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Multiple Forums

  • Travis S.


    My goal is to make multiple forums (around 10 when its all said and done). Each forum will be for different subjects but all related with each on a different page.

    Per example… one forum will be on a specific fruit. So apple, oranges, etc. but would all fall under the umbrella Fruit (not my actual plans, but this was easier to explain).

    Is this possible?

    I’m currently running one bbpress install on the twenty-13 theme. I know there is a shortcode to show specific topics on a page, but I want each forum to show on just one page.

    Note: ive been on for a little while and started over on the .org. So I’m completely knew to screwing around with php files. Not asking you to hold my hand through it all, but clear directions would be great. Sorry if this question is a repost and/or very basic and im just over thinking it.

    Thanks in advance,

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  • Sure is possible 🙂

    Take a read of this to help you on your way

    Make a category (forum) called ‘Fruits’ and then make your sub forums ‘Apples’, ‘Oranges’ etc
    Make another category (forum) called ‘Vegetables’ and sub forums ‘Potatoe’, ‘Carrots’ etc

    Create a WordPress page for each of your categories ‘Fruits’ and ‘Vegetables’

    Use the [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] bbPress shortcode on each of these pages with the forum_id of each category.

    Travis S.


    Thanks for the reply,

    that’s what I needed.

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