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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • mpesgt01

    I have tried importing my phpBB3 forum to bbPress, doesn’t work well. So far I have lost a week on this 🙁 I really want to use bbPress, and really want to keep my previous forum content. I’ve notice you have 14 importers so far…

    So I want to know if there is another road I can take.
    – first ; what importers goes very very well ?
    – second ; i might then try importing phpBB3 > to that importer/forum XYZ > then import this new file into bbPress

    ( As a fake example, the answer could be this ; from my Phpbb3 > into temporary Vanilla > then into Bbpress )


    Trying to run a conversion to fix the Anonymous posts. Ran it all day and came home and it was stuck again. I did the same thing I did before where I looked at the last row created in bbpress and found the same post in phpbb by comparing content, then deleted the next one. When I do this the import continues. I would think that since I did this and complete the import this second run of the conversion would run error free but that is not the case. It is near the end and appears to be hung again. I suspect it is no coincidence that it hung twice, just like before. Guess I am not deleting the corrupt posts. Not sure why it keeps going after I delete them. If I delete another random post it still hangs until I delete the right one.

    If I wanted to have it print more debug information where would I need to edit? The only information I need is the bbpress post ID and wordpress post id about to be queried and a confirmation right after the query completes. This should let me find the corrupt post.

    In the instructions on I am not sure how to take the information printed on the screen now and map it to the database.

    Now drop all the rows in the database that are not in the range of rows that failed during import

    I am not sure how the “Range of rows” maps to the database tables.

    I will include a request to include a debug option for conversions.

    Thanks again for your help.


    Thanks. Waiting for the answer, I have stop and start it 🙁

    Here’s what my old phpbb3 forum says ;
    18,504 sujets • 52,637 messages • 1,272 membres

    Here’s what my new bbpress import says ;
    5,075 Topics / 30,100 Replies / 1,347 User

    Also, when I visit my new forum on my site, no replies are shown. When I am in dashboard (admin, all replies are there. Tough, the import didnt get everything. This took me maybe 2 days. What I do from here ? Retry importing from scratch ?


    I found it by comparing content of the last post in bbpress against the PHPBB posts and found the next one. Deleted it and restarted the migration and it continued. I should find out what was in post ID 67939 that stalled the migration.

    Stephen Edgar

    Presuming your doing this on a copy of your phpBB database, delete that row and continue on until your import completes, typically I haven’t had an import need more than 10 of these and depending on if it is a topic or reply and the context of the post I have either not worried about it or I have manually recreated in bbPress and assigned it to that user after the import has finished.


    Sounds good, thanks! I will post what I can once I get my site moved.

    So I have followed the steps on and have isolated the first failure when moving reply 102607. I have no idea how to map 102607 to the phpbb post. Any ideas?


    I tried deactivating the other plugins but this did not help. It definitely seems to be related to the bbpress plugin. I’m using the latest version of WP. I’m trying to migrate an existing site over to a new host. The current site uses phpBB forum but we would like to switch to bbpress if possible. I can provide you with a login to check things out if that helps.


    I took my host out of the equation and installed XAMPP, migrated both sites to my local PC and setup configs as shared in that post. Thank you for the forward!

    Is there a place to submit phpbb feature requests? I have been working this migration for a bit now and have a few updates that may improved the migration experience for others. For example, a small alert when you attempt to close the import tab. I have accidentally closed an import in progress two or three times over the last 4 days. Also, a big red warning message on the screen that says “MIGRATION IN PROGRESS!”. My wife has shut down my PC twice during a migration!



    I try to convert a phpbb3 (3.0.11) to BBpress 2.5.4 but when i start the converter i got this error:

    Repair any missing information: Continue

    The username is already takenThe email address does not appear to exist (No MX record)Please go back and try again, or contact an administrator if you keep seeing this error.N

    Any ideas?


    In reply to: My impressions so far


    I have read a few of the previous posts and saw lots of interesting topics come by.

    First I have to make a statement and a thank you.

    Statement: BBPress is exactly what I need in a forum, yes I think it is forum software and forum software only.

    Also it is a wordpress plugin, not a standalone CMS so I can not expect it to have all functions I wish for, but then there are plugins for most of them.

    As a non-professional developer I had my share of problems after the first install, and coming from phpBB (only for 5 months there) I missed a lot of funtions mentioned in earlier posts that come standard in stand-alone forum CMS like IPBoard and VBulletin.

    Those two (IPB VBull) have been my inspiration and I wanted a forum with similar functions, after trying phpBB for a few months, which I really enjoyed as a learning curve, I decided to give wordpress/bbpress/buddypress a try.

    I have now been experimenting and learning the wordpress syntax for about 1 year, and have only one thing to say:

    BBPress is the better forum software for me.

    I can now make a perfect profile page.

    I can have forums with the right hierarchy.

    I can have all the extras that make other forum CMS cool thanks to some lightweight plugins, even attachments/images in posts can be made to look better then many other forums I visit.

    Of course all is not perfect, I am not alone in hoping to see better image management, private albums, better TinyMCE editor, moderator functions/pages and the all important “like” function, but all in all BBP is just as functional as many high profile forums.

    being a wordpress plugin makes BBPress modular, user friendly enough and highly functional not to forget absolutely FREE, besides a few hundered hours of brain pain.

    Anyway, back to my theme (BBFacelook) development.
    Peter Hamilton


    I was installing bbPress on my website, using the Tools > Forums > Import forums. It was going okay until it reach converting replies. My forum have 52 600 messages in 18 000 subjects from 1200 users.
    – I visited the url and I see it well, but at first sights it seems there is no replies at all in every message.
    – Here is what I see in the yellow box.

    Can you tell me what to do from here ? (as nothing keep going, but the little wheels keeps tuning)

    Converting replies (2200 - 2299)
    Converting replies (2100 - 2199)
    Converting replies (2000 - 2099)
    Converting replies (1900 - 1999)
    Converting replies (1800 - 1899)Converting replies (1700 - 1799)Converting replies (1600 - 1699)Converting replies (1500 - 1599)Converting replies (1400 - 1499)Converting replies (1300 - 1399)Converting replies (1200 - 1299)Converting replies (1100 - 1199)Converting replies (1000 - 1099)Converting replies (900 - 999)Converting replies (800 - 899)Converting replies (700 - 799)Converting replies (600 - 699)Converting replies (500 - 599)Converting replies (400 - 499)Converting replies (300 - 399)Converting replies (200 - 299)Converting replies (100 - 199)Converting replies (0 - 99)
    No tags to convertNo super stickies to stick
    No stickies to stick
    Converting topics (5000 - 5099)
    Converting topics (4900 - 4999)Converting topics (4700 - 4799)Converting topics (4600 - 4699)Converting topics (4500 - 4599)Converting topics (4400 - 4499)Converting topics (4300 - 4399)Converting topics (4200 - 4299)Converting topics (4100 - 4199)Converting topics (4000 - 4099)Converting topics (3900 - 3999)Converting topics (3800 - 3899)Converting topics (3700 - 3799)Converting topics (3600 - 3699)Converting topics (3500 - 3599)Converting topics (3400 - 3499)Converting topics (3300 - 3399)Converting topics (3200 - 3299)Converting topics (3100 - 3199)Converting topics (3000 - 3099)Converting topics (2900 - 2999)Converting topics (2800 - 2899)Converting topics (2700 - 2799)Converting topics (2600 - 2699)Converting topics (2500 - 2599)Converting topics (2400 - 2499)Converting topics (2300 - 2399)Converting topics (2200 - 2299)Converting topics (2100 - 2199)Converting topics (2000 - 2099)Converting topics (1900 - 1999)Converting topics (1800 - 1899)Converting topics (1700 - 1799)Converting topics (1600 - 1699)Converting topics (1500 - 1599)Converting topics (1400 - 1499)Converting topics (1300 - 1399)Converting topics (1200 - 1299)Converting topics (1100 - 1199)Converting topics (1000 - 1099)Converting topics (900 - 999)Converting topics (800 - 899)Converting topics (700 - 799)Converting topics (600 - 699)Converting topics (500 - 599)Converting topics (400 - 499)Converting topics (300 - 399)Converting topics (200 - 299)Converting topics (100 - 199)Converting topics (0 - 99)Calculating forum hierarchy (0 - 99)Converting forums (0 - 99)Delete users WordPress default passwords (1300 - 1399)Delete users WordPress default passwords (1200 - 1299)Delete users WordPress default passwords (1100 - 1199)Delete users WordPress default passwords (1000 - 1099)Delete users WordPress default passwords (900 - 999)Delete users WordPress default passwords (800 - 899)Delete users WordPress default passwords (700 - 799)Delete users WordPress default passwords (600 - 699)Delete users WordPress default passwords (500 - 599)Delete users WordPress default passwords (400 - 499)Delete users WordPress default passwords (300 - 399)Delete users WordPress default passwords (200 - 299)Delete users WordPress default passwords (100 - 199)Delete users WordPress default passwords (0 - 99)Converting users (1300 - 1399)Converting users (1200 - 1299)Converting users (1100 - 1199)Converting users (1000 - 1099)Converting users (900 - 999)Converting users (800 - 899)Converting users (700 - 799)Converting users (600 - 699)Converting users (500 - 599)Converting users (400 - 499)Converting users (300 - 399)Converting users (200 - 299)Converting users (100 - 199)Converting users (0 - 99)No data to cleanStarting Conversion


    I am having a heck of a time importing a PHPBB that I have been administering since 2004. It has over 100k replies and I am having trouble getting the replies to process over 24k before failing to a point where it stops processing for longer then 30 minutes and will not continue after hitting stop and start again. So far I have tried various combinations of query size and delay with no luck. 10 x 1sec, 100 x 1 sec, 1000 x 1 sec, 10 x 2 sec etc.

    Any suggestions? Is there any way to make the migration continue even if you have to refresh the page?

    I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.


    Hey guys,

    I’m currently in the process of migrating from phpBB over to bbPress and I could use a little help.

    I was wondering if you guys could help me out…

    I would only like to have 1 Forum on my website instead of the 3 that I currently have and I would like people to be taken to this forum when they visit the root URL of

    For example I would like to just have “General Discussion” as the main root forum, instead of having the option to visit various different forums.

    Right now I can’t work out how to do that and I can only show either a set number of the latest posts or the top level forums that are displayed at the moment:

    Is there a way to set bbPress up, so that it is just one forum?

    I doubt there will be a need to expand the forum in the future, so this won’t be a problem.

    If you guys could let me know, I’d really appreciate it!

    Thanks a lot!


    Not bad, but perhaps a bit blend for a halo fan site, your site needs a stronger header or colorscheme, baby blue is a bit mild but that is personal.

    Also would remove the HD from the menu links, people are already on your site so a link to HD Forum should just be Forum.

    For the rest alright when looking for a basic phpbb look.



    Hi Nick,

    i am pretty sure that the database structure is a little different on your install. Did a importer for an phpbb clone (CBACK). Many field were slightly different like (userID and user_id … ) guess your importer needs also modification.

    The included importer is very well writen, documented, and never would map all posts to admin user if db fields would match. What i can tell you from a 1:1 import of a hughe 6gb DB ( avatars, user fields, user custom fields, user settings, private messages ). This is a bunch of work to get it running ( if you need all of your data ). If not, easy one, few hours work.



    I am running the conversion tool on an old PHPBB3 forum that i have had for years. I am now getting emails from every user telling me that they are getting email notifications for quoted posts that were made years ago! Is this really sending an email to every user who has ever quoted someone?!?!


    Just getting started with BBpress – moved over a phpbb forum.

    Just wondering, what are users “must-install” plugins?

    Stephen Edgar

    You are correct, image attachments are not imported, most of the ins and outs are in the docs

    Tom Dyer

    I’ve recently run a forum import from phpBB to bbPress and for the most-part it went very well. I am however having some problems with the Repair scripts – namely the:
    “Recalculate last activity in each topic and forum” tool.

    Running this doesn’t seem to update the freshness on the Forums, they’re all displaying dates in 2013, when I know that most of them had activity on or around 27th Aug 2014 (which is when we turned off the phpBB forum).

    Does anyone know the cause of this – or have any ideas how we can brute-force the update of the dates?


    Phpbb installation – Total posts 113266 • Total topics 7052 • Total members 10711
    All versions wordpress and phpbb current.

    Just hanging at posts 70299 and displaying
    ———– etc adding a – every couple of minutes



    I’m looking to import a phpBB v3.1.10 forum to bbPress and just wanted confirmation on what exactly can be imported using the built in import forums tool in bbPress.

    From what i can tell all forums and posts are imported along with users, so that users can log on to bbPress using their original phpBB logon details.

    What about images in posts?

    Am I correct that only images that are inline ones are imported with the posts? Images added as attachments to posts are NOT imported?

    The phpBB forum that I wish to migrate to bbPress can be found here:

    Thanks for your help!


    Stephen Edgar

    More than likely it will be some character, troublesome and annoying but nothing much we can do at this stage.

    That old BBConverter plugin is what is now included with bbPress, we merged that code into bbPress core, there are vast improvements in the converter and the phpBB import script in the current release of bbPress 2.5.4 (and more for the next release).

    I’d love to know more details on why the built in converter does not work for you and if needed get that fixed. 🙂


    Hosting cpanel is located at … :2083
    Not sure if that makes a difference.

    My client actually decided now to just start fresh with bbpress and archive the old phpbb. However – Im still very interested in sorting this out.

    Thanks again for your help.


    I get to this point:

    Convert posts (17600 – 17699)-

    And it just hangs there forever….

    What can I do?


    I, too, have a phpbb conversion just stalling part-way through converting posts.

Viewing 25 results - 476 through 500 (of 2,300 total)
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