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  • #119454

    Step 4:

    The code is a bit messy.
    Here is the code in Pastebin.

    Change the default to the NEW and you’re done.


    Alright guys i’ve got a solution,

    Please note, i have ZERO PHP skills so this probably isn’t the best solution on earth but i think it’s a good work-around to get the job done ‘easy’..

    If some PHP developer reads this topic and thinks, damn this guy is going crazy with all his copy-/pasting stuff please feel free to modify this code..

    What did i do:
    First i opened up the Core template file of bbPress where the Breadcrumbs function is made.
    I have copied the code and pasted inside a new PHP document, made some simple HTML changes before and after the urls and called this new template file inside my Theme’s functions.php

    Last i called my custom Breadcrumb PHP code just to make sure my code is loaded and not the default bbPress code..

    Here you go.
    When your done it should look like this structure..

    Nothing too fancy but the only difference, it’s made by a HTML List , like it should be in 2012 because a Breadcrumbs is a navigation and not just 5 URLs behind each other.

    Step 1:
    Paste all this code into a new empty PHP document and call it breadcrumbs.php
    When your done drop this file into your Themes include folder.
    wp-content / themes / [ your-theme-name ] / inc / * here *

    Step 2:
    Open your theme functions.php file and add this code to it.

    Step 3:
    Open the bbPress or WordPress stylesheet and add those few lines of CSS to it.

    Step 4:
    Inside the bbPress template files you often find this line of PHP code, it calls the default Breadcrumb function:

    Change that line to this one and your done..

    __( '', 'bbpress' ), ) ); ?.>

    • without the dots before and after the -> .?.

    Hope this helps..


    What can i do to overwrite a bbPress Core function and develop my own function..

    Let say i want to overwrite the default bbPress breadcrumb tag.

    I found the Core code inside a Core-template and i pasted this code inside a new PHP document changed all the bbp_ names of all functions to bbp_shmoo_ > Saved it.

    Loaded this new file from the inc. folder into my themes functions.php with the require_once tag..

    Change the PHP code inside my forum template from bbp_breadcrumb(); to bbp_shmoo_breadcrumb(); but this doesn’t work, why does it break my theme ?

    I need a before_link and after_link array.

    This is what a breadcrumb looks like, by default made with a List because it’s a navigation.


    I have created a forum and can register a new user and log in using the short codes. I can also go to the forum page and post new topics, etc.

    My only problem is when the user is logged in and on their Dashboard page when they click ‘Topics’ or ‘Reply’ in the ‘Right Now in Forums’ box they get this message:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. apart from this it seems to be working, but this is obliviously going to confuse some users..

    I’m using WordPress 3.4.2 and bbpress 2.1.2



    • This topic was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by dwbroad.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by dwbroad.

    Maybe the email has been catalogued as spam. It is a common problem especially if you are using a shared host or something similar. The admin can activate the user in the admin area at

    The activation codes are unique.


    In reply to: Shortcode not working


    Looks like single-topic-tag ID isn’t a supported short code.

    It’s [bbp-single-tag id=12] or [bbp-topic-tag id=12]


    Just as the title says, I’m curious to know how the current main page at is set up. Ideally, I’d like to have my forums main page set up in exactly the same fashion.

    Am I correct in assumming that it’s done as a Page (“forums” being the slug) with the bbPress shortcode “[bbp-topic-index]” as its content?

    I notice for Latest Topics it lists 28 topics, however in the bbPress Codex listing of shortcodes, it says that particular shortcode only lists 15 of the most recent topics. How does one go about configuring it to show more (or less) than the default of 15?

    The other thing I’m curious about is how one gets the nicer “Forums” sidebar widget. The one on is styled with a header containing “Forum” and “Topics” column headers, and then a striped list of the Forums with the associated topic counts. In the current public version of bbPress (2.1.2), the “Forums” widget only shows a straight, plain list of the Forums — no header/columns, and no topic counts. Is the widget used on from the current SVN of bbPress, or was it customized specifically for bbPress?


    In reply to: No bb-load in download

    Stephen Edgar

    Have you looked at these two docs to help get you started? and

    (The thread that you linked to above is out of date as it is only relevenet to the old stand alone bbPress and not the current plugin bbPress 2.x )



    You stated my exact problem which I am currently having. I am a noob. But I can usually google search my way out of any problem. (Which led me here, but with no answer) I see that the “forums base” archive slug field is used in the breadcrumb for bbPress. When I click on the link in the breadcrumb, it takes me to the archive page….not what I want my users to be able to do at all. I want them to be able to get back to a forum index from anywhere inside bbPress.

    I setup a WP page and used the bbPress shortcodes to give me a Forum index; which is the main portal to all of the topics and posts on my site.

    However, once a forum/topic is selected by a user, the bbPress *.php takes over and the pages are dynamically generated ( i guess ). How do I send people back to the forum index WP page from anywhere inside bbPress? I would prefer the breadcrumb worked or at least could be redirected to the WP page. Linking me to an archive page does NOTHING for any user, when trying to get back to an index.

    Hope that was descriptive enough to workout a solution. Thank you. <- WP Page with bbPress short codes creating a forum "index"

    http:www.// <- bbPress page where the breadcrumb "Forums" links to an archive page. Would rather it linked to an index; either a WP page or a dynamically created bbPress page with an actual index. (Note: "bbpress" is what I named the Forums base Archive Slug; another issue that appears weird to a noob.)


    Hello, i didn’t know a better title but i’ll try to explain what i meant to say.

    I don’t understand why it’s very easy to get all info that you need from the Topic Starter and when you need the same info from the last person who has replied on a topic it’s very difficult.

    Look at my screenshot and you’ll see what i’m trying to say.

    Everything on this picture is done by CSS the only images you’ll see are the Gravatars,
    At the left side it’s the Gravatar of the Topic Starter with a Hover effect when i took the screenshot.

    I didn’t use the default PHP code that bbPress provided because it wasn’t very clean so i searched around and found a few simple and easy to understand PHP tags who could help me build my custom lay-out.

    php bbp_topic_author_url(); = provides a clean url

    php bbp_topic_author_display_name(); = provides clean text without url

    php bbp_topic_author_avatar( $topic_id = 0, $size = 60 ); = provides a gravatar with url

    I love those simple codes because i can add and wrap HTML around it and position everything i need on every corner of the website if i would like so..

    But when i try to make the same Gravatar at the right side it’s getting difficult because there aren’t a few simple tags i can use to get the same clean code from the last person who has posted inside a topic.

    php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), 'type' => 'avatar', 'size' => 60 ) ); = provides a gravatar with url okay

    php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), 'type' => 'name' ) ); = this doesn't provide clean text but a name + url

    It’s a huge bummer because i can’t make the Hover effect on the Gravatar without clean code tags.


    In reply to: Editing a shortcode


    It’s in wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-core-shortcodes.php. Don’t edit a core file. Use a filter.


    I would like to have a form like the shortcode forms, [bbp-topic-form] is what I need but without the drop down box for choosing a forum but rather a forum already been chosen.

    From looking at the short codes the following looks exactly like what I need:

    [bbp-xxx-xxx id=$forum_id]** – Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.

    However I don’t believe this has been added. Is there any way to achieve this? Or any plugins that can do this?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    I would like to have a form like the shortcode forms, [bbp-topic-form] is what I need but without the drop down box for choosing a forum but rather a forum already been chosen.

    From looking at the short codes the following looks exactly like what I need:

    [bbp-xxx-xxx id=$forum_id]** – Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.

    However I don’t believe this has been added. Is there any way to achieve this? Or any plugins that can do this?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    well done michael! it looks like you did it! but i think there is a more simple way to do so(lets say another way instead of an easy way because your way is not difficult also!). when you install bbpress you can go to yoursite/topics and see list of all topics. in this page you can see similarities with items that you really need:

    the only thing you need to do is find out what file in bbpress do this job. the file is:


    and here is the codes related to what we want:enter link description here

    and finally the last thing is having a summary of topic content. that’s i dont know it yet! 😀



    Great forum plugin!

    I am however experiencing some annoying theme compatibility issues…

    My forum page (with [bbp-forum-index] shortcode) was wrongly picking up my theme’s css, instead of the bbpress css.

    Resulting in an unusable forum layout.

    I have applied the theme compatibility actions by copying the necessary bbp-theme-compat directory/files to my theme root.

    By setting the correct bbpress page template via its page attributes, the main forum page (now without shortcode) seems to pick up the bbpress css. But shortcodes are still picking up the wrong css via the default theme page template..

    Any suggestions to make shortcodes work with the bbpress css instead of the theme’s css?

    Are there any additional css styles available that work with the bbpress theme-compat templates?

    I am using wp 3.4.2, bbpress 2.1.2 and my theme is generated with Artisteer 4.



    Currently on Bwater that I customized. I’m on bbPress Version 2.1.2 tried to find what version I am on, on WordPress but can’t seem to find, but do know that Im getting Updates to Update to the WordPress Version : 3.4.2 So take it I am on the old one. I don’t want to Update as I’m Petrofied of loosing all my hard Work that’s took me a year to do, and states in my Update’s that if I do Update, I will loose all my Customizations. RIGHT.. Hoping ANYONE can help me out on this one, I have sat for 4 whole Day’s and Nights trying to figure this out, and has now given up 🙁 I have not toched any bbPress css or has edited it in anyway to say in advance. There seems to be 2 Issues wrong. The Layout.
    When I choose the bbPress Default compat theme, The top half is fine, but when we get to the Create New Topic in: section it’s half Cut off you cant even see the Submit button. Widgets are showing fine though.
    I’m not to fussed about having set by default but would like to have it as a full page width, which I have done followed all Instructions! of even going into my Page setting the page attributes to Full-Width-no-sidebar Option. Then changed to the Twenty Ten (bbPress) plugin theme which made it Full width, but my Avatar is placed right at the Top Left hand of my page which is odd, and my Widgets are on the page also, which shouldn’t be there if I have set the page to full width. also the Widgets are @ the bottom of my page but scatterd all over my Forum ughhh. I have read through all of the Forums regarding this matter (Topic) Tried for myself but still does not look right. Please can ANYONE be so kind to help me on this matter PLEASE. Cant sit for another 4days trying to figure this out very frustrating really, and a Shame as I really like this bbPress its the only theme that looks nice on my site. Now if I can only get it to work! I have tried absolutly everything before coming to the forum unless absolutly ness.
    any step by step code help as I am not that savvy with all codes as of yet but know alittle.
    Link to the page it’s on


    Dear netweb Thank you for your information. I came up with how to make favorites page but I will still wait for the sharing of the codes as my clients are asking for more and more customization of the bbpress forum as they uses the forum daily bases.
    thanks again for your information.


    In reply to: Private forums

    I’m not 100% sure this is exactly what you were wanting to do, but I figured I’d post this for anyone else for finds this thread.

    I released a plugin that basically hides bbPress from all users who are not logged in.

    For example, if your forum is at and a vistor tries to go there who is not logged in, they will be redirected to a URL of your choice (defined in the settings). Also this plugin disables all bbPress RSS feeds and most shortcodes.


    What would those shortcodes be Jare Datch? I’m to interesting on making sure they never see the backend.


    There is no way to simply just stick the entire forum in a specific page.

    You can use the bbPress shortcodes ( to create a page that houses a forum index, but that doesn’t stick everything in that page.

    Even if you restrict a page that you create with a shortcode, bbPress generates all its own pages such as the forum/topic/reply index pages, user pages, etc.

    You can certainly restrict the forum to certain memberships, but it’s going to require some custom code and a little elbow grease. It’s not something that you will be able to do by just marking a checkbox in the WishList settings.


    In reply to: Blank Page Problems


    The shortcodes work fine.

    Just so people know – I have forms set up I am trying to post in a form that I have set up. I have the “new topic” box but when I submit the new topic it takes me to a blank page. Everything else is in the OP

    More help needed please 🙂


    no one use this codes for buddypress? it is big issue for most people to have seperate blockss. help help 😀


    In reply to: bbPress Smilies


    I would be interested in trying this out, after many hours of trying to make Tango extended Smilies and bbpress play nice. I cannot get Tango to convert the smilie codes to the smilies and my users are accustomed to using the codes from the blog side.


    In reply to: Blank Page Problems

    Ajay Sharma

    firstly you must select one base forum to create topic, and if still not then there must be problem in integration bbpress check the short codes here create new post or page then per page separtely put required short code . and preview them they must work.
    best of luck.


    In reply to: User profiles blank


    Yes it should display the forum index, but it’s just text with no links. I used shortcodes to create the page and named it Forum (forum.html). Any idea why the forum pages wouldn’t work?

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