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  • #4376

    I got to thinking, maybe we’re doing it all wrong.

    Rather than try to work WordPress into bbPress, why not just include the bb-config.php file inside the wp-config.php file instead.

    Viola, from what I can tell, everything works like a charm. CK, your bbCode plug-in breaks some of the WordPress tags/shortcodes though, [caption] etc…

    This way, bbpress can be directly referenced inside the entire website, and WordPress can use it’s functions AND the ones from bbPress to micromanage the login situation.

    I really need to investigate this more, but I think that I might be on to something with this whole integration issue.

    A simple plug-in could be made to include the core WordPress queries inside bbPress for pages, categories, etc… Without having to duplicate load everything inside the header, etc…

    Okay, so I just did this like 20 minutes ago and I’m a little giddy about the idea, and I’m sure there’s a myriad of reasons why this won’t work, but I think it’s a neat idea…


    bbPress Plugin Index, A – M












    Tom Lynch

    I have investigated some more it seems that new users of mu which own blogs get assigned as inactive on bbpress, dispite the role map being set to give them member level or higher for all levels on the role map.

    Any suggestions, theres no error codes it just plain doesn’t like wpmu’s role map


    yes _ck_


    Did you comment out the line I listed above in the plugin?


    erf, the bbcodes are already not displayed :'( :'(

    i try to make:

    code strong test /strong /code

    but i can’t see the strong balise.


    If you want to also use [pre] then you have to also edit the bbcode plugin to translate that tag too.

    Hmm, this is strange, I have ‘pre’ in the allow extra tags list but it’s not being added.

    Update: argh, bbPress unsets “pre” and “br”

    Alright, if you want bbcode processed in code/backtick sections, simply comment out this line in the plugin:

    // if (preg_match_all("|<code>(.*?)</code>|sim", $text, $backticks)) {foreach ($backticks[0] as $backtick) {++$counter; $text=str_replace($backtick,"_bbcode_lite_".$counter."_",$text);}}

    It’s right under



    with pre or code, bbcode are not displayed…

    i need to see bbcodes in code tags because on my forum i use pre-formatted posts, for many uses

    in example for:

    pre strong test /strong /pre

    i would like to see strong and /strong …

    there is no way?



    I don’t understand what you are trying to do.

    IMHO, anything between code (or backticks) should ALWAYS be seen raw, unfiltered.

    If you need a tag similar to CODE, why not add the PRE tag to bbPress’s allowed tags. bbCode will work between PRE tags.


    ah ck, it is possible to have the choice for that? in example, i would like to propose “posts templates” for presentations or interviews, and i need that.


    bbcode is not displayed between code tags or backticks.

    This is a purposely designed feature, not a bug.


    Can you post a screenshot showing the functionality that is missing, or what the plugin is doing wrong?



    i have a little problem with the bbcode lite plugin: when i use the code bbcode, and when i display others bbodes into it, this bbcodes are not displayed in code.. so it is possible to correct that?




    Pilola, you could use this plugin:

    I use it here: (see the “nuestros usuarios” links).


    I faced the same problem, when installing bbpress 1 alpha with integration options (wp2.6) .

    The problem is because of automatic generated codes by wordpress api. I installed wp 2.6 and get those codes through api. I had bb-login.php problems when I installed bbpress 1 alpha. And I changed wp codes written in wp-config.php to simple ones( I removed some special characters such a ),”,],/,,[,},{ ) , and then it worked.

    I hope this helps you too.


    I have a forum running as an appendix to the wordpress blog we have at and people love it.

    Now after upgrading WP to version 2.5.1 it seems like all my html examples in the forum are being ruined when I try to add something. Right after installing the forum I did a post where wrote a post about how to use som of the html codes available and it worked nicely with the backtick to keep bbPress from formatting.

    When I tried to modify something yesterday by editing the post, all the html examples in backticks were destroyed and I cannot get the backtick to work again.

    If anybody can recommend a starting point for me to debug this, it will be appreciated.


    Topic: Adding [code]

    in forum Plugins


    why if I use the


    it didn’t show the real code that I want to show to members ? like hyperlink codes or br

    it always converted to html ..

    how to fix it or what plugins I must install ?

    I already installed bbcode Lite n Buttons Toolbar


    Anyone else have this problem with 1and1 ?

    I cannot get pretty permalinks to run, even after following directions.

    I wrote to them

    I am running wordpress and bbpress in the same root directory is wordpress install and is bbpress install each install has

    it’s own .htaccess for using permalinks. WordPress permalinks work fine

    but I cannot get bbpress pretty permalinks to work at all. I have tried

    different variations of htaccess codes for both files without any

    success. It seems to me that the main root htaccess is overriding the

    /bbpress/ htaccess.

    Any suggestions ?

    This was their reply to me.

    “Dear Cliffmaster, (Customer ID: 6XXXXXXXX)

    Thank you for contacting us.

    With regards to your query,

    we would highly suggest that you install BBpress on a different folder

    and not on folder where you have installed a different CMS (WordPress).

    Please separate the two CMS’s by installing them on different folders

    under the root directory (/.)

    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


    Technical Support

    1&1 Internet “


    Foros Ryuuko

    I use a custom theme (heavily a modified Kakumei) and some custom plugins. The forum is new, so it doesn’t have activity, all our users are still using the Vanilla forum we had.

    I didn’t hack any core files, all “non standard things” are donde via custom plugins.

    Plugins i use:

    – My own “Ajustes” (for sidebar, footer and navigation menu content, profile content, and some html tags).

    – MD5 Insecurity (will be deactivated soon).

    – Private Messaging Extended

    – A custom Quicktags (ported from Vanilla)

    – Ajaxed Quote

    – Simple Online List (i also modified a lot this plugin, because it never worked for me ….).

    – Unread Topics. I also modified this one, it was doing too many queries. I added some indices and reduced the overhead.

    – User Photo. I ported the User Photo WP plugin.

    – Human Test.

    Also i indirectly use:

    – Gaming Codes: each user can enter his gaming codes. They’re displayed on the user profile.

    Aleph: this plugin creates user lists (among other things). So i use it inside WP like a “member list”. The beauty is that i can easily create different user lists, so i created a list for each gaming code (in other words, users can see which users have a certain gamer code).

    As i said, the theme is a heavily modified Kakumei. I replaced all topics/forum loops with my own, trying to mimick the Vanilla look. Also the css is based on the Tarski theme for WordPress. In fact, i import it directly from the WP installation.

    For the forum/topic icons, i created a custom plugin which printed the css based on the slug of each forum, and then i added the resulting code to the style.css. I still have to create a lot of icons, those are temporary.

    I hope you like my forums and if you have any questions or would like a plugin/theme release, just ask :p


    Is this still related to the Simple Onlinelist plugin? If so, please post the actual error message you’re getting.

    The original error message says the table is not there, so, can you check the database with a tool like phpMyAdmin and see if the table was actually created?

    Is it possible the plugin hard codes the bb_ table prefix, but you’re using something different for your installation?


    Can somebody set that spammer on fire? Please!!! Seriously hot sticky napalm would be just fine…

    Nobody can login to our site at all – including Admin.

    We will probably hack it to work – but I think we should all vote for bbPress [shortcodes] and widgets.

    1) [bbPress]

    2) bbPress widgets

    Hail bbPress [shortcodes] and widgets ;)


    Ya know what…

    What would solve all these problems would be shortcodes.

    If I could just create a page and add a shortcode:

    [bbPress] then all our problems would just go away.

    Then if you wanted to get the bbPress “search” and “hot tags” to show in your sidebar you can just add the bbPress widgets and they would in theory just work.

    I guess that means my request is:

    1) Add a bbPress [forum] shortcode for wordpress

    2) Release some bbPress widgets for the wordpress sidebar


    I am well stumped, I really am :(

    I have read as much as I can find on issues with integration but still no love.

    The setup:

    Server IIS.

    Latest WP.

    Latest BB.

    ALL secret codes match.

    Config files have the suggested added lines of code.

    Priv mappings are all set correctly.

    So far though, I can get only one account to auto login into wp from bb, and that’s only if I log in through BB only, ie. if I login through WP, it does not carry over to BB but does from BB to WP. This user incidentally has an account setup both in BB and WP.

    Any other BB account can not log into WP, regardless of being logged into BB first.

    Any ideas out there? I’m loving both new versions, but I have close to 2000 users that I would like to allow contribution privs to WP with their existing BB accounts – it seems WP does not see any of the BB users.



    How I did it… Please back up everything before starting.

    You need to find a theme close to your WP to make it easier.

    1. BBPress side,I renamed the style.css to styleold.css

    2. Copied over the WPress style.css over to BBpress

    3. Open both files at the same time. You want to copy over some of the codes from styleold.css to style.css. You might need to play with it. Do not copy “body”.

    4. Open both header.php. On the BBpress header copy over from WP header everything after <body> tag. Replacing whatever is there.

    5. Open both footer.php. This one is a little tricky.

    You can just copy over the whole thing and make sure you have <?php do_action(‘bb_foot’, ”); ?> in the file. You will lose the designers info though OR You need to see on WP side if there is any closing tags. bring that over and delete any closing tags on the BBPress side.

    6. Sidebars: depending where the <?php get_sidebar(); ?> tag. For example my <?php get_sidebar(); ?> tag is IN the footer.php Others the <?php get_sidebar(); ?> is in the other php files right before the get_footer tag or after get header tag.

    that’s it.

    make sure in your bb-config.php

    there is

    $bb->WP_BB = true;

    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))



    if (file_exists(‘../../wp-blog-header.php’))


    after <?php tag.



    Hi, i have a plugin that will support this soon :)

    The plugin is named Gaming Codes. It’s for WP, but i have a stripped down version for bbPress. I’ll post it here soon.

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