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  • #18497

    In reply to: Bulgarian translation

    Не държа – пропуснал съм няколко низа, в които го има, защото съм търсил за “впис”, а то имало и “впиш” тук-таме ;)

    Ще го оправя при следващото качване, когато трябва да завърша и на 100% превода.

    Аз го изпробвах веднъж от край до край, ама със сигурност има разни дребни неща :)


    @Göran: It’s “great” that you have the same problem. Then it probably isn’t some server config hidden away somewhere and the problem will probably be solved pretty soon. ;-)

    Edit: Hm.. when i try to edit the languagefile with Poedit and choose to save it i get 3 fatal errors;

    23:04:20: F:Skrivbordetsv_SE.po:191: message catalog has plural form translations...
    23:04:20: F:Skrivbordetsv_SE.po:2: ...but header entry lacks a "plural=EXPRESSION" attribute
    23:04:20: F:Skrivbordetsv_SE.po:191: message catalog has plural form translations...
    23:04:20: F:Skrivbordetsv_SE.po:2: ...but header entry lacks a "nplurals=INTEGER" attribute
    23:04:20: F:Skrivbordetsv_SE.po:617: 'msgstr' is not a valid PHP format string, unlike 'msgid'. Reason: In the directive number 1, the character 'a' is not a valid conversion specifier.
    23:04:20: msgfmt: found 3 fatal errors

    Maybe it’s related?

    Update 2:

    Tried a Bulgarian translation and it did translate time. It must be something with 1.0+ that isn’t in 0.9 language wise.


    Thanks Ipstenu. :)

    Still a very extreme newbie to all this “press” stuff… but I’m loving bbpress so far. A little bit of customization with a few plug-ins and a theme has gone relatively smoothly… but I still can’t really get the Admin Can Post Anything plug-in to work properly… it does not seem to like i-frames… which are essential for embedding google maps and docs.


    Anybody? :(


    Yeah, probably. I’m trying to figure out now how to translate the topic_time(); -function. The _e(‘Some Text’) is quite understandable, don’t get how to translate a function yet though. I’ve never messed around with translations at all (obviously). :)

    Rohan Kapoor

    He also said:

    I have already installed the plugin bbPress Integration for WordPress.

    which implies that he already added the code, :D


    @plrk: Got your E-mail. I actually do have this thread as a favorite, thanks anyway for the update though! (I wished this forum had the E-mail notification option…)

    It works! Thanks!

    However my time-relevant php aren’t translated still. The strange thing is that those functions aren’t touched at all. I’ll have to dig again to see if there are any errors related to the __ -stuff. One would think the default theme wouldn’t have any problem with the translations(?) :)


    And he said:

    I have already installed the plugin bbPress Integration for WordPress. I can’t find anything wrong during my installation. I think maybe I need to upgrade my WPMU to 2.8.

    Which implies that he’s on 2.7.x :)


    I’m having major trouble trying to get my wordpress navigation bar onto my bbpress board.

    Can anybody provide a step by step tutorial for me? I would be forever grateful :)

    my website:


    Do you have this in your bb-config.php:

    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation


    Браво, браво!!!

    Ама си държиш на “вписване” :) Нищо де, поправимо е … :)

    Тъкмо разглеждам. Ако открия нещо ще пиша.


    Trac Posted:

    I’ll try to update it when I have time.

    Btw, I had the trac ticket entry properly formated but alas It was raw text formatting which got stripped upon posting by the server. Sorry :-(


    I’m interested as well. :)


    The physical directory structure is as follows:

    Directory of D:InetpubNewwwwrootforums

    20/07/2009 10:59 <DIR> .

    20/07/2009 10:59 <DIR> ..

    19/07/2009 15:14 <DIR> bb-admin

    19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-cache

    19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-plugins

    19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-includes

    19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-images

    19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-templates

    20/07/2009 13:17 1,691 bb-config.php

    05/03/2008 04:32 816 bb-load.php

    12/02/2009 00:21 1,037 bb-login.php

    24/04/2008 19:06 1,673 bb-config-sample.php

    23/04/2008 11:29 1,647 bb-post.php

    30/12/2008 23:14 445 bb-reset-password.php

    26/08/2008 20:15 13,433 bb-settings.php

    12/02/2009 00:21 822 bb-edit.php

    26/02/2007 22:48 651 edit.php

    12/02/2009 00:21 1,076 favorites.php

    22/01/2007 08:40 449 forum.php

    22/01/2007 08:40 450 index.php

    03/01/2008 00:57 17,986 license.txt

    12/02/2009 00:21 308 profile-base.php

    17/12/2008 07:57 4,782 profile-edit.php

    15/03/2008 02:40 851 profile.php

    03/01/2008 00:57 855 readme.txt

    05/03/2008 04:32 1,623 register.php

    25/04/2008 14:09 4,349 rss.php

    29/01/2008 20:11 1,402 search.php

    05/03/2008 04:32 238 statistics.php

    12/02/2009 00:21 574 tag-add.php

    12/03/2008 07:46 661 tag-remove.php

    22/01/2007 08:40 433 tags.php

    19/07/2009 15:46 3,293 testdb.php

    03/01/2008 00:57 1,312 topic.php

    03/01/2008 00:57 756 view.php

    27 File(s) 63,613 bytes


    There seemed to have been some earlier discussion on editing the permalinks structure of bbpress (, and I’m wondering if things are different in version 1.01.

    What I would like to be able to do is have all of the posts look like The reason for this is that I have a vanity url, with the idea that the complete url will spell out a sentence.

    So far, the best I can do is Is there a way to either get rid of the “topic” part of the permalink structure, or otherwise hardcode it to be “g” isntead of “topic?”

    Thank you.


    What version of bbPress are you using? Those instructions are for 1.0.1. Also, are you using a stock theme?

    Basically, you need to find, in whatever template file you want to change, the bbPress function that shows that text (it won’t be immediately clear because the function has a default text which is used if you don’t send it anything else. The default text is set in the core file bb-includes/ Just look in the source of the generated page and try to get some context for where in your template file this function will be (top, middle, bottom, in a table cell, near a unique css id, etc). Then, try adding your text in comments inside the parentheses, instead of them being bare. So, from this:



    bb_do_whatever('Add New Essay')


    2. of my reply covers your second problem.

    <?php bb_new_topic_link('Add New Essay'); ?>

    bb_new_topic_link is called without parameters in your front-page.php template file, but if you pass it the string ‘Add New Essay’ you will see the text in your displayed site change. You are overriding the default text which is in the bbPress core.

    The reason you don’t find it in a template file is because it’s not there. The function is there, and is called without parameters. The default text is in the core, but you can override it in your template.

    1. I cannot help you with and I questioned the desire to even do something like that. Why would you want an “add new” page indexed when it has no content? What benefit does it give your site?

    I imagine you could probably do something to change that using mod_rewrite and your .htaccess file, but I don’t know how to do that.


    1. I’m wondering what benefit there would be to indexing a page that has no content on it, just the ability to add a new topic?

    2. In version 1.0.1 of the software it’s in the template files. You want to find this function:

    <?php bb_new_topic_link(); ?>

    And make it look like this:

    <?php bb_new_topic_link('text Instead of Add New'); ?>


    I have a link to my forum in my global nav by creating an empty page with a slug that is the same as the directory name as where I have bbpress installed.

    But I also load the wp-load.php file in my bb-config.php file

    define('WP_BB', true);
    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {
    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wordpress/wp-config.php');
    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // your wordpress db prefix is
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';

    Then I went into my bbpress theme and changed every instance of bb_get_header() with get_header(), and bb_get_footer() with get_footer().

    Since I want to have my wordpress sidebars show up in the forum, too, I also added get_sidebar() right above the call to get_footer().

    I could also add other sidebars, too – the theme I use adds two columns below the main content area and uses the dynamic sidebar functionality to add them in to each page. I could see how adding other or more sidebars and going in to the templates could be really useful


    In reply to: unescaped characters


    Here are the installed plug-ins, but I should note that it has been doing this before I installed any plug-ins:

    Akismet v1.0

    Bavatars v0.4

    BBcode Lite v1.0.3

    BBVideo v0.24

    Post Count Titles v1.0.2

    Right on the forum front page, you can see this entry:

    Satan’s Cheerleaders Pictures 1 Paul Brown 9 hours

    That escaped apostrophe is what I’m talking about… were I to go in and edit that post, there would be two backslashes.


    No, no no, bb_is_admin is to detect if you are in the admin control panel

    First line should be

    <?php if (bb_current_user_can('administrate')) { ?>


    Use this:

    <?php if(bb_is_admin()){ ?>
    <div id="useronline">
    <h3><?php _e('ONLINE TODAY'); ?></h3>
    <p><?php do_action('members_online_today',''); ?></p>
    <?php } ?>

    This should work…….


    Maybe this will work:

    <a href='<?php bb_uri(); ?>/profile/<?php topic_last_poster(); ?>"><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></a>

    Not 100% sure it would work since <?php topic_last_poster(); ?> grabs the display name, not the user name I think. Well there’s a start.



    I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. Though I am a webmaster, marketing is my forte and cutting code is quite foreign to me but I get by.

    Have the members_online.php plugin installed and though I like to see who’s been online today, I don’t want potential advertisers seeing that information or indeed forum members as it can provide a distorted view of site traffic stats.

    Here is the snippet of code from the front-page.php file which generates the summary on the forum front page.

    <div id="useronline">
    <h3><?php _e('ONLINE TODAY'); ?></h3>
    <p><?php do_action('members_online_today',''); ?></p>

    Can someone please tell me what to do to make that output visible only to admins?

    Thank you in advance

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