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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • Bryan Eggers

    I recently installed Buddypress and BBpress and was thinking about how I could add all the nifty features of phpBB such as BBcodes and stuff.  Then I remembered that hardly anyone uses most of them and here’s a big reality check – Facebook doesn’t even let you use bold or italic and they have a BILLION users.

    Bottom line – don’t waste time adding a bunch of stuff that you think might be cool but actually have little or no effect on activity.


    I just want it look and  have  the features of Mybb/Phpbb


    sorry i dont understand, i did a full wordpress installation and installed bbpress plugin. Hostgator installed wordpress on my sever for me.

    is that not a full wordpress setup?


    Sounds like your main theme (not a bbpress theme) doesn’t have all the files it needs, I would recommend getting a full working installation of wordpress first, check everything is ok then do the bbPress stuff.


    hi, i really need help. i am very new to wordpress and bbpress. i installed wordpress today and installed bbpress.

    i did downloaded your theme and placed it in wp-content/themes/my-theme

    in wordpress -> Appearance -> Themes. it says

    “Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    Name Description
    my-theme Stylesheet is missing.”

    my test site is
    can anyone guild me to create a proper working forum?


    @golfer300 You will need to put the contents of the zip file inside your theme folder, once you have done this you should see a bbpress-functions.php inside your main theme directory. For this theme to fully work you will need to have the wordpress classes attached to the body tag.

    I haven’t tested it using buddyPress, let me know if you use it.

    Stephen Edgar

    Good idea re: resyncing the database. I don’t think this DB was maintained properly and upgrading from phpbb 2.x to 3.0.11 may have introduced some errors.

    Does phpBB now have your “50K+” posts after the repair or still ~27K?

    Unfortunately, the outcomes were all the same. the import seemed to hang, although it did get further this time (converting forums 100 – 199)

    You only had ~10-15 phpBB forums when I looked earlier and it now looks like you have removed phpBB from your site so I can no longer confirm this.

    The last message you should have seen during the import ‘forums’ step should have been `(converting forums 0 – 99)` before it moved onto the next step `Calculating forum hierarchy (0 – 99)`.

    I used the stop/start suggestion, let it run for an hour, and it seemed that everything was imported.

    Why do you presume that? Did you see your 50K+ posts somewhere?

    Then when you go to view a forum or category or topic, and most of it is missing. Most recent posts were from 2004.

    I stated in my previous post any counts you see before running the repair tools will be inaccurate.

    This was before running any repairs. Running the repair functions depleted the counts further.

    I’ll reiterate this again, any counts you see before running the repair tools after the import is finished are inaccurate and should not be relied upon.

    The repair tools nor any part of bbPress will delete content from your WordPress database unless you explicitly do this via ‘forum reset’ or ‘purge previous import’.

    I’m not sure I can troubleshoot this in time for my client’s deadline but if further suggestions or upgrades come up, I’m game for trying them out in the future.

    At this stage yours is the ONLY phpBB forum that has NOT been successfully imported, there are virtually no future upgrades planned for the phpBB importer because they are not needed as it has thus far worked with every single phpBB import that I have been asked to test or help out with.

    The output of the converter should be similar to this (They should match your phpBB stats to the nearest 100)
    Did the import end up looking like this below? If not which step did it stop at?
    Repair any missing information: Continue
    Conversion Complete
    Converting replies (2000 – 2099)

    Converting replies (100 – 199)
    Converting replies (0 – 99)
    Converting topics (1200 – 1299)

    Converting topics (200 – 299)
    Converting topics (100 – 199)
    Converting topics (0 – 99)
    Calculating forum hierarchy (0 – 99)
    Converting forums (0 – 99)
    No data to clean
    Starting Conversion

    As I stated in the comments of the review you posted for the bbPress plugin at I am more than happy to take a look and help you get it imported.

    If there is a bug with the importer and why your phpBB is not playing nice like all the other phpBB forum imports I can write a patch to fix it but I will need accurate detailed information from you to do this.




    Good idea re: resyncing the database. I don’t think this DB was maintained properly and upgrading from phpbb 2.x to 3.0.11 may have introduced some errors.

    Unfortunately, the outcomes were all the same. the import seemed to hang, although it did get further this time (converting forums 100 – 199), I used the stop/start suggestion, let it run for an hour, and it seemed that everything was imported. Then when you go to view a forum or category or topic, and most of it is missing. Most recent posts were from 2004. This was before running any repairs. Running the repair functions depleted the counts further.

    I’m not sure I can troubleshoot this in time for my client’s deadline but if further suggestions or upgrades come up, I’m game for trying them out in the future.


    can this theme be used with buddypress 1.7  groups forum ?

    Stephen Edgar

    Cool…. Lets start fresh and see what happens….

    Firstly make sure phpBB is running smoothly…

    You state that phpBB has ‘1400 users and at least 50K posts’ though the phpBB forum itself states ‘Total posts 26878, Total topics 3468 & Total members 1263’ so there could be some issues with your actual phpBB install and/or database.

    Run these checks which should clear up any potential database issues with phpBB from the phpBB admin tools (ACP) /phpbbv3/adm/index.php

    • Resynchronise statistics
    • Resynchronise post counts
    • Resynchronise dotted topics

    Now resync all of the phpBB forums which again should clear up any phpBB issues and in particular any issues for when bbPress starts to ‘calculating board hierarchy’

    • Click the ‘Forums’ tab in phpBB ACP
    • You should now see a list of category/parent forums
    • For each one of these over to the right is an option to ‘resynchronize’ the forum
    • Do this for each of the category/parent forums then drill down through each of those to any child forums and do the same for each

    That should take care of any phpBB database issues…

    Now go and try the import again with the same settings you have used previously but also check the following two options.

    • Start Over – Start a fresh conversion from the beginning
    • Purge Previous Import – Purge all information from a previously attempted import

    If you believe the importer starts to hang at any point and is not moving along simply click ‘stop’ to pause the import process and give your webhost a bit of time to catch up on any other tasks that might be running and click ‘start’ to resume the import.

    Don’t run any of the repair tools whilst the importer is importing and wait until the import has completed before running each of the tools individually.

    So how did it go?


    Hi Stephen–
    I’m taking you up on your invite to talk about phpBB imports.
    In advance of upgrading a client’s site from (very VERY outdated WP and phpBB) I created a sandbox with WP 3.5.1 and phpBB 3.
    There’s not a whole lot here, as I’m just using it to find the best way to integrate the bulletin board w/ the WP site, so the BB can be access-controlled for paid members.
    Imported forum:
    bbPress v 2.3 beta 2
    Theme = twenty twelve
    The phpBB install has about 1400 users and at least 50K posts and was created in mid-2004. My client wants to keep *everything*.

    Here’s what happens when I run the import:
    Default settings are left alone (pause after 100 lines, 1 second between, etc
    All users are imported seamlessly.
    When the import process gets to “calculating board hierarchy”, it hangs. I let the import run for an hour then check the results in the “forum” admin tab.
    It appears that all of the posts have been imported. (The numbers in each of the categories is right.) But when you try to visit any of the forums/categories, they’re empty.
    So then I run the “repair” functions one by one. Now it seems that most of the posts are gone and the most recent are from 2004. (Most recent should be from 11/2012). Some posts are visible but there are no responses where they should be.

    Am I missing a step, or is some setting not correct, or is the beta version of the plugin just not doing what I need it to do? I would love to have all of my site’s content in one interface but I can’t find where the content goes. What am I missing?


    Hello. I was reviewing free php forums and came upon bbPress. I have had great experiences with WordPress, so the idea of a “wordpressy” forum got me.

    However, I just want to know from you guys is it good? If I understand correctly bbPress is quite new, so can you say it can compete with, say, phpBB?

    Also, I am planning to integrate a LOT of features for my forum, as I am aiming to make a roleplaying forum, with characters, and weapons and all that jazz. Would bbPress make it easy for me to do those? For any of you have created plugins for bbPress, how developer-friendly do you think it is?

    Here I am, hoping for your replies. Thank you.


    I just wanted to chime in and say I was hitting the exact same issue with importing a very old forum in and this got me over the hump. Thank you VERY much! I was just about to start translating out the insert queries and attacking it through mysql alone.

    This forums data has been for a ride over the years and manually about half the time (starting around 2000) ubb -> phpbb -> vbulletin -> smf -> phpbb -> vanilla -> bbpress

    So loving how much processes like this have improved over the years! Much appreciated!


    I am having a few problems doing this. I downloaded the folder and uploaded it to my theme (catchbox) via Filezilla. However, I do not see any changes in my forum or dashboard. I have read through this forum but a lot of what has been mentioned has been beyond me. Any help is much appreciated.

    Stephen Edgar

    This is by design and is expected behaviour.

    If you do an import and the username already exist or they were imported from a previous import the user will be given a username with the prefix `’imported_’` as you outlined above.

    Bryan Eggers

    I imported a phpBB database with about 2500 users and over 100,000 posts (it took about 90 minutes).  What I noticed is that there were two username created for each phpBB member, for example Chewy and imported_Chewy.  I thought about just deleting all the “imported_” names until I realized that all the references on the board are to those names and not the original names. What to do?

    I also forgot to mention that the email associated with the account also has the imported_ prefix.

    This is using the Buddypress 1.7 beta and BBpress 2.2.4. Thanks!





    Hi Stephen, I just figured it out. There was a conflict with my there’s navigation CSS. Thanks for responding.


    In reply to: Forum Categories

    Stephen Edgar

    For the first part of your question this is what bbPress does for ‘forum’ parents and should work fine, maybe some more tips from here will help.

    The second part regarding ‘section titles’ this is planned for a future release but for now you can use @lynq’s solution here.

    Lastly you would have to customize the \templates\default\bbpress\form-user-register.php template:

    Stephen Edgar

    Correct, your old phpBBB database will not be modified.

    Stephen Edgar

    @Phill I am not seeing that using Chrome 24


    Great theme Lynq! This is exactly what I needed.

    I have a little problem though, whenever I hover over my subforums everything disappears. My forum is at


    Bryan Eggers

    I’m just getting started with BuddyPress and bbPress and wanted to confirm that importing a phpBB database will not change the original database.  Thanks!


    The “half of the screen” problem is pretty bad 🙁

    We’re just setting up bbPress (migrating an old phpBB forum) and the big avatar problem is annoying. We’re using the “Responsive” theme ( and it’s really great on mobile, except for the bbPress pages.

    One option might be to hide avatars on mobile. I think that would be a workaround if there’s not a simple way to make the avatars shrink. Of course, I’d rather have them shown at 50% or so 🙂

    Stephen Edgar

    @Lynq Something went funky with the pull request I just submitted so I closed it, can you drop me an email and I will discuss it with you privately.


    Just to let you know I have no updated the original link but I don’t think it has the changes you made. Good thing to know for anyone using Github, always sync before you make any changes that is what got me stuck.

    I meant to say I HAVE updated the original link.

Viewing 25 results - 776 through 800 (of 2,300 total)
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