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Topic: Import from phpbb forum
The last posting on this topic is very old. I wonder this is still a matter of concern. I try to move my forum to bbPress. I used the build in tool and get the error
WordPress database error: [Table ‘u53000db1.phpbbusers’ doesn’t exist]
u53000db1 is my phppp sql base and I made a test with the plugin cms2cms and I got a nice output, but the produced bbPress forum was somwhere else not in my application, so I wonder what that means?
Anyone there can get me started in the right direction. Best regards
PeterWP – 4.0.1 – multisite bbPress 2.5.4
Forgive me if I’m asking a repeat question but I’m struggling to find an answer and I’ve searched every combination here I can think of…
I’ve imported from phpBB into a new bbPress install on a new MU install.
The user names on the previous phpBB are not the same (emails, user names or display names) for the accounts they need to be attributed to on the bbPress.
I saw a reference in one of Stephens posts last week about deleting users and changing their posts to a different user, but I’ve not been able to find the directions.
Any help would be appreciated, it’s the last thing I need to do so that I can kill the old phpBB and move forward with the bbPress.
Topic: phpBB import problem
Hi all,
I’ve been trying to import my forum from phpbb 3.1.1 (no mod or themes) to bbpress 2.5.4.
I used row limits 50 and delay time 2. Database settings looks to be ok.
Problem is following code that appears on every line:
‘Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/int2000/d/xxxxx/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/converter.php on line 306 Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/int2000/d/xxxxx/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/converter.php on line 306’Conversion goes till end and following message will appear:
‘Repair any missing information: Continue’
‘SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics USING “utf8”) AS forum_topics,convert(forums.forum_posts USING “utf8”) AS forum_posts,convert(forums.forum_topics_real USING “utf8”) AS forum_topics_real,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_3forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100’What am I doing wrong?
Topic: Deeper capabilities
Hello Everybody.
I hope you understand my “german Englisch”.
I tried many many membership and capability plugins to empower bbpress. But with no success.
This is because bbpress has capabilities, but don´t used them the right way.I am not a developer, so I don´t know, if everything I suggest is possible or not. But I know, for some of these features, that it worked for former versions of bbpress with plugins that are outdated for years.
What bbpress really needs are capabilities in this way (marking new capabilites with (*)):
When talking about forums, I mean forums and categories.Forums/Categories
can_create_topic_in_forum (*)
can_edit_owntopic_in_forum (*)
can_edit_anytopic_in_forum (*)
can_delete_owntopic_in_forum (*)
can_delete_anytopic_in_forum (*)Replies
can_create_reply_in_forum (*)
can_edit_ownreply_in_forum (*)
can_edit_anyreply_in_forum (*)
can_delete_ownreply_in_forum (*)
can_delete_anyreply_in_forum (*)Moderators/Admins
Capabilites to create, edit, delete, move or split forums, threads and replies.
With these capabilites, bbpres itself or every capability addon could add members or groups to forums and categories.
This would make bbpress more like full featured forum software (vbulletin, burning board, phpbb and other) than it ever was.
I asked a developer a long time ago, how long it would take to build an extension or add this to the bbpress core features.
He said something like: BBPress is well coded. I think, adding these capabilities and rules to forums, adding some metaboxes for assigning groups, members or capabilites to forums post types.. I think a good developer could do this in no time.
Well… he is specialized in another section of wordpress plugins and not interested in creating for bbpress. But I think, every wordpress user and forum lover would love these features.
And I think, this is also a great way to prevent spam in forums. on non-english websites, most spam plugins block users that are definetly no spammers, because they search for things, that are not present in non english languages.
Hoping for feedback and… hope this can be realized.
Plugins I tried:
– press permit
– advanced access manager
– advanced capabilites manager
– s3members
– members
– and many many more (used keyword in wp repo: bbpress, member, access, restrict, capability, capablites, read, write, permission and more)Hope for positive feedback
Topic: Similar to PHPBB
Hi all,
I have just installed bbpress here – forum.I’ve been looking through the forums here and found a few posts relating to the style of PHPBB.
What I am trying to do is have something like the this:
–Sub Forum #1
–Sub Forum #2
–Sub Forum #1
–Sub Forum #2
–Sub Forum #1
–Sub Forum #2
—-DescriptionAnd have topics for each sub forum displayed – hope that makes sense. I’m not too sure about forums & categories so feel free to comment.
I have read about editing the plugin files in a child theme but not too sure how to go about that. I have worked with child themes in WordPress before (and am currently), but is there a ‘plugin child theme’?
I’ve recently just switched my site over to bbpress from phpbb3. Currently love how i can style it alot better than phpbb3.
The only option I would really like at this moment is to have each roles name’s be in different color.
I know of the bbp-author-name in css but that changes all the author’s name colors. I would basically like a Keymaster to have lets say Green, Moderator to have Yellow, and Participant to have White.
Something similar to that. Is this possible at this stage?
Topic: Imported users are anonymous
I’ve imported my old phpBB forum and now all users names are setted to Anonymous and they can’t access to the bbpres forum.
How can i solve this? Please.
Topic: Import avatars from phpBB
I’m trying to convert a phpBB 3.0.x to bbPress using the default import tool by bbPress, but it looks that user avatars are not imported.
Anyone know how to import theme? (my phpBB has over 5000 users so I cannot import them 1 by 1 :P)Hi there,
I have been reading through the forums, and can’t find anything for more recent versions so was wondering if I could request some help.
I am working on a project called, a 12 year old site. We recently ported over their old, bespoke CMS into WordPress, and the our forums which were on phpbb after paying cms2cms which did a great job.
The forum has 60,000 posts among several thousand threads and two thousand users. Our server is woefully underresourced, and the site is crashing when bbpress is enabled. So we have it disabled, and are just organising to get a better server with more cpu’s, tons of ram and space.
I was wondering what else we can do to help reduce the load? Is there some way that we can mass archive parts of the forum, or other tactics to help make things run a little better?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Hi all
I have a WP site with bbPress installed and bbPress Like Button (a like button plugin).
I was trying to import a phpBB forum to bbPress.
I’m having problems doing this and in the process must have decactivted bbPress.
Now when I try to log in at wp-admin or view the site I get a page saying.
‘bbPress Like Button needs bbPress installed and activated in order to work.’
This is on QA server and so I can’t get access to the files.
Is there any way to fix this – Is there any way to access the dashboard to re-activate the plugin