Ok, so if I understand you problem correctly, what you’d like is the main forum page to show is
The subforums are not currently showing?
2. for each to have a description?
you are trying to achieve this by using a wordpress page and shortcodes.
What confuses me is that you give a link to the page you want to use – if this is a real page, then what is preventing you form using it?
Sorry if I’m not understanding you correctly
Thanks for getting back to me, I’m sorry I was less clear.
The WP page is real and live, and it does work. The issue is, the Index page is still there — I can’t seem to replace it with the WP Page. Breadcrumbs become meaningless, as the forum source will be the Index Page not the WP Page.
The shortcodes allow me to organize the forums but still keep the sub (Genre) and sub-sub (subgenre) forums visible. For example, the “Mysteries, Suspense, Thrillers” genre has the sub-genre “Detectives”. On the WP/Shortcode page you can see that. On the Index Page you can’t.
To change the Index Page takes considerable effort, if it can even be done at all (we have yet to be able to do so, though we can make it better looking). The WP/Shortcode Page, however, is exactly how we want it. The problem is that page competes and cross-connects to the Index Page.
I want to get rid of the Index Page — for real, or for practical purpsoes — so that it is never seen, linked to, or interacted with by a user. Period. ever.
Failing the ability to remove the Index Page from the equation, I would like to modify it so that it looks and acts very similar to the set-up the WP/Shortcode Page provides.
Bottom Line: I want the various descriptions, genres, and subgenres visible to the user from the main forum page they would see and interact with, without any confusion or conflict by any other page or index.
can you tell me
1. I notice the initial urls’ of the page are
what is the end bit – caching software?
2. Presume your menu is custom – what page does the “café” in the menu takes you to? or what link it is.
3. I presume http://thirdscribe.com/cafe-forums is the wp-page you want everything to link to
4. What are the various slug roots set to? dashboard>settings>forums> ‘forum root slug’, ‘prefix’, and ‘forum root should show’
5. what theme are you using?
Did you ever figure out how do fix this?
I am trying to do the same thing.
can you specify what “same thing” you are trying to do, what versons of wp, bp abd bbp you are running, what theme and a link to your site
If you name your forum root slug (in forum settings) the same as your WordPress shortcode page slug (in that page’s settings), doesn’t that sort out the url problem @robmcclel speaks of above?
That worked great.. Thanks
It wokrs for me also, root is good, but it somehow breaks my shortcodes, instead of displaying single forum, all my single forum shortcode shows forum index shortcode.
given the age of this thread, I don’t plan rereading it all to understand ‘It wokrs for me also’ 🙂
can you come back with a summary of issue please
My problem is :
I set my forum root matching with the wp page slug i created for main forum page, named it: ´foforum`.
It works, the root is now the wp page, but it breaks all the bbp shortcodes that i am using on the page, it seems to display forum index instead of each single forum displayed, so everywhere there is [bbp-single-forum id=xxx], it shows all the forums-as ifd it was the forum index shortcode.
can you give us a shortcode you are using and a link to the resultant page?
[bbp-single-forum id=460] im using this momentally, but i`ve tried more codes that did the same.
The link works good as i rewrote the forum root to the wp page`s slug-http://rohamjelvenyek.com/foforum/kategoriak/altalanos/regi-penzek-foruma-az-okortol-napjainkig/
sorry, not sure I understood that, are you giving me a link to a page that you have made work?
What is the url of a page that doesn’t work?
Sorry if i wasn’t clear. So my problem basically is: BBpress has the forum root option, that i set the same as my wp page’s slug. It works, forum is shown on the wordpress page, and the url is okay, and the breadcrump is also okay.–>but setting the root to show forum on my wp page also breaks my [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]-shortcodes—-it seems to now show up on the page as if it was this shortcode:[bbp-forum-index] instead of each and every one of my[bbp-single-forum id=xxx] shortcodes.
the same as my wp page’s slug
by which I think you mean you have a WordPress page called say ‘forum’ with the slug of ‘foforum’ with the [bbp-forum-index] in it?
Yes exactly, forum named page with the slug foforum, but on the page i dont have any [bbp-forum-index], i have my forum built up by [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]-shortcodes-tho momentally because of the break these shortcodes gives the result as if i had [bbp-forum-index] instead of [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]. so if i have 3 of [bbp-single-forum id=xxx] shortocdes under eachother, then it results as if i had 3 of [bbp-forum-index] shortcodes.
i have my forum built up by [bbp-single-forum id=xxx]-shortcodes
and these are one under each other in the forum name page?
yes, like so 
And this is how it looks on the page now 
But setting the forum root to be the wordpress page clearly makes the problem, before it looks just perfect.
(down below if images dont appear)
ok, I think your theme is probably conflicting due to it’s layout nature.
so question, why not just make the forum not equal the slug?
I tried with twentyfifteen and it still looks the same. Im not sure if i understand it clearly, but if yes, then: If i set it not equal then in the breadcrump it will show the bbpress’s virtual page for the forum root-and in the url also, and not my real wordpress forum page i created with shortcodes.
yes probably it would.
I don’t know why it is doing it, and investigating is beyond the time I have.
Can I ask why the index itself is not the root you want to go? you can re-order the forum using order within each forum’s settings
It’s about user friendly thing, because there ll be alot of forums so ones in the bottom will just get lost.
Thanks for your time anyway:)