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  • #135655

    Can someone convert my phpbb3 forum for me to bbPress? Im having trouble doing it, and could really use some help!

    If you can my skype is zubzstep


    Can someone convert my phpbb3 forum for me to bbPress? Im having trouble doing it, and could really use some help!

    If you can my skype is zubzstep

    Daniel J. Lewis

    I’m also interested in this, especially with allowing my forum members to use some BBcodes, like spoiler, b, i, and others. (I transitioned from a phpBB board, so I want to make a smooth transition for my users.)

    I’ve been looking for a plugin to do this, but haven’t found anything. I’m thinking of making a simple plugin to do this by popping up a window (via jQuery) that will take the content of their post editor and display it with my CSS and processing the shortcodes. It sounds easy to me, but I could be really wrong.

    Daniel J. Lewis

    Where is the URL, or how can I make a page that will contain the latest replies? I don’t want just the latest topics, but chronological list of every topic that has recently been replied to. For example, a topic from a year ago that received a reply 3 seconds ago should show up on the top of this list.

    In phpBB, I had a “new posts” link that would do this.

    Essentially, something like “[ bbp-topic-index ] – Display the most recent 15 topics across all your forums with pagination” would be perfect, but for all posts—topics and replies, not just new topics.


    Topic: Forum issues

    in forum Plugins

    I Installed the latest WP then next-to-the-latest bbPress.

    I imported my db from phpBB. There should be a Private forum available only to those I allow, and a Hidden forum with the same setup.

    I can’t figure out how to hide these from all except those who have permission (Roles set via Members plugin).

    Or, if they must show, can you recommend a password protection plugin? This way they need credetnials to get in.


    Topic: Fly-Fishing Site

    in forum Showcase

    Here’s my bbPress integration:

    Only problem is the queries are running a bit slow right now. I posted about that in Troubleshooting.

    I successfully transferred a 75k post board from Yabb 2.3 –> YaBB 2.4 –> SMF 1.4 –> phpBB3 –> bbPress. I’m kinda proud of that. It took a LOT of work.



    I’ve just imported from phpbb to bbpress. That went well. But I noticed something odd about the hierarchy of the forums. If you go to a parent forum, you get the message at the top: This forum is empty. But the child forums are listed below that message as they should be. Why am I getting that message and is there a way to fix it?

    Please note above the Science & Technology is the title that the child forums should go under. I don’t want people posting directly to Science & Technology. Posts need to go into the child forums.

    Also, if you scroll down to create a new topic, there is the message Your account has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content. Is this a security concern, and what should I do about it.

    Thank you so much!!!!

    Stephen Edgar

    I moved your reply in this topic to a new topic as they are separate issues.

    You shouldn’t have a problem with your setup if you follow the docs:

    Stephen Edgar

    Currently the phpBB import script only supports phpBB v3

    You could upgrade phpBB v2 to phpBB v3 and then import to bbPress.

    You will still have issues with user passwords though and each user would need there password manually changed. This is due to different password algorithms between phpBB v2 & v3.

    Stephen Edgar

    1. can more than 110 000 users be imported

    This should not be a problem.

    2. My website runs a specific version of phpbb SEO for allowing permalinks for every forum – will this be imported ? (so that there is not a lot of redirect)

    No, these will NOT be imported and you will need to manually set your permalinks and make some redirects using .htaccess

    3. My website stores custom profile fields for every user (more than just ICQ, but also custom ones). How could I have the same kind of functionalities using bbpress ?

    Currently when importing from phpBB we are importing and storing the default phpBB user fields as outlined here. You could modify the import script to include any of your custom user profile fields so they also get stored in wp_usermeta.

    After that you would need to find a WordPress plugin that supports extended user profile fields to utilize that data. I am not sure of any specific plugin that can really do that out of the box with bbPress at the moment but at least you ‘would’ have all of your users advanced profile data stored.

    4. What about performance – will it be better than phpbb. I know bbpress is very powerful for small forums, but I have no idea regarding huge ones. Can wp caching plugins work for bbpress as well ?

    There are some large sites running bbPress and I would suggest you setup a test site to see how it works for yourself personally.

    As to caching it appears that ‘WP Super Cache’and ‘W3 Total Cache’ do not work well with bbPress as discussed in this topic though there is ‘Lite Cache’ which appears to work with bbPress as per this topic.

    5. Is the entire UI translated in French – it doesn’t seem to me, but maybe I’m wrong.

    The current status of the French translation is at 11% translated with 879 strings untranslated though 734 of those strings have been translated and are waiting for the fr_FR translation validator to validate the translations.

    6. Can I use any plugins writter for wp for bbpress ?

    I am not sure what you mean for this question

    Any more questions please ask away…

    Dan Knauss

    It’s definitely WAMP, most likely the ‘W’ part. (I tried this on Windows 7) XAMPP has even more trouble. Apache is being disrupted and crashed at times, probably because of Windows User Account Control (UAC) security settings and/or IIS. You should get a warning about this when you install XAMPP on Windows. I haven’t test to see if that’s the cause, but it seems likely.


    What does work is LAMP, so just do the migration on your webserver or localhost. I’ve had no problem doing it all on’s WordPress hosting with over 61,000 posts and 1100 users converted with the default settings of 100 rows at a time with a 1s delay.

    Dan Knauss

    Did anyone ever get to the bottom of this? I have the same problem. I think it may have to do with WAMP.


    More info:

    my host requires a jitinera_ prefex before the database name (JaguarPC and = jitinera).

    So my database is jitinera, and the actual phpbb database is _phpbb, etc.

    Here’s how I have filled out the blanks to produce the error:

    Select Platform is the previous forum software: phpBB
    Database Server IP or hostname: localhost
    Database Port Use default 3306 if unsure: 3306
    Database Name Name of the database with your old forum data: jitinera_phpbb
    Database User User for your database connection: jitinera_[user name witheld]
    Database Password Password to access the database: [password withheld]
    Table Prefix (If converting from BuddyPress Forums, use “wp_bb_” or your custom prefix): bb_

    Anyone see anything wrong with that?


    I am having this exact same problem, but my phpbb database is in the same place as my wordpress database. (_phpbb and _wordpress on my MySQL server).

    Anyone figure this out?


    Guys –

    I have been through the mother of all forum migrations in the last few days, from YaBB 2.3.1 -> YaBB 2.4 -> SMF 1.1.11 -> phpBB3.

    All to get into a format that would let me import into bbPress.

    Now that I finally have a nice clean copy of my 75k post forum in phpBB, I am getting the following when I run the bbPress converter:

    No passwords to clear
    No users to convert
    No data to clean
    Starting Conversion

    I stopped it at that point because I have read trying to re-run the converter is problematic.

    I would be SO GRATEFUL for any help. At this point I just want to get through with this…



    When you delete a user, WordPress will prompt you and ask you what to do with all of their existing posts.


    And now I have double admin users, same user names, can I delete the old one and resign forum posts to the default admin?

    Will deleting old user and resigning all posts to admin work for forum posts, or just for regular blog posts?


    I’m attempting to convert a phpBB2 forum to bbPress version 2.3.2.

    I’ve selected the option to convert users, but it’s failing with the following error:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'users.user_form_salt' in 'field list']
    SELECT convert(users.user_id USING "utf8") AS user_id,convert(users.user_password USING "utf8") AS user_password,convert(users.user_form_salt USING "utf8") AS user_form_salt,convert(users.username USING "utf8") AS username,convert(users.user_email USING "utf8") AS user_email,convert(users.user_website USING "utf8") AS user_website,convert(users.user_regdate USING "utf8") AS user_regdate,convert(users.user_aim USING "utf8") AS user_aim,convert(users.user_yim USING "utf8") AS user_yim,convert(users.user_icq USING "utf8") AS user_icq,convert(users.user_msnm USING "utf8") AS user_msnm,convert(users.user_jabber USING "utf8") AS user_jabber,convert(users.user_occ USING "utf8") AS user_occ,convert(users.user_interests USING "utf8") AS user_interests,convert(users.user_sig USING "utf8") AS user_sig,convert(users.user_from USING "utf8") AS user_from,convert(users.user_avatar USING "utf8") AS user_avatar FROM users AS users LIMIT 0, 100

    Is there anything I can do the resolve the issue?

    Thank you


    Would someone have an idea of some of these questions ?
    Thanks for your help,


    Can someone answer my question above? Thanks!


    I like bbPress it’s awesome. Like most open source software I like to get stuck in and break stuff then fix it, you learn a loads from doing that.

    I agree phpbb and some others are easier options in certain areas, but the integration with wordpress is amazing.

    Good luck with your forums 🙂


    @Sambora5150 yeah i use phpbb for my standalone forum but wanted somthin i could integrate in my blog and thought bbpress would be the best, wrong, lol theirs no support here, at phpbb they always answer within like 6 hrs.


    I’m setting up a new site running bbpress with buddypress. I’ve managed to import over 5000 users and about 100,000 topics/replies (e107 > SMF > phpBB > bbpress … whew!)

    Working on cleaning up some details and I’m wondering if there is a consensus on what is the optimal permalink structure for a site like this that will have a lot of user posts.

    I’m leaning toward the “Day and name” setting:
    `http://www mywebsite com/2013/04/21/sample-post/`
    Just because it’s a forum based website and it might make sense to help with chronology.

    It doesn’t seem to me like this setting would be all that important… but, you never know… so that’s why I’m asking 🙂


    Anyone ?
    Thanks for your help !


    I have a fresh install of bbpress/buddypress setup. I have created groups and group forums with buddypress.

    I then took an existing phpbb3 install, flattened out the structure so all the forums are on one level, and imported them successfully into my new bbpress/buddypress setup.

    Now, I’d like start mass moving some of those imported forums into existing group forums. I was looking at the “postmeta” table and I see the post_id, meta_key, and meta_value … where I see bbp_forum_id, I identified the appropriate IDs of each forum and did a mass update on the table to swap out IDs. However, that didn’t work … any idea what else I’m missing here?

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