how about .75? when is that one going to get released?
yes yes but i read on that 0.74 is done
oh OkAy!, 
it also said that 1.0 is 30% done!. Thats cool.
Those roadmap numbers don’t mean much this early in bbPress’ life.
That said 0.74 will probably be released late this week or early next.
In this 74 forum, will we have private forums? And if so, any idea of timeline?
If the timeline is too distant, I will have to use a password protection directory and install a separate bbpress to handle the privacy issue. It would be nice if I didn’t have to do that (less work too), and could just incorporate privacy features into my existing bbpress forum.
That said 0.74 will probably be released late this week or early next.
Well we are almost 2 weeks further in time since this is said, so when can we expect the new release? I mean, it’s all done right? And what is new in it? Template choosing like in wp?
Things have been slower than anticipated.
There won’t be any huge new features like real theme switching.
Pretty soon. I would imagine possibily before the New Year.
Don’t worry folks! 0.8 will be out pretty soon with some pretty major changes and 1.0 will be out not far after that. 2007 will have at least 3+ releases this year. All pretty substantial.
Major changes like….. ?????? PLZZZ tell
the style admin will be added in .80 and the plugin admin I believe will come in .80 or 1.0. 1.0 (afaik) will also have categories and perhaps subforums.
You know what would be nice? dumn ass free way of wp integration. I mean, SERIOUSLY, NO THINKING. Click on a button!, done!!.