Make sure your using the correct database prefix, most phpBB tables will be named something like phpbb_posts
, in that case the database prefix is phpbb_
If you are importing from phpBB 3.1 then you can test the new importer via our bbPress “development version” aka bbPress 2.6 alpha, theres some new import improvements, you can get this from the following page or direct link:
@excandesco The Xenforo import does NOT convert passwords
(I think its only bbPress 1.x, SMF, phpBB and vBulletin that convert passwords at this stage)
Are you using phpBB 3 or phpBB 3.1? The changed happened between the two it would appear. 3.1 support is on the horizon, but there’s no specific release date at the moment.
I’ve noticed that this topic is a year and change old but it concerns the phpbb importer. My brief review of the fields would seem to indicate that field names have changed and it’s why I have generated the errors below. There is no forum_topics field and the topics in phpbb3 have their own table and are assigned to a forum using topics.forum_id. I don’t know what the phpbb 2 database schema but apparently it is different.
Nick – were you ever able to get it to work or did you have to outsource the work? It would probably be a good idea for WordPress to let users know as to the compatibility of the converter with the version of phpBB currently able to be converted. Thanks for any insights.
Imported phpBB, where are the forums?
Clicked: Purge all information from a previously attempted import
Use this if an import failed and you want to remove that incomplete data.
Tried to start again. That deleted all the replies. This seems to be the issue:
WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘forums.forum_topics’ in ‘field list’]
SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics,convert(forums.forum_posts USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts,convert(forums.forum_topics_real USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_real,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100
If we’re talking about the phpbb database, this is because forum_topics doesn’t exist in the phpbb datatabase. Perhaps it did in version 2 but I don’t see that being the case in version 3. As a result, I’m wondering if anyone has successfully converted any phpbb 3 forums.
Constant errors. No users to convert. No forums to convert. Kicks me into repair but nothing to repair. Ran it again and got:
WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘topics.topic_replies’ in ‘field list’]
SELECT convert(topics.topic_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_id,convert(topics.topic_replies USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_replies,convert(topics.topic_replies_real USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_replies_real,convert(topics.forum_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_id,convert(topics.topic_poster USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_poster,convert(posts.poster_ip USING “utf8mb4”) AS poster_ip,convert(posts.post_text USING “utf8mb4”) AS post_text,convert(topics.topic_title USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_title,convert(topics.topic_status USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_status,convert(topics.topic_type USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_type,convert(topics.topic_time USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_time,convert(topics.topic_last_post_time USING “utf8mb4”) AS topic_last_post_time FROM phpbb_topics AS topics INNER JOIN phpbb_posts AS posts USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id = topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 0, 100
No topics to convert
No forum parents to convert
So I look at the database and the importer imported all replies, no forums and no topics, leaving us with about 7,000 replies without a forum or a topic. This is not optimal to say the least. Does the phpBB importer still work?
I want forum looking like phpbb, example below. Where I marked the categories and forums must look like.
I trying to detect categories with this code:
<?php $q_meta_forums1 = array( 'meta_key' => '_bbp_forum_type', 'meta_value' => 'category'); ?>
<?php $categories_q = new WP_Query( $q_meta_forums1 ); ?>
But $categories_q returns nothing. It’s the main problem for now.
So, then I want in loop-forums.php with code above build categories structure and in ‘while’ cycle make another one which will be show sub-forums of categories.

So I imported phpBB, ran the fixes and recounts after and am wondering… where are the forums? I was assuming they would be automatically created from the import. I don’t see anything in the Forums area of the control panel although the mysql script seems to appear to have run. The instructions are unclear. Thank you all in advance.
and i dev version have error even though the prefix is standardized and previously worked (phpbb_)
Repair any missing information: Continue
WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘forums.forum_topics_approved’ in ‘field list’]
SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics_approved USING “utf8”) AS forum_topics_approved,convert(forums.forum_posts_approved USING “utf8”) AS forum_posts_approved,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100
No forums to convert
Starting Conversio
SELECT * FROM phpbb_topics WHERE phpbb_topics.topic_id > 1600 AND phpbb_topics.topic_id < 1699
– ok, I can delete error topic
– so I delete all 1600-1699? or 1600-1698
but what SQL i for: “Converting replies (1670 – 1670)” ?
PHPBB3 -> bbPress
I have a forum on PhpBB3 which consists of: 640MB = 60 departments for, 10k threads, 200tyś posts, 10k active users
Trying to restore them on my own computer (localhost): Core i5, 4GB RAM, SSD disc
I struggle with this for four days …
Restoration of the entire board is not possible at the moment because “jams” restore some different times
For now, as a strategy for checking that departments can be restored without problems and which do not
Most often it gets me imports (as if the script had stopped working, and just circle spins still)
Eg. Stood in place, “Converting topics (1400 – 1499)” and here I have a question how to find out where it is and what posts you referring to? so that he can even remove them to trial lasted else?
Is it possible przyww parts of the entire board? eg. selected areas?
For now I removed from the base sections of leaving only one and make copies of the database files from a folder (and so for all) so I can restore (and at least divide the forum into smaller pieces).
And whether the use of “Repair Forum” connect sections of the forums and topics? because from what I can see by combining two divisions separately it is not quite work out (for one department indicates a value of 0, although the themes and opdpwiedzi there are)
PS. Php.ini settings and the my.ini for me contribute nothing because virtually all the RAM and CPU are hardly used during import
I remember that people found this one a very nice child theme that was going towards phpBB :
Have a look if it can help, otherwise just get back here.
Dear all,
I am trying to achive similar look at forum listing as they are on phpbb forums:

I found plugin that add a line at forum tittle which are unread by the user,and they are marked with one blue vertical stripe. But that isn’t what I was looking for. I would be very happy if some one will help my problem.
1.I would like to add an icon beside the name of subforum and the forum name must me like on the picture like just a tittle and look seperated from subforms.
2.Secondly after the 1. point I would like to create a unread/read diffrent icon like if the subform is unread the icon would be green if it is read the icon would be green.
I know the whole point is in style.css but any help or basics steps will be helpfull.
Thanks for any link, code, plugin, style.css, etc.
Br Nejc
I recently imported a phpBB forum to bbpress. All went well.
The only issue is bbpress is now sending out notification emails for all mentions from the beginning of time. My forum is about 7 years old and has around half a million posts.
Thats a lot of notification emails, and a lot of potential spam.
How can I fix this? I still want new notifications for mentions going out – just not those from before the import. I’m happy to run a mysql query that will mark all notifications emails as being already sent out for each member through to now – if there is a way to do that????!!!
Since this is exporting from bbPress/WordPress to phpBB, I say contact the phpBB community in their support forums.
I recently imported phpbb 3.0 into bbpress 2.5.8.
The converter seemed to run without issue. I then went down the repair forums list and repaired each relationship on the list.
However, there seems to be no pagination when viewing a topic.
Pagination is working fine when viewing the list of topics in a forum, but when you click on a topic there is no pagination. This is a big issue since some topics have over 1,000 replies.
I have double checked the settings in Settings>Forums>Topics and Replies Per Page.
Any ideas?
Hello, I would like to transfer my BBPress forum to PHPBB3 forum on mySQL Database. I don’t found any converter to do this (only wit pay options). Is this possible? I have the SQL file of all wordpress and the XML export from BBPress. Thanks for the help
Found this. Might be useful:
Since advanced forum is based on the drupal core forum there might not be too much we need to change i order to support it. I’ll try to take a look at this later today.
While I’m waiting for 2.6 to release so I can import my phpBB 3.1.x (unless someone can point to an easy-to-understand explanation of how to force an import), I have a couple of questions about possibly starting the forum and later importing.
If I were to create a forum with BBPress, set it up and start running it. Could I later import everything from phpBB and have them merge successfully? Or is there a way to merge two existing versions of BBPress so that if I imported phpBB later into a separate installation I could then just combine them?
In these cases, or even in a regular import, is it possible to successfully merge to IDs (say they’ve registered with WordPress already and also the forum separately, can these two accounts be merged).
2.6 has been pushed back multiple times in the past 2 years. The phpbb issue was added in the past year though. Hopefully it releases before the new year.
Have they fixed it so you can import from phpBB version 3.1.x yet? I’ve been waiting awhile to convert to get this updated, but I don’t have any way to know if it supports it yet or not (at least that I could find).
What version of phpbb are you trying to import from??
Yeah the release of 2.6 has been pushed back a couple times because of new bugs found, and further performance enhancements discovered.
Its a good and bad thing. Better software for you, but it might take awhile before it is released.
Anything that you might think should be released earlier(like a bug fix) in bbPress could released in a 2.5.9 security release.
The phpbb thing has to be in the 2.6 though, since it requires some major changes.
Hello, I need your help desperately! It’s one month now that i try to import my old forum into bbpress. Before, it was on vbulletin and i had no success. So i migrated vbulletin on a fresh phpbb installation and from there i’ve tryied again to migrate on bbpress. But this time is even worse!
I have the following problems:
forum repair recalculate the position of each reply gives me a blank page
on front page replies are not present, there’s just the first topic
on backend, if i try to access to replies, i have internal server error (when i’ve imported vbulletin i had the same 2 problems but at least i could access replies from backend)
I’m almost giving up as i lost so much time on it and i’m still stucked with the same problems.
Please help me!
Wordpress 4.3.1
Theme: Hueman (issues are the same also on theme twenty twelve ecc)