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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #69791
    Josh Leuze

    Steve, it looks like the link in the original post is working again:

    Steven Hodson

    Does anyone have a copy of the files provided by the originator of this thread (wmnasef) and originally found here?

    For some reason the file is no longer available from that link.

    Failing that does anyone know of any working methods to convert from phpBB 3 to bbPress 1? I am really trying to get from an SMF 2RC1 install and have no problems moving to phpBB3 but stalled at now migrating to bbPress.


    I have modified the original script to work with a bbpress integrated with wordpress. but the password is not working!

    – uses the table wp_users instead bb_users

    – the users in the wp_users are not lost!

    – conficts resolved (user exists on wp database and phpbb database)

    PROBLEM: the phpbb password is not working when imported to wp database

    Same here — all worked out fine, except password. The _phpbb3p_pass.php file was autoloaded in bb-plugins folder; seems to be not working. Anyone has a workaround this (other than asking users to reset their passwords) ?


    bbPress because it’s the only forum software I know that can be easily customized . In phpbb, VB, IPB etc… you have to browse lines of code juste to change the HTML structure, you even have to hardcode something in the core files, which is not the case with bbPress because you have powerful things like hooks, templates etc…

    But of course, you need some knowledge in HTML and Php ( at least some basics ) in order to make your bbPress really unique .

    All in all, I think that bbPress is the best forum software for web developpers looking to customize ENTIRELY a forum and make it really unique . Just take a look at the lame phpBB2 boards out there, they are all identical, except the headers, nothing unique, the same structure etc…


    MySQL Database Information

    Status: Setup

    Host Name:

    Database Name: can0932412570712

    Database Version: 5.0

    Description: WordPress

    User Name: can0932412570712

    What am I doing wrong, why can’t I get past this part? Do I have to edit a certain file? Just today I installed phpbb3 with these setting, why isn’t it working with bbpress?


    Greetings :)

    I recently installed bbPress as phpBB and SMF did not work for me. Everything’s working peachy, except for one.

    I uploaded a theme into the my-themes directory, and I now cannot access it. At all. I also cannot access the my-plugins folder. Their permissions both are 0750 (drwxr-x—). Because of that, it gives me a 550 error, stating that I do not have permission to access the folder. I can’t even change the permissions.

    Is there a solid way to fix this?

    Thanks in advance,



    what is the eta? is it in the short term? as I can’t seem to find anything related in your forum

    Olaf Lederer

    I have plans to write a plugin to do this, check my website frequently


    I am using the tinypic mod in phpbb

    This for me is the best image upload tool as it would upload your images without leaving the current posting form.



    In reply to: lost password


    You did not get phpBB from here. phpBB support forums are here:

    If we’re talking about the link you posted, it redirects here – which is phpBB, not bbPress.


    In reply to: lost password


    Yes we are talking about a phpbb forum…That is what I got from here…or however I found this place…Sorry don’t mean to be dumb


    In reply to: lost password


    That URL redirects to a phpBB installation? Is that the wrong URL or are we talking about a phpBB forum?


    Has anyone been successful in transfering data/posts from BB Press to WordPress. Infact I had a PHPBB3 and wanted to convert to WordPress, and I found a script and was successful in transferring the whole to BB Press, but finally I would want it to be on Word Press. Can someone plz help me out.


    In reply to: Help out with bbPress

    Hey Matt!

    Without too much detail, I’ve been neck deep in theme development, bug patching, code re-factoring and clean-up since the Windows 3.11 and Visual Basic 3.0 days. I’ve been interested in making bbPress be better integrated with WordPress for probably a year or so now? I was a long time phpBB2.0 junkie, and moved to WordPress because I was frustrated at how forcibly linear typical forum software is. When I fell in love with the WordPress way, I quickly found bbPress, and expected it to include all of the features that BuddyPress now does, hence my shift in that direction.

    I’d like to help restyle, maybe bring it a little more in line with the other Automattic websites. There’s no doubt that bbPress needs some TLC in the codex and source-code documentation areas too, and I have recent experience absorbing the WP Code Standards from working under Andy with BuddyPress.

    Right now my focus is 100% BuddyPress, but since you asked… I’d love to be more involved in all of the WP projects and communities if there’s opportunity. ;)


    In reply to: Future of bbPress


    The reason why bbPress needs Oracle support is because if you are trying to integrate it into any existing site run by an actual company and not a hobbyist, there’s a good chance their user database is in Oracle (or MS SQL Server).

    PHP supports Oracle so why should bbPress be tied to just MySQL. I don’t think it is really using much (if any) MySQL specific code.

    This is one of the main selling points of PHPBB – it supports FireBird, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite.


    In reply to: Future of bbPress

    I just realized that i miss a “quote” button in bbPress =)

    There’s <blockquote> actually :) bbPress uses regular HTML syntax, not bbCode.

    The future? Optional integration, but DEEP integration. If I didn’t have to re-theme my forums every time I make a change to my blog, I’d be happy. Honestly, it works as much as I need it to right now, but the reason I picked bbPress has jack to do with integration and all to do with simplicity.

    I came from the Invision/phpBB/SMF world and I was always turning off options I didn’t use or want. Much like WordPress, the best thing about bbPress is that it’s little and you can add on if you want.

    That said, much like how people can (and do) port Akismet to other platforms, bbPress has to decide if that’s it’s future too. To whit:

    Is bbPress going to be a sibling to WordPress (intended to be used with it, but available as stand alone) or a cousin (available to be used with or without WordPress)?

    Right now it’s a kissing cousin (legal only in the backwoods), trying to be both. If we keep along the currently available integration path, it will become the cousin. That said, if it moves on to the sibling, being tied in like … Akismet (available from the get-go, but optional), then you’d probably get a lot more pick up from WordPress users.

    Integration with WordPress, knowing that WP and WPMU are in route to becoming the same thing (unless the rumors are a lie, it’s just what I heard), would really make things like BuddyPress be a home run.

    Of course, if we get better integration, we need better user management. A way to flag users as bozo is nice, but banning people would be even better.

    I’m going to get more coffee and think more about this. Mostly, I’m happy we’re not forgotten.


    I have same issue and have over 25,000 posts, how do I delete all the special characters from the post or is their a way to have them imported through the SQL


    Topic: bbpress slow?

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Load times from . Average: 0.81s. Median: 0.78s. StdDev: 0.81s. From 10 calls. . Average: 1.61s. Median: 1.48s. StdDev: 1.61s. From 10 calls. . Average: 1.52s. Median: 1.50s. StdDev: 1.52s. From 10 calls. Average: 1.75s. Median: 1.68s. StdDev: 1.75s. From 10 calls.

    what do you say?

    i’ve installed Viscacha and was pretty surprised how fast it was and all important plugins are already preinstalled.

    i remember when bbpress was the fastest. Good old times.

    Josh Leuze

    Hi sbricchiLIN, I did come up with a solution to migrate a forum from YAF to bbPress.

    But I had to do a 3 step migration to do it: YetAnotherForum to vBulletin to phpBB to bbPress.

    It’s a tedious process, and not perfect, but I got the forums converted!

    Basically, in all my research the only converter for YetAnotherForum.NET that I could find it vBulletin. So that’s the first step. unfortunately it is commercial, and closed source, but a $100 is much cheaper than paying someone to convert it for you!

    vBulletin has a tool called ImpEx that can import a YAF forum into vBulletin. But it is tricky since YAF uses MSSQL, and you want to convert to MySQL on vBulletin. I did all this on my local machine running Windows, with a MSSQL server to run the YAF database and WAMP to run vBulletin.

    I did not have YAF installed locally and running, just the database. You probably want to get your YAF forums running on a local Windows machine as a first step. The YAF to vBulletin importer is old and totally unsupported, so it is crude, but better than nothing. I was only able to import about 80% of my forum content, and I lost a user account. But one user out of 600 seemed a small price to pay.

    I think the loses were due to funky characters and long titles, so if you have a local install of YAF, you can fix those things before you import.

    After you get the data into vBulletin, it is a much smoother process. There is of course a lot of converters for phpBB, and converting from phpBB to bbPress is pretty easy.

    In the end, the migration went ok, I had some issues with the HTML code in the posts, had to convert some characters in the database, and install some plugins so that the HTML content in the old posts would work in bbPress. But it was all worth it to get away from YAF, the forum members all seem to be happy with the new forum, no complaints, just a few feature requests.

    I have really been meaning to do several blog posts explaining how to do all this cause it’s one hell of a project, but who ever has the time to do everything they want to?

    If anyone else takes the plunge and tries to migrate from YAF to bbPress and has any specific questions, let me know and I’d be happy to try and give a hand!


    Hi there,

    I am thinking about migrating my huge phpBB forum (2,000 users and 60,000 posts) to bbPress. There is a thing I absolutely need before doing that – and I still haven’t found it.

    I have tried the bb-ratings plugin and it works good, but I would like a plugin that allow users to rate the single posts, and not the whole threads.

    Is there any plugin doing this? Did anyone think about that?




    The script worked for me last night and this is the second phpbb 2 board I convert. A few tips I can give whoever will try this script:

    Follow the steps that come in the given file but make sure to:

    1. Install bbPress 0.7 first, then upgrade to 0.8 when you have done the conversion. You can download 0,7 here:

    Then you can go ahead and upgrade to the latest version (1.0.2). Make sure you update the settings in your admin panel (board path, name, etc) as you will need to get rid of your old config.php file when you upgrade to 0.8

    2. If you’re hosted on 1and1, switch EXPORT_TO_FILE to false and AUTO_IMPORT_EXPORTED_DATA to true. Also add teh following code to your .htaccess file: AddType x-mapp-php5 .php (not sure if this is necessary but it worked for me).

    3. I got an error saying that some query was empty, but it seems that the conversion went without any problems.


    @DennisH: thanks for your reply, I am sorry, but I don’t really understand, how do I delete them? do I have to go post by post and delete all the special characters? Perhaps there is a way to increase the maximum length of an SQL command?

    Peter A. Gebhardt

    Say you have a thread like the one here:

    What would be a recommended approach to print or save ALL pages at once – or read them on one page, when online?

    (There are reasons to work with something offline still …)


    @diegozaks: Sounds like you have a special character(s) in your db. You need to find and delete them. I had the same issue.


    First of all, thank you for a great script, I have run into a problem, it seems when I try to transfer the 60k posts it reads:

    Data too long for column 'post_text' at row 1 [1406]

    What can I do about this? Please help it is very urgent.

    Also, in order for it to work, since I installed phpbb with a different table prefix, I had to define the prefix on the script file just under the bbPress prefix, then I worked:

    $table_prefix = 'phpbb3_';

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