changes in the db, in the corefiles and ofcause template. And worst of all, it uses crapy if-else and no fancy “all data in the db and one function for each job”-stuff. I’m a newbi so I’m using newbi sollutions.


    In reply to: My forums template :)


    Signature isn’t working most likely because you have the latest version of Avatar. The change you made in functions.php for signature need to be made in bb-avatar.php instead (in your my-plugins directory). Check out Line 34… that’s where you need to make the adjustement.

    No idea what that means… :(

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