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Topic: Login successful then 404
Might of been answered before but I cant seem to find it on the boards. I apologize if this is common, I might of not used the best wording.
I installed bbPress on a test wordpress running 3.2.1 (or most current). Installed just fine and I proceeded to test it from a users perspective. I added a login and register links and pages, work just fine. However when I login or register, the function will login or create a user but the new URL causes a 404.
I’m using XAMPP on my personal machine and the directory of my wordpress install is
That works just fine as it should. However the URL that returns on successful login or registration displays as :
which obviously throws a 404 as it’s non existant.
I had a phpbb install in the wordpress folder before I installed bbPress and believe I might of changed the folder path on install. I tried deleting bbPress to reinstall but it just gives me an activate/deactivate/delete option.
I’m assuming there’s somewhere in the plugin I can change that root folder pathing or whatever configuration is causing this error but I’m unsure of what and where.
Any help is appreciated.
How to make this:
Look more like this:
Is there any way?
I have found that this plugin imports users AND imports topics, but doesn’t make the connection. So basically it imports users twice – once from user table and another time as authors of something (or nothing).
The usernames shown as post authors have imported_ prefixed to them.
So we have
username, and
So I tried deleting imported_username using bbpress function of assigning all its topics/replies to username. The operation was successful and now I see username as author of those topics/replies, but one problem lingers: I still don’t see any topics/replies by username if I go to its profile page.
I can’t go the opposite way and delete username and then change imported_username to username as WordPress doesn’t allow changing usernames.
P.S. I imported from phpBB 3.0.9
Topic: Forum migration tool
bbPress needs to face the fact that most people who want a forum, have already had a forum. The *new* market for forums is much smaller than the *installed base* of forums.
Consequently, most of the people who would want to use bbPress probably are already using another forum script and need help migrating. It is collossal mistake to leave this for community plugins.
If I have a forum software in a production environment, then one of the major factors influencing my decision regarding migration is whether or not there is a robust, stable, tried and tested and reliable migration path to the target software. This is extremely important for me. In fact, I would suffer a somewhat inferior software willingly rather than move to a better software if there is no clear migration path or there is a high degree of risk in migration.
It is a mistake on part of bbPress to leave migration to community plugin developers. Even if there were some plugins out there that did the job, it would be much less reassuring to prospective users compared to a migration/import path created by the bbPress team. As it happens there are only 2 import plugins ( and out there and both of them are broken and not supported.
WordPress does it right in building an importer directly into the core.
Over the next 18-24 months, I expect to see a mass exodus from phpBB as they rewrite the software from ground up ( If bbPress provide a good migration path, it stands the chance to capture some of fleeing population.
I think it would be greatly beneficial to the project if the bbPress team build a bbPress importer that supports the top 4 forum software: phpBB, Invision, SMF and vBulletin.
Such a migration tool, importer or converter will:
i) import topics and forum hierarchies into bbpress
including the relations between forums, topics and replies
and slugs for forums, topics and replies
ii) generate an .htaccess to place in the old forum directory so that old URLs are 301 redirected to new ones.
iii) import users including profiles, passwords, signatures and roles
@jjj You have mentioned at that this is more appropriate for a plugin and that bundling that code in the core of bbPress seems needless for many users that are starting off fresh.
I believe that this function is too important to be left to the mercy of others. There is a huge trust issue…if I have to entrust my data to someone, I want to make sure that they are reliable, trustworthy, good enough, and understand the software well.
I take your point about not bundling the function in the core. How about a migration plugin by the bbPress team?