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Topic: re-sorting posts by date?
after successfully importing smf->phpbb2->bbpress I have one lingering problem: posts are sorted by creation date, not most recent post.
Is there an easy solution to fix this?
(my integration escapades can be found here:
(I’m also having issues getting pretty permalinks to work but that’s for another day)
After a day of on-again, off-again effort I have successfully imported my SMF to bbPress – and integrated it with WP.
I did this on a local test server, then installed bbPress live, then drop/imported my bbpress tables and user tables (my wp user tables in this case).
1. Installed PhpBB 2.0.23 (legacy version available from phpbb people) and made sure it worked
2. Used files within a zip file called to convert SMF -> Phpbb. Unfortunately, I can’t find the link to the thread right now… I found this
but it isn’t as new a version.
I believe the file I used is here:
sorry I lost the link to the discussion.
NOTE 1 : I had to manually go into the database and upgrade my main account to ‘level 1’ to become admin again.
NOTE 2 : Your password probably won’t work and you probably can’t send yourself an email either. I hacked phpbb/includes/emailer.php and included the variable $this->msg into the error message so that the email appeared on the screen. This gave me the ability to reset my account and get a new password.
3. Implemented the following MOD on PhpBB to switch conflicting User Ids
(this part is tedious! the MOD is a pain to install and rearranging is no fun either)
Here are directions on how to install a Phpbb mod:
4. installed Jaim3’s PhpBB to bbPress converter per instructions
This created a .sql file.
NOTE 1: Make sure to create a temp folder where the file wants to be created
5. Important edits to .sql file
A) since I did an integrated WP/BBpress install, I needed to search and replace bb_user for wp_user
Delete any lines that add users who already exist in BB/WP
C) add a field called topic_resolved to bb_topics
D) Delete the sample test posts and forums in the bbpress tables
6. Import the .sql into your database. The above should have solved any conflicts, but if you get an error it should be relatively easy to figure out.
7. At this point, since I wasn’t doing it live I installed bbPress live, and then drop/created my test tables (all bb tables plus user tables) on my live server and all went well.
8. This should be everything. Have a drink.
We are looking for a bbPress developer to bid on the following project:
1) Select, install, configure/customize bbPress to integrate with our web site and user login system
2) Replicate some functionality of our existing bidirectional mailing lists with new discussion board infrastructure
3) Import old messages (mailstore_ database format)
4) Import older Yahoogroups messages (maildir format)
Detailed requirements here:
bbPress is the preferred basis for this project, and we will ONLY work with providers who have specific experience with bbPress and other online forum systems (e.g. phpBB)
Please contact bdwelle [at] gmail [dot] com
I’ve tried editing usernames in the db to no avail.
How can I have users like $tevie show the “$” on their posts in topic.php — just show the whole name. Out of the box, bbPress simply ignores the funny chars, so we see “tevie” as the post’s author.
ASCII equivalents too, like the copyright symbol (damn phpBB loose username validation).
I’m willing and able to edit the few usernames in the db by hand. I have a few of these funny char names from my port from phpBB.