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  • #76383

    In reply to: admin panel warning


    here is my fix for this problem

    It turned out that couple of topics in the topic tables didnt have topic start time.

    It was 0000-00-00 00:00:00. It was probably from converting from phpBB.

    I changed to start times and then there is no warnings anymore.


    I managed to convert from phpbb3.0.5 to bbpress 1.0.1, but user’s can’t login, their password isn’t working anymore. I tried the md5 thingy, but it doesn’t seem to help.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Total newbie here, but I’m a blogger using WordPress 2.8.x who is thinking of adding a discussion forum to my site.

    I am NOT a coder whatsoever, so please keep that in mind when answering, although I do have a friend who is one but I would need to be conscientous about using his time.

    My question is whether bbPress 1.0 will easily integrate with WP 2.8.x as I have it currently configured. Obviously I’d want it to look similar to my site and have all the standard forum bells/whistles.

    If not, does anyone have any other suggestions? I just began researching forums today. I’ve come across IPB and phpBB as other options, but again, I have no idea how easy it would be to integrate those.

    Any help you can give would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks.


    Fair enough _ck_, fair enough.

    Please, note that I was just asking for some quick advice, as I thought that previewing a post before actually posting it is a feature that everybody need and want, so I thought that a few plugins or solutions would out there, and maybe somebody could have answeared: You may want to check this one out!, and point it to the right direction as often happens here (or on any other forum).

    I spend more than a few minutes before asking questions. I am aware of the fact that bbPress is young and not all plugins are working in 1.0.1 as they are supposed to, but if I didn’t believe in the future of bbPress I would have just installed vBullettin or PHPbb. But I didn’t, and that it’s because of my belief in bbPress potential.



    I have the same issues.

    Converted from phpbb3 and all passwords needed to be reset. Then tried to integrate and all the members disappeared except the WP ones.


    In reply to: admin panel warning


    I have posts in my forum from the converted phpbb. And I also add more posts after I fully converted to bbpress. so it is not the matter of no posts.


    Where is the conversion tool these days? The link to the fileserver, in a message just above no longer works. Is the original script (here) still the best one to use, then? Its folder has _phpbb3_pass.php and phpbb3tobbpress.php files in it dated 09/12/2008




    I just converted my forum from phpBB.

    Everything looks like working fine except the admin panel warning about the statistics

    It is probably because the forum start date is not configured correctly somewhere but I couldnt find it so far.

    Can anybody help me?

    here is the warning message I get;

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 214

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 194

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 174

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 244


    Also, do all passwords need to be reset afterwards?


    I got the following error when converting:

    General Error

    SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

    Data too long for column ‘post_text’ at row 1 [1406]

    An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.

    Josh Leuze

    I was converting another forum tonight and ran into a MySQL error while running the converter.

    The error had the name of one of the forums in it, and that forum happened to have a contraction in it. I’m not sure how one could edit the script to accommodate apostrophes, but I simply renamed the forum and removed the apostrophe.

    I reran the converter without the apostrophe, and it worked just fine. So if anyone else runs into an error, pay attention to what it is choking on, maybe you can remove some funky characters and sneak around it!


    First off, I would like to say hello this community. I have been a long time supporter of WordPress, and just recently started looking into bbPress. I am very impressed with the software so far, but would like to get a couple kinks ironed out.

    I run my own gaming community at The main page is running off of the most recent version of WordPress. Our forums used to be PHPBB and a backup of them is at Our new forums are running off of the most recent version of bbPress and are located at

    I converted our phpBB3 forums to bbPress (thanks to but I must have done something wrong since no one’s password worked. It wasn’t a big deal since the community doesn’t have too many members, and they could just reset it. Then I integrated the userbase with my WordPress blog, and all of a sudden the only users I have are the ones that were in WordPress.

    All of my users are gone except for those that were in WordPress. Even then, one of them (Giraffe) has been assigned as the author of posts he never wrote. Any help as to how to get my users back and on the forums (even if they have to reset their passwords) but keep it integrated with my WordPress (so they only need one account to post on the forums and comment on the blog) would be great. If I need to just do a clean install of bbPress and try pulling over the phpBB passwords correctly this time, help would be appreciated in how to do that.

    Thank you so much.

    Edit: I would also like to say that I have access to and limited knowledge of phpMyAdmin. I can still see all my old phpbb users in the _pbb database. All my the wordpress users are in my _wp database. If I could just throw the users from one database to the other, would that force them as registered users on both wordpress and bbpress?


    Hi everyone,

    I’ve successfully installed PHPBB3 forums, WordPress blogs etc etc… and somehow, I’m having a nightmare installing BBpress…

    I’m not a coding/IT guru but I’m not a beginner either so this makes the thing even more frustrated. By wanting to make the installation process easy, the description lacks a lot of details I believe. Here’s what I have:

    – Yahoo web hosting

    – MySQL Server version: 4.1.14

    – MySQL client version: 3.23.49

    – phpMyAdmin latest version


    1. download bbpress

    2. upload it to

    3. go to the url -> installation window appears fine

    4. Step1 – fill the information

    – Database name : guillos

    – Database user : admin

    – Database password : *********

    Then comes the famous error : “There was a problem connecting to the database you specified. Please check the settings, then try again.”

    So I can’t pass step1. I then look in the forum but could not find anything usefull. One would expect that installing a forum should not require advanced PHP or MySQL knowledge. This is quite annoying.

    Also, if I try to remove the “-sample” from the “bb-config-sample.php” then I get the error message “ERROR: Could not establish a database connection”. Finally, I have also created the database in phpMyAdmin. Of course there’s 0 tables.

    Any help would be extremly nice as I’m about to give up and go for PHPBB3…

    Thanks in advance


    I have this problem on the second step:

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘uso, critiche e suggerimenti’, ‘Aiutaci a migliorare la community!’, ‘142’, ’11” at line 1 [1064]


    INSERT INTO bb_forums (forum_id , forum_name, forum_desc, forum_parent, forum_order, topics, posts) VALUES (‘2’, ‘istruzioni per l’uso, critiche e suggerimenti’, ‘Aiutaci a migliorare la community!’, ‘142’, ’11’, ’47’, ‘1129’)


    FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php

    LINE: 163

    CALL: dbal->sql_error()

    FILE: phpbb3tobbpress.php

    LINE: 201

    CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()


    Just done this myself on a live phpBB3 forum, worked like a dream, no issues. Thanks very much! =)


    hello friends..i need help from you people..


    can anybody please help me..


    Hi friends.

    I have a phpBB 3.0.5 forum.Now i want to convert it to bbpress.I have my database.Can any body please help me can i do it ..

    waiting for your reply..

    thanks in advance..

    Josh Leuze

    Bummer, I took a closer look at the YAF forum thread, and it’s actually to convert from phpBB to YetAnotherForum…

    Anyone else have any other wild ideas?


    How can I move database from phpbb2 to bbpress with the same links without losing them scanned by google?

    Josh Leuze

    Andrew, I just converted a test install of phpBB 3.05 to bbPress 1.0.1 without any problems.


    I haven’t heard any benchmarks as it’s up to you on setting it up (nginx/apache/phpcgi/phpfpm/etc….).

    It’s even harder to compare pound for pound because of the extensibility bbpress affords you with wordpress and buddypress. Even the plug-ins that each trio of apps afford you.

    There is a point when it’s not about how many users you can squeeze out of a single VPS, it’s about building a site… a community and what is the best software & hardware able to do that.

    Of course, when your scaled to the limit with hardware, software, and users to that of say Twitter it’s a different story.

    On their curve, no matter how much hardware they add, curbing simple things like response time become a huge battle. At this scale it’s in your best interest to develop something proprietary as such they have and are doing.

    In your case though, your probably better off worrying about ‘how do i scale my forum installation’ , and ‘what forum software gives my users the most benefit’, than asking ‘how many people can i house on my vps/dedicated/box/PS3’.

    Even having said this all of this, out of the box there is less overhead in the bbpress architecture than with PHPBBx.

    Take all of what I said with a grain of salt, and a beer in hand.


    – Jason



    How stable bbPress is? Is it ready to hold 15k users (still growing) and 100u online in one moment?

    How much faster/slower is it he in comparison to PHPBB3, vbulletin, ipb?


    Single Sign-on is a very convenient feature to have in an organization, and for web services (on apache, at least) it’s very conveniently provided by mod_auth_kerb.

    However, there is a problem preventing its use with bbPress, namely user name handling.

    Kerberos user names are of the form user@DOMAIN.TLD. bbPress username sanitization rules are too strict and strip the ‘@’ character outright. And anyway, domain concept is not supported throughout the code and in underlying database.

    Moreover, the whole HTTP auth support (purportedly, a basic thing in any web app) relies on external and somewhat broken plugin (it uses bb_user_exists deprecated function, which is not working properly in 1.0, or at least it seems so to me).

    In my most extant dreams (phpbb style :-), SPNEGO auth plugin should be also able to query an LDAP database (which is most often present in such set-ups) for extra user info.

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