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Topic: Bozo problem
Greetings! So I recently upgraded to the latest version of BBPress and for whatever reason, Me (KeyMaster) and all my mods are marked as bozos. I was doing some reading and there is supposed to be a checkbox in the admin panel to check wether or not a user is a bozo right? In my admin panel, there is no checkbox, just an area to enter a number and me and my mods are listed as 1. Trying to change it to 0 doesn’t have any effect. Is there a fix for this? Thanks!
Topic: Latest Disscussions Plugin
Hey Community,
I had a question about this latest discussion plugin, which is awesome by the way:
Is there a way to shorten the length of the titles being pulled from the forum.
For Example, for a forum with a title as:
“this is a forum title and I am a bad poster who make titles way to long”
to this:
“this is a forum title…”
This would really help out because our latest discussions from the forum on our wordpress home page break a bit when the titles get to long.
Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Is there a way to make posts in a topic appear in a descending order… the latest posts come first…
When I use the following code in a plugin:
function forum_restriction_get_topics_where_plugin( $where ) {
if ( is_front() ) {
$list_of_allowed_forums = "4,1";
$where = "WHERE forum_id IN ('$list_of_allowed_forums') ";
$where .= " AND topic_sticky <> 2 ";
return $where;
} else {
return $where;
add_filter ( 'get_latest_topics_where', 'forum_restriction_get_topics_where_plugin' );
I expect it to list the topics belonging to forums with ID 4 and ID 1. Instead, it is only listing topics with forum 4. When I change them to (1,4) it only lists 1. It seems it is only seeing the first value in the string. Any ideas why?
Topic: Loading option into array
So I have stored an option called forum_restriction_db. It has the value of:
“1” => “David Bessler,testman”, “3” => “David Bessler”,
When I try to assign that array to a varaiable as follows:
$forum_restriction_allowed_in_forum = array(bb_get_option(‘forum_restriction_db’));
It tells me the value of $forum_restriction_allowed_in_forum is just
.I tried setting the value of the option forum_restriction_db to
array("1" => "David Bessler,testman", "3" => "David Bessler",)
but then it spits back the members of the array as a,r,r,a,y etc … so the allowed memebrs of the forum_id 3 is “r”.
How can I get this to work?