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  • #51251

    Actually i don’t know what do you mean by “how the bbpress front page works?” Do you mean the page structure or do you mean the url structure?


    Thank Atsutane.

    I set pretty permalink and got bbpress working.

    I am a newbie for PHP and eager to know how the box work behind the page. Can you please give me some advice or link about the question I mentioned before–how the bbpress front page works?




    Users should have to rethink their CSS. Not using a ID selector just because a “newbie” doesn’t realize there can only be one element attatched to them is lame. The difference between ID and Class is one of the fundamentals of CSS. The bbPress designers would look foolish changing all of their IDs to Classes and wouldn’t conform. These selectors carry semantic meaning and without them your HTML code becomes less proffesional and harder to read.

    Latest and Popular are different tables and shouldn’t be labeled the same. If code redundancy is an issue you could always go:

    • #latest, #popular {
    • -or-

    • <table id=”latest” class=”tableonmainpage” >

      If somebody is going to be digging around and making their own theme they should really take 5 minutes to read a CSS tutorial.


    Right. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your point.

    I like the ID elements, much easier to understand the page.

    I’m doing a quick check of bbpress’s default templates and I don’t see too many IDs I’d even consider repeating inside the code.

    Is your poing that styling more than one ID with the same colors, padding, whatever, is redundant?


    In reply to: Google sitemap


    A small question, your XML shows plugin version 0.51, but I only have obvious records of versions <= 0.5, so if you’ve made changes/improvements please describe them here since it may help work out what’s up!

    In the mean time, try 0.6rc1 .

    The “debug hook” is enabled so you can force it to regenerate the sitemap by adding something to your favorites list.


    Using classes for everything is pretty sloppy. When start hacking up the bbpress theme and come across an ID I know exactly whether or not that element is going to be repeated. When I work with a design that has strickly class based selectors I go crazy.

    Something like “class=header” is completely insane. There really should only be one header inside the site and you use an ID to signify that elements usage.

    For example when I take a look at /bb-templates/font-page.php and see <table id=”latest”> I already have a good idea of what all the code contained inside that <table> tag will be.

    Also if my page gets larger I can put “jump links” to those sections and help my users navigate my site.

    There are other properties of ID tags that do fancy stuff with javascript but I’m not quite sure what they are.


    This should work as described, but… firefox 2 has a major failing with SVG at the moment: it can’t be used in an img tag for content negotiation… so there would have to be some browser recognition and hocus-pocus coding to get it to work.

    still, it all helps bring about an end to the use of px in css, so as you suggest, lets rock.

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"


    <svg width="10cm" height="10cm" viewBox="0 0 270 240"

    xmlns="" version="1.1">

    <desc>bbPress inverted star by ear1grey - GPL</desc>

    <g fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#2e6e15" fill="#888888" stroke-width="3" >

    <path d="M 135,000 L 164,086 254,086 182,130

    208,226 135,175 062,226 088,130

    016,086 106,086 135,000

    M 0,-15 L 0,240 270,240 270,-15 0,-15 z" />




    ergate, you’ll need to write a plugin.


    Yes, I did it.

    I think my problem is how I try integrate blog and bbpress.

    When I write in config.php (to allow bbpress use wp functions such as <?php get_header(); ?>):



    //loads the functions and wp config

    require_once "../wp-config.php";

    require_once "../wp-settings.php";


    buttons in bbpress — ADD NEW» and edit profile — don’t work


    In reply to: deleting users


    Thinking aloud…

    if delete doesn’t actually delete, then if any companies are considering using bbPress then there may be issues with data protection legislation such as the Data Protection Act in the UK.

    My understanding is that for a company to comply with the act it must be possible, if necessary, to remove all personal information, so it would be necessary for the delete function to blank out all the personal details as well as setting a deleted flag, if the user record was to remain in the DB.


    mdawaffe wrote:

    As an aside, that site will soon open up to anyone wanting to host the plugins they write.

    I’ll pop the Google Sitemaps plugin in for a start.


    mdawaffe wrote (in the readme for the bb-ratings plugin) :

    If anyone can create better star images (SVG would be super cool), contact the author of this plugin.

    See it at:

    …just play with the width and height values to change it’s size.

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"


    <svg width="10cm" height="10cm" viewBox="-15 -15 270 240"

    xmlns="" version="1.1">

    <desc>bbPress star by ear1grey - GPL</desc>

    <polygon stroke="#2e6e15" fill="#888888" stroke-width="1ex"

    points="120,000 149,086 239,086 167,130

    193,226 120,175 047,226 073,130

    001,086 091,086" />



    “Read More” is handled by a filter on post_text.

    Is this pluginable, or something that can be done via templates in my-templates?

    The RSS feeds display topics instead of posts. This involves the bb_rss.php_pre_db hook, the $bb_db_override global, and some voodoo.

    Nice to know, this helps solve some issues I have on a site design I am working on.


    In reply to: 0.74


    In this 74 forum, will we have private forums? And if so, any idea of timeline?

    If the timeline is too distant, I will have to use a password protection directory and install a separate bbpress to handle the privacy issue. It would be nice if I didn’t have to do that (less work too), and could just incorporate privacy features into my existing bbpress forum.


    “Read More” is handled by a filter on post_text.

    The different topic sorting is accomplished by creating custom functions with the right SQL queries.

    The RSS feeds display topics instead of posts. This involves the bb_rss.php_pre_db hook, the $bb_db_override global, and some voodoo.

    All of this is part of a set of fairly involved plugins (and more) that listen to changes in the SVN repository where the plugins are stored.

    As an aside, that site will soon open up to anyone wanting to host the plugins they write.


    If you set $bb->mod_rewrite = true; have you also set up Pretty Permalinks?


    <p class="soapbox">

    Having hacked at the default bbPress template I’m conscious that it makes extensive use of element identities for it’s formatting.

    i.e. elements have an id="xyz" or a name="xyz" attribute, and in the css there is a corresponding #xyz { color: #FFF; }.

    With a pluggable base model such as bbPress it makes sense to specify “how to render things like this” rather than “how to render the thing called this”.

    Thus my request and suggestion is that anyone considering designing bbPress themes in the future seriously considers using CSS classes instead of IDs for formatting.

    The use of classes has the same effect as id’s, but there is a key benefit: an ID can only appear once on a page, so if a page element is repeated, and it’s formatting is based on an ID, then the template breaks.



    In reply to: bbPress 0.73 released




    thats exactly what I was refering to. I should have put in the link.


    I assume ergate means this:


    Continued from my previous post: oddly enough, once my bbPress tables were imported into WordPress, also all of my WordPress registered identifiers were erased from their postings. In addition, I no longer have Administrator access to my WordPress login… weird. With all facts presented, their is logic and also non logical facts.





    I’m trying to install bbPress on an IIS 6 server.

    The installation script appears to have completed successfully and can be viewed at the following URL:

    Unfortunately, there appear to be a few problems with the installation as follows:

    1) When clicking on “Your first topic” in Firefox, I receive the following error:

    “Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete”

    Browsing the link in IE 7 just appears to hang the browser

    2) The admin home page appears to work, but n closer inspection the shortcuts “Dashboard, Users, Content and Site Management” all have incorrect paths:;

    instead of

    I think my config.php is ok:

    $bb->domain = ‘;;

    $bb->path = ‘/forums/’;

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    Does anybody have any ideas that may help me (other than move the forum to Apache that is!).




    Continued from my previous post: I chose identifier Robert Richard (space) in bbPress (Administrator during Running Installer) and the same identifier existed within WordPress; end results, bbPress replace Robert Richard within WordPress that became RobertRichard (no space).

    Previous to the bbPress integration attempts, I use to login WordPress with Blogue (identifier) and password; but all WordPress posts were identified as Robert Richard (space) to visitors. This said, I’m not sure if you would call Robert Richard within WordPress as an identifier.



    дело не в тестовой эксплуатации, а в том, что нужно заставить bbpress пользоваться таблицей wp_users самого wordpress. Для программиста это не проблема должна быть…

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