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  • #53549

    I have posted this in two topics, forum-restriction and private-forums.

    RSS will display the restricted information. The latest posts.


    I tested it multiple times. 100% correct syntax.

    a href=”” link text /a

    No missing quotes, etc. The href attribute is just gone when you submit/edit a post. I’ll dig some more.


    Topic: Bozo problem

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Greetings! So I recently upgraded to the latest version of BBPress and for whatever reason, Me (KeyMaster) and all my mods are marked as bozos. I was doing some reading and there is supposed to be a checkbox in the admin panel to check wether or not a user is a bozo right? In my admin panel, there is no checkbox, just an area to enter a number and me and my mods are listed as 1. Trying to change it to 0 doesn’t have any effect. Is there a fix for this? Thanks!


    hmmm..log in with this account… test pass: test

    Trent Adams

    I am registering a test account to try and see your error. Just waiting on the account creation email. When did the error start appearing? Did you make any changes to your template prior to it happening?



    hey..thanks for looking at my is the forum ..its the latest version..I only have one plugin installed the <em>notification.php</em> ...thats all..I don`t know why these confirmation pages are apearing…


    Another question that would be a solution… is there a way to limit the length of bbPress forum title posts?


    Hey Community,

    I had a question about this latest discussion plugin, which is awesome by the way:

    Is there a way to shorten the length of the titles being pulled from the forum.

    For Example, for a forum with a title as:

    “this is a forum title and I am a bad poster who make titles way to long”

    to this:

    “this is a forum title…”

    This would really help out because our latest discussions from the forum on our wordpress home page break a bit when the titles get to long.

    Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.




    In reply to: query/php problem


    Okay, I changed the location value with:

    is_front() || is_forum() || is_tag() || is_topic()

    And changed the code with:

    function get_bb_menu() {

    global $bbdb;

    $menutest = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->menu WHERE set = 'active' ORDER BY order ASC");

    And re-written the li part with php:

    <li><a <?php if ('location')


    echo " id="current";


    href="<?php ('page'); ?>"><?php ('item'); ?></a>




    So technically I need to put this in a foreach and it wil be like:

    <li><a <?php if (is_front() || is_forum() || is_tag() || is_topic())

    echo " id="current"; ?>href="index.php">Forums</a> </li>

    <li> <a href="search.php"> Search</a></li>

    (the is_front() etc will not be shown ofcourse, but it’s to make it clear)

    But how to make such a foreach?


    Is there a way to make posts in a topic appear in a descending order… the latest posts come first…


    I use the new site option plugin (which is easy and great by the way). I stole the admin page setup from private forums by Aditya Naik. My bbress board is tiny (testing only) so I imagine all sorts of stuff will pop up as it’s used on bigger sites. Thanks for your help.

    Sam Bauers

    I’m working on a revised patch file for categories to accommodate the latest builds with the new templating file structure. Although it seems to be just me and spencerp who are using it. Of course, if you are customising your templates, then you will still have to edit your own based on the changes to the default theme.


    The only thing I’m worried about now is, the fact that I’m running the Forum Category enhancement. I’ve currently modified the 0.8alpha files, however, I haven’t gotten the “latest” svn commits yet, including what you’ve mentioned above..

    I *could* just manually keep editing my files, as they come through the email list, but IMHO, it’d be more of a pain in the arse that way sigh. I guess what I’m saying is, I’d love it if they’d implement that Forum Category option into 0.8, rather then 1.0.

    It’s running just fine for me, except for customizing the look of it and such. The other thing is, it’s really a pain in the arse as it is now, because I’ve implemented my blog’s theme around the forums themselves.

    So either way, I’m screwed with tons of file edits. :( I don’t know though, I’m too tired at this point to even do any file editing/uploading.. Maybe when I get up later, I’ll handle some of this stuff..

    As for the plugins, I’m hoping Josh takes care of his lol. His plugins are about the only plugins I have going, besides the normal original bbPress plugins lol. Anyway, enough of my rambling, I’m tired as heck, and everyone’s tired of it anyway… so.. later people..



    bb_update_option( 'forum_restriction_db', array( "1" => "David Bessler,testman", "3" => "David Bessler" ) );

    $value = bb_get_option( 'forum_restriction_db' );

    That’s how it should work.


    I’m not absolutely sure about this, but it seems that SQL will want you to be more explicit. You need to break up the list (4 and 1) and add different strings to the where. So, for the first add WHERE forum_id = 4 then do OR forum_id = 1. Every subsequent forum id query should also start with an OR.

    That’s what I think at least. It’s worth a shot :)


    When I use the following code in a plugin:

    function forum_restriction_get_topics_where_plugin( $where ) {

    if ( is_front() ) {

    $list_of_allowed_forums = "4,1";

    $where = "WHERE forum_id IN ('$list_of_allowed_forums') ";

    $where .= " AND topic_sticky <> 2 ";

    return $where;

    } else {

    return $where;



    add_filter ( 'get_latest_topics_where', 'forum_restriction_get_topics_where_plugin' );

    I expect it to list the topics belonging to forums with ID 4 and ID 1. Instead, it is only listing topics with forum 4. When I change them to (1,4) it only lists 1. It seems it is only seeing the first value in the string. Any ideas why?


    Updated to version 1.1. Changes below. Download link is same as in first post. Here is a link to the OLDER version 1.0

    == Version History ==

    * 1.1

    – Added admin user interface

    – Using MYSQL database rather than flat file in plugin

    – Added comments so you people start helping make this thing work

    – Tested with “private-forums.php”

    == Known Issues and Wishlist ==

    1. PROBLEM: Does not hide names or listing of restricted forums from those not authorized to see them.

    instead, it adds an [x] before the forum name, and removes the link to the forum. Same goes for topic listings under “recent discussions.”

    SOLUTION: I need someone to explain to me how to hijack the entire row of the forum listing in front-page.php

    2. PROBLEM: In admin user interface, you have to press submit twice to get the input fields to reflect the actual changes you made.

    The database changes go through the first time, but the input fields don’t update.

    SOLUTION: Again, need someone to help me figure this out.

    3. PROBLEM: Would like a more efficient way to choose and enter allowed users.

    This is really a layout problem.

    I don’t think a dropdown list allowing multiple selects is the answer, because of the ease of which one can accidentally unselect one or all!! the chosen users.

    I’m not so keen on the idea of a huge page with all the users listed with checkboxes.

    SOLUTION: Either stick with the way I have it now, or rework the plugin so that the array works as follows:

    “username” => “CSV list of allowed forums”, and then have one huge member list where you can select forums in which they are allowed.

    I chose my way because the way I intend to use the plugin is to have a large number of forums with only a few members allowed in each.

    That is also why it is so important to me to HIDE the restricted forums on the front-page.


    hey guys,

    i have followed the instructions on the forums/extend for intgegrating bbpress and wordpress.

    It all seems to work – bbpress knows about the wordpress users.

    Only problem is that i have to login to both wordpress & bbpress seperately – I thought it was supposed to support 1 login for both – using the same cookie or something?

    the test site is:

    the forums link at the top takes you to the bbpress install

    any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

    also – any ideas on how to embed the bbpress install into wordpress – is it just a matter of hacking up the bbpress templates or is there a more elegant way similar to the wordpress rs-discuss/xdforum plugins?




    In reply to: for each question


    Hmm got this now:


    global $bbdb;

    $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->menu WHERE set = 'active' ORDER BY order ASC");

    while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($r))


    if ($rw['is']) { $class .=" current" }


    echo '<li><a class="$current" href="'.$rw['page'].'">'.$rw['item'].'</a></li>';



    But this gives me an error:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected ‘}’ on line 71

    Think I have misplaced something here?


    ps I didn’t include $uri=option("uri").$rw["page"]; at all cause I wanted to test this first. So I keep it out for now…


    So I have stored an option called forum_restriction_db. It has the value of:

    “1” => “David Bessler,testman”, “3” => “David Bessler”,

    When I try to assign that array to a varaiable as follows:

    $forum_restriction_allowed_in_forum = array(bb_get_option(‘forum_restriction_db’));

    It tells me the value of $forum_restriction_allowed_in_forum is just array.

    I tried setting the value of the option forum_restriction_db to array("1" => "David Bessler,testman", "3" => "David Bessler",)

    but then it spits back the members of the array as a,r,r,a,y etc … so the allowed memebrs of the forum_id 3 is “r”.

    How can I get this to work?


    Hmm… last night, the bbpress “latest discussion” links did not have the “replies” bit. This morning they sure do though.

    Interesting point about the RSS feeds. Because each post does not have its own URL, I guess this is a way to simulate it. Still, it seems there should be a “pretty” option for that as well. Something like:

    Instead of:

    I may explore this with some mod_redirect rules and a little code hacking. Any bbpress devs around that can chime in? In my experience with Google (and others), it’s notably easier to get URLs like the first example above indexed.

    Sam Bauers

    spencerp, those issues you mentioned are fixed in the latest patch.


    So I abandoned the whole idea of modifying the plugin: private-forums, and instead made a makeshift plugin from scratch which serves my needs for restricting certain forums to specified individuals. Where can I post it so people can start making fun of me?

    What it does and doesn’t do:


    1) require that you edit the plugin file and add individuals’ names to an array consisting of restricted forums.

    2) Adds a little [x] next to forums from which the current user is restricted

    3) In true-ghetto fashion removes the link to the forum for those restricted forums

    4) Does the same (X and link removal)for topics listed in “latest discussions” belonging to restricted forums.

    5) Attempts to directly acess the forums via forum.php and topic.php redirects you (again … really ghetto) to the front-page

    Doesn’t (kind of a wish list).

    1) Have any sort of GUI to add and remove users from restricted forums

    2) Hide the forum and its associated topics from being listed at all on the front-page

    3) Load an actual page with an actual message stating that you are not allowed in the forum, during attempts to directly access the forums, rather than redirect you back to the front-page.

    So, this is my first attempt at a plugin. Please help me improve it. Now where can I post it?

    Download it here.


    Okay I have an idea, it is possible (with a plugin) to add an anchor as soon as some one adds a first reply?

    So when replying, it checks first if there is 1 post in the topic. If it is, it adds a anchor (or get its anchor) if it isnt (there are 0 or >2 more posts) it does nothing. Then it can generate a first-reply link…

    Well in theory…


    In reply to: Google Adsense


    im using the latest version 0.75, and the only plugin the i have is allow image.

    I uninstalled right now because when my friend register in my board and try to login we get that error and canĀ“t login i will delete allow image to see if that plugin is the one of the trouble

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