Search Results for 'bbpress'
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Topic: Signatures
Will bbpress have an option for members to have signatures, where they can add text or links?
I’m looking at starting a new forum, having used SMF & PHPBB forums in the past, but i really like wordpress so have installed a ‘test’ site using bbpress, and am really impressed, but its an important feature that i’m need to be installed.
Hi ,
how to determine if its a member or an admin ( by admin , i mean the administrator and keymaster levels ) ?
if not , where can i find a good documentation about bbpress template tags like wordpress’ one ?
Hi all ,
i recently installed BBPress , and oh man , its very easy to use and the installation taked only 3 minutes , but its the customization that was very interesting , about this , how to customize titles ?
I dont want the whole title like this : POST_TITLE > SITE_TITLE , is that possible ?
Thanks .
Topic: bbPress posts from WP
I wroted plugin for WP, which create topic and post in bbPres forum, when you publish post in WP blog. Plugin can edit post in bbPress forum, when you edit it in WP.
Sorry for my English.
Topic: Forum Group
Hi again, what about grouping forums?
F.ex. if 10 forums already exist ( , i want to switch this forum to bbPress), it is handy to sort them out in some way.
Or just add smth. like “separator” between forum groups
And, do smth. with forum deletion; it can be quite complex and painful process to place existing topics, tags and comments somewhere.
Topic: Problems installing
I’m trying to install bbpress and the config file is correct. The error I receive is, if ( !function_exists(‘wp_redirect’) ) : // [WP4273] function wp_redirect($location, $status = 302) { global $is_IIS; $location = preg_replace(‘|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:%]|i’, ”, $location); $location = wp_kses_no_null($location); $strip = array(‘%0d’, ‘%0a’); $location = str_replace($strip, ”, $location); if ( $is_IIS ) { header(“Refresh: 0;url=$location”); } else { status_header($status); // This causes problems on IIS header(“Location: $location”); } } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_verify_nonce’) ) : function bb_verify_nonce($nonce, $action = -1) { $user = bb_get_current_user(); $uid = $user->ID; $i = ceil(time() / 43200); //Allow for expanding range, but only do one check if we can if( substr(wp_hash($i . $action . $uid), -12, 10) == $nonce || substr(wp_hash(($i – 1) . $action . $uid), -12, 10) == $nonce ) return true; return false; } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_create_nonce’) ) : function bb_create_nonce($action = -1) { $user = bb_get_current_user(); $uid = $user->ID; $i = ceil(time() / 43200); return substr(wp_hash($i . $action . $uid), -12, 10); } endif; // Not verbatim WP, bb has no options table and constants have different names. if ( !function_exists(‘wp_salt’) ) : function wp_salt() { global $bb; $salt = $bb->secret; if ( empty($salt) ) $salt = BBDB_PASSWORD . BBDB_USER . BBDB_NAME . BBDB_HOST . BBPATH; return $salt; } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘wp_hash’) ) : function wp_hash($data) { $salt = wp_salt(); if ( function_exists(‘hash_hmac’) ) { return hash_hmac(‘md5’, $data, $salt); } else { return md5($data . $salt); } } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_check_admin_referer’) ) : function bb_check_admin_referer( $action = -1 ) { if ( !bb_verify_nonce($_REQUEST, $action) ) { bb_nonce_ays($action); die(); } do_action(‘bb_check_admin_referer’, $action); } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_check_ajax_referer’) ) : function bb_check_ajax_referer() { global $bb; $cookie = explode(‘; ‘, urldecode(empty($_POST) ? $_GET : $_POST)); // AJAX scripts must pass cookie=document.cookie foreach ( $cookie as $tasty ) { if ( false !== strpos($tasty, $bb->usercookie) ) $user = substr(strstr($tasty, ‘=’), 1); if ( false !== strpos($tasty, $bb->passcookie) ) $pass = substr(strstr($tasty, ‘=’), 1); } if ( !bb_check_login( $user, $pass, true ) ) die(‘-1’); do_action(‘bb_check_ajax_referer’); } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_break_password’) ) : function bb_break_password( $user_id ) { global $bbdb; $user_id = (int) $user_id; if ( !$user = bb_get_user( $user_id ) ) return false; $secret = substr(wp_hash( ‘bb_break_password’ ), 0, 13); if ( false === strpos( $user->user_pass, ‘—‘ ) ) return $bbdb->query(“UPDATE $bbdb->users SET user_pass = CONCAT(user_pass, ‘—‘, ‘$secret’) WHERE ID = ‘$user_id'”); else return true; } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_fix_password’) ) : function bb_fix_password( $user_id ) { global $bbdb; $user_id = (int) $user_id; if ( !$user = bb_get_user( $user_id ) ) return false; if ( false === strpos( $user->user_pass, ‘—‘ ) ) return true; else return $bbdb->query(“UPDATE $bbdb->users SET user_pass = SUBSTRING_INDEX(user_pass, ‘—‘, 1) WHERE ID = ‘$user_id'”); } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘bb_has_broken_pass’) ) : function bb_has_broken_pass( $user_id = 0 ) { global $bb_current_user; if ( !$user_id ) $user =& $bb_current_user->data; else $user = bb_get_user( $user_id ); return ( false !== strpos($user->user_pass, ‘—‘ ) ); } endif; ?>
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bb_current_user() in forums/bb-settings.php on line 146
I got the exact same kind of error yesterday while I was trying to install wordpress 2.0.5 but was able to install 2.0.4 no problem then upgrade to 2.0.5. Any help would be greatly appreciated.