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  • #138265

    AFter 1 hour searching i found it 1 minute after posting this question….
    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-topic-index]‘); ?>

    thanks anyway


    Does anybody know how I can use a shortcode outisde a page or post?
    Im not that much of a code reader…

    I need a some code to add to the shortcode or the “sourcecode”.
    (to add a forumpart to a .php file)


    Stephen Edgar

    Also updated the codex to reflect the correct shortcode syntax



    I read in the docs that you can now specify a forum to post to using the shortcodes without having to use the dropdown forum selection.

    I tried using this shortcode but it doesn’t seem to work and I still get the dropdown.

    [bbp-topic-form id=544]

    I want to load a form to create a new thread but have the forum hardcoded.



    If a user makes a nice forum post I would like to be able to choose to post this single topic into a WP post/blog of categoryX. If I see another nice forum post then I would like to be able to choose to post this single topic to the same, or perhaps a different WP post/blog under categoryY. All video/images etc should be presented in WordPress as it would appear in the forum.

    I’d like to see the topic content appearing as an article rather than a forum topic: No reply window shown even if logged in, instead show ‘number-of-replies’. No avatar, just a short comment ‘posted-by-xxx’. The topic title and ‘number-of-replies’ links the user to the respective forum topic in the main forum view.

    I was thinking this might be possible using shortcodes. e.g. create a new shortcode based on ‘bbp-single-topic’ (perhaps called ‘bbp-single-topic-post2blog’). Then add a drop-down-list beside each forum topic only visible for admins. The drop-down-list includes all WP posts/blogs. After selecting a WP post from the drop-down-list the shortcode and respective topic-ID gets added to the bottom of the WP post content.

    What do you think? I have quite a clear picture on how this should work.
    If this is possible I would be happy to test it.


    I use a fairly easy.
    I think the issues but did not give a parent forum.
    The call with shortcodes and thread id.

    Also add this in the theme functions, which deletes the search path, so that it is more beautiful

    function mycustom_breadcrumb_options() {
    // Home – default = true
    $args[‘include_home’] = false;
    // Forum root – default = true
    $args[‘include_root’] = false;
    // Current – default = true
    $args[‘include_current’] = true;

    return $args;

    add_filter(‘bbp_before_get_breadcrumb_parse_args’, ‘mycustom_breadcrumb_options’ );


    In reply to: Landing page issues


    Thanks for this. I have had a go this morning and tried adding a bbpress.php duplicate of several different files (index, post, page..) none of which seemed to make a difference.

    Apparently the Customizr theme structure is a little complex and the theme is split in parts, i can’t say i understand all that much but that seems to be the problem!

    At least for now i have gone with a function which removes the “forums” breadcrumb and prevents linking to that page which i have replaced with the static page containing shortcodes.


    You are right niuserre, let me apologize,

    As far as I am aware, we are not using shortcodes (we have not created any page for showing the forums but using directly the templates and urls filled on the settings).

    I am working with a tweenty twelve child theme. My wordpreses version 3.6.1. My bbpress: Version 2.4 localized to spanish.

    The exact issue is that whenever I try to edit a written post, raw html appears in the text area for editing. The html that appears is not only the one corresponding to the content of the reply i would like to edit.

    It comprises also the breadcrums and much more tags and content of the page. Exactly inside the editor appears all the content inside the <div class=”entry-content”> tag (this element is the parent of<div id=”bbpress-forums”>).

    I do not what that can be related with…

    Thank you for your time,


    For those saying they have the same thing, please can you be more specific to help identify the problem?

    So versions and theme being used plus the steps you take to produce the error (imagine you’re talking someone on the phone through how to get the same problem you did so they can see it too, imagine they’re not good at this stuff so you have to be really obvious about everything).

    Also, are you using bbpress shortcodes in a page to display your forums or not?


    Hello, I am new to wordpress. I’ve ran into issues as I’ve been building a site most have been fixed after 4-20min of searching and troubleshooting. But I have been searching for this one for about 3 hours by now and I have no clue what the issue is.

    Basically registration to my site/forum doesn’t work. I put the right short codes for registration and password recovery. Once I click register it takes me to the page. I put in a user name, email, and click ”register”. Then I get taken to the sites WordPress login. No email sent, nothing. My site is If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. It’s been driving me insane. :\

    Stephen Edgar

    bbPress blocks shortcodes by default.

    You will need to use this plugin to setup ‘allowed’ shortcodes:


    Ok, thanx!
    I’ll give it a try…



    bbPress is just using WordPress’s custom post type function, so you can just use the standard loop that you use for Worpdress and edit it to only load the forums custom post type.


    Hi Kenny,

    Any luck figuring out how to show a forum with php only? I’m trying to do the same, but can’t find any relevant info.


    Travis S.

    So i’m setting up a site that will have a few different forums. I noticed that the forum-title (permalink) urls on the forum index directs to the forum and not the page that the forum is on.

    A little less confusing, if you follow the set-up guide… create your forums and then the corresponding pages, and then post the forum shortcode on that page. So you’re left with two different urls. One for the forum you created and one for the shortcoded page.

    Ideally, it would just be one forum page and one url. But then the problem you run into is that the forum post type is limited. You can’t use shortcodes and any textual content you add is shown inside the forum-info on the index.

    Now I could just redirect the forum-title(index) url to the shortcoded page, which isn’t a big deal. I just wanted to see if anyone else did something a bit different.


    In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress

    Stephen Edgar

    Looks like the last thing needed now for SMF v2.x is converting any custom HTML/BBCodes for topic/reply content.

    From my tests the following BBCodes are converting fine:

    • [url]
    • [img]
    • [email]
    • [b] – bold
    • [i] – italic
    • [u] – underline
    • [s] – strikethrough
    • [left]– left aligned
    • [center] – centre aligned
    • [right] – right align
    • [font=fontname] – fonts
    • [color=colorname] – color name
    • [color=#FFFFFF] – color hex value
    • [sup] – superscript
    • [sub] – subscript
    • [quote] – quote

    The following need to be converted by regex strings during import:

    • [quote author=SMF Admin link=topic=9.msg30#msg30 date=1380330453] – Quoting a post, username, post id & date support needs to be added.
    • [pre] – pre formatted text
    • [code] – partially working
    • [size=x] – font size
    • [glow=red,2,300]Glow[/glow] – What do we want to translate this to?
    • [shadow=red,left]shadow[/shadow] – What do we want to translate this to?
    • [move]marquee[/move] – What do we want to translate this to?
    • [tt] – teletype? should this be a monospaced font?
    • [table], [tr] & [td] – tables and closing tags
    • [list] – unordered list
    • [list=decimal] – ordered list
    • [li] – list item
    • [hr] – horizonal rule

    SMF Smilies Working (extra space added so these render in code block)

    • ๐Ÿ™‚ : )
    • ๐Ÿ˜‰ ; )
    • ๐Ÿ˜€ : D
    • ๐Ÿ™ : (
    • ๐Ÿ˜ฎ : o
    • ๐Ÿ˜› : P

    SMF Smilies not working

    • ;D ;D
    • >:( >:(
    • 8) 8)
    • ??? ???
    • ::) ::)
    • :-[ :-[
    • -X :-X
    • :-\ :-\
    • :-* :-*
    • :’;( :'(

    What should the above be converted to with the smilies included with WordPress?

    Have I missed any BBCode and/or other ‘stuff’ that isn’t getting converted correctly during the SMF import?


    By way of an update. Adding a page and using shortcodes seems to have solved this


    Wow, great work!! Thank you so much!
    Baby sleeping, big one sent to kindergarden, so I have a bit of time, too.

    Little changes in your version:


    			'from_tablename'  => 'forum',


    			'from_tablename'  => 'wbb1_1_board',

    at forum status and forum board

    (Btw. everyone may use another board ID!!!) I have 1, some may also have wbb2_1_board and wcf2_ or even wbb1_2_board (if they have a second board – you can install two baords in one WCF – Community Framework – this is to change individually. The same goes for the language IDs. There may be more/different languages.

    Signature import works (will have to see how to implement that later for buddypress maybe), just special characters don’t convert: “thereรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs Johnny.รขโ‚ฌ” – but that’s just a mini error,
    languages work, too (I just have to see how to implement it),
    I have whole topics with all their answers (what I did not have yesterday – instead a headache).
    Categories work quite perfect, too!
    Closed forums -> no idea, because I don’t have any. But it sounds correct.
    BBCodes have been converted, too, besides a few like [align=center]

    The sortOrder does NOT work. Simply, because that field exists in wbb1_1_board, but it is empty.
    This is saved in wbb1_1_board_structure with the fields parentID boardID and position.
    I tried a table join here again and probably destroyed your clean coding once again. But it works, I just tested!!
    See the updated wbb.txt from the top!!

    The author thing is bad,
    It’d be great if they even were anonymous and not ME. Actually there are some pretty silly posts there, and I keep replying to myself this way. Hmmm…
    But I can solve it with manually replacing User ID 1 with 0 where it is a topic or reply for now to MAKE it anonymous.

    I tried – because of the smilies not working and the special chars in the signature – an import with uncommenting the last lines (see wbb.txt)
    Some Special Characters still wrong, but who cares for the few? as long as รค รถ รผ รŸ from German language work, everything is fine.
    Smilies started to work. Great!!

    So the only thing left is the author and the passwords.
    I tried to implement parts of a paid plugin WBB Bridge here, but even that didn’t work (plus we cannot simply use it because of the license)


    In reply to: Multiple Forums

    Stephen Edgar

    Sure is possible ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take a read of this to help you on your way

    Make a category (forum) called ‘Fruits’ and then make your sub forums ‘Apples’, ‘Oranges’ etc
    Make another category (forum) called ‘Vegetables’ and sub forums ‘Potatoe’, ‘Carrots’ etc

    Create a WordPress page for each of your categories ‘Fruits’ and ‘Vegetables’

    Use the [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] bbPress shortcode on each of these pages with the forum_id of each category.


    In reply to: Delete Sidebar


    For a page you write, you can choose the type of layout you want given that your theme offers that. However, bbPress runs on a page created on the fly, three is no page called “forums” unless you create one and then use shortcodes to bring up the forum.

    Every theme has a CSS file which can be edited within WordPress. Go to Appearance/Editor and your theme CSS should load. I edited my theme’s CSS and added the code I gave in my previous post.



    On the site I am working on (not yet live) we are using BBpress Forums integrated with a Buddypress installation. Both the Buddypress Group and associated BBPress Forums are marked Hidden.

    Users with Group Role as Member can properly see the Forums when viewing directly.

    The issue comes to when we try to have users view the Forums via Short Code.

    Only those with a Group Role of Moderator or higher can see the forum via Short Code.

    WP is 3.6, bbPress 2.4, BuddyPress 1.8.1


    Agree it could do with an overhaul. A single widget that can be flexibly configured to show and link exactly what you want would be a real bonus. Similarly for the shortcodes. Even better if it could cover WP posts and replies using an identical structure/layout.

    an ideal widget would have

    – number of things
    – sort by: topic creation, freshness, popularity/views, popularity/replies in last X days
    – show/link OP author
    + include date [x]
    + include avatar [x]
    – show link most recent
    + include date [x]
    + include avatar [x]
    – present as table or list
    – extract OP
    – extract latest
    – [shrtcodeable]

    I don’t see the need for a list that has replies (with dups per topic) as thats better handled as an activity stream.


    Wordpress 3.6, using theme Twenty Eleven
    BbPress 2.4 (Just updated this morning, though I had the problem with the previous version as well)
    Only other active plugin: Error Log Dashboard Widget 1.0.2 (showing no PHP errors)
    Several other plugins are installed, but deactivated while trying to debug this issue.

    I have the following text on a single page:

    Here is the shortcode for the single forum: [ bbp-single-forum id=39 ]
    [bbp-single-forum id=39]
    Here is the shortcode for all forums: [ bbp-forum-index ]

    The single forum does not display. The forum index does display. I have confirmed that the index is the correct number via the admin forum view. Here is a link to a screenshot. Here is the link from the forum page, showing the forum id: http://[domainremoved].org/wordpress/wp-admin/post.php?post=39&action=edit (Obviously, clicking it won’t work, because it requires a log-in, but this is to confirm that I’m finding the forum index correctly.)

    Here is the forum: http://[domainremoved].org/forums/forum/pta-board/
    Here is the page it is linked from, showing where the shortcodes do not work: http://[domainremoved].org/pta-board-2/
    (Note: I have added spaces between the shortcodes so you can see the text that I used, then repeated the shortcodes without the spaces to display the forums.)

    I feel like this should be some really simple user error, but given that I have double-checked the shortcode syntax and the forum id, deactivated all other plugins, and chosen the Twenty Eleven theme, I can’t figure out what it could be.

    ETA: Wow, that was fast— my page got slammed with spam comments within minutes of posting the links here. I have removed them for now. If a support person needs them to diagnose the issue, I can give them out then.

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