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Having issue with our site pages and BBPress. We are using WP 3.8.1 and the latest version of BB Press.
site password: test12We want to customize our BB Press page (title, maybe input a button or two… who knows) BUT there is no actual BB Press page to customize? The forum seems to be automatically created upon install. Normally we can edit any page by selecting “edit page” at the top of the screen and in this case, there is no edit page button because the page doesn’t exist.
Following? So the logical next step is to create the page right? Well… when we go to the backend of WP in the admin dashboard -> Settings -> Forums -> we read (about halfway down this page) this text:“Forum Root Slug – Customize your Forums root. Partner with a WordPress Page and use Shortcodes for more flexibility.”
So we created a WP Page named forums. ( If this page is created then the forums appear until we edit anything. We cant select any option or input any text or the forums do not appear. So we deleted the page and the forums appear again. Then we created a separate WP page and labeled it test ( and then moved the forum root slug to it, the forums again appear but If we again try to put any button shortcode or text or whatever in the page then nothing appears. So this begs the question…. What are the shortcodes BB Press talks about in the settings panel? How do we customize our BB Press Forums page?
End goal = Create an actual page that hold the forum roots on which we can add a button or two (with maybe some text). With an actual page as the root slug, I have access to turn on or off options as well such as “ratings” and “Author Bio”, which is quite annoying on the forums currently.
Our theme (DynamiX) has almost 9000 support members and this is what one of the support moderators said:
“Hi Tad,
I am not sure if this feature works correctly as I have tested it with DynamiX and the standard WP theme and they both have the same results. It must be a feature of BBPress that does not work properly.
Tom”This cannot be so…. Any suggestions. Any help is highly coveted. 🙂
Topic: how can i show latest thred
how can i show letest thred (only last one) on my home page template. i tried all this short cods in this page but nothing worked.
Here is what I see using codestyling localisation :
Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_plugin_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.
Topic: Shortcode for stickies?
Hello everyone,
Recently we’ve been starting to use bbPress and it seems to be a very rich expansion of WordPress. What I wonder about is this: is it possible to show all sticky topics on your front page, using a shortcode? Say I have a part of my site that is the forum, I would still want to show the sticky topics in a widget in a sidebar, right from the start on the home page. I’ve read about shortcodes listing most popular or most recent topics, but is this possible for stickies too?
Many thanks,
LucasHey guys, I’m new to BBpress. so I have a few questions that I’m hoping can be solved here.
The theme I’m using has 2 different custom Sidebars and other features that can be enabled and disabled on the page settings.I’ve created a custom Page template for the forum and tried using the Shortcodes to implement BBpress on the page and it works but once you click something on the page it directs back to the original template. Is there a way to have the whole forum and index and everything on the one page?
Topic: Login Shortcode Assistance
I’m using the bbpress login shortcode [bbp-login]. The example shown on this page has a title and descriptive text but I don’t see any way/parameters for entering this:
I’m guessing this is just an image that was placed in a lightbox plugin. Wondering also if anyone knows how to get it into a modal window like this too.
Thanks for any assistance.
I’ve searched the forums for a topic that has the same issues as I’m having, to no avail. I have created a website using (, and installed bbPress version 2.53. I’ve been able to create the forum, and using wordpress, I’ve created a couple of forums and one topic.
I followed the bbPress codex for adding Login/Register pages, as well as a Lost Password page. Whenever I try and access the forum from the outside (ie not logged into WordPress), I seem to be stick in a circular link that never actually does anything.
In addition, neither the Register/Lost Password pages work, returning a 404 error. I’ve double checked the shortcode links as well as made sure that the permalink addresses are spelled correctly and match the shortcodes.
I am totally new to creating forums, but I feel that I’m missing something simple. Any help is greatly appreciated.
AdamWhen I installed BBpress I was able to add a topic and a form and the Forums entry was visible to the administrator account.
Now if I log in as administrator or any account the forums are not visible or available.
You can see a basic list but as soon as you click on anything page not found 404 comes up
The shortcodes do produce an output from the forum if put in a new page or in the footer but
the url is blocked whereas the same shortcode in
a new page added at produces outputIf I log out then I see the output at
I have tried all different levels of forum access but none lets me see it.bbPress Version 2.5.3
Wordpress Ver WordPress 3.8.1 Maintenance Release January 23, 2014Thanks Ian
I have my forum all set up about how I want it and I am using the stock root /forums as the forum front page. How do I go about adding to the main area above and below the forum? I would like to add items such as banners or use shortcodes for topic info. Where would this root page file be located?
Thank You
MattTopic: How do i move the Search Box
I would like to put my search for the forums in my footer.
<div class=”bbp-search-form”></div>, essentially move this to the footer. I need to echo out this form with php in the footer.I tried… echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-search]‘) and [bbp-search-form]… those 2 shortcodes did not work. However other bbpress shortcodes did work with do_shortcode. Any other options. Or what is the php function that is called to output the search input box ? Thanks Jillian