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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #51402

    “PS: it just tells who was online over the past 5 minutes. This is not true, it only shows te persons currently online, which is good!”

    – If the user clicks on Logout, otherwise he will disappear after 5 minutes.

    “Would be nice to add total guests too”

    – Good idea … i’ll give it a try =)

    “Great plugin, if you made this one AJAXED it would be even greater!”

    – Thought about it, but this would be easer to realize with next version of bbpress (current version only loads bb_head() when topic is displayed)

    Thx for your critique.



    I have installed bbpress, works great. Now I want to install another bbpress in a subdirectory, but this bbpress has to use the users from the first bbpress install. This is possible, but how do I do this?

    And how does this affect the forums and user registration from the bbpress 2 install? Will an admin from forum 1 also be admin on forum 2? And will a banned user be banned on both forums?

    It would be great if I could make use of just 1 user db, so everyone can login on all my forums on my server and don’t need to register for each forum seperately. But an admin from forum 1 musn’t be admin on forum 2 and banned users should only be banned at the forum they are banned from.

    Hope you guys understand what I mean!



    In addition, I tested registeration within bbpress, but it didn’t registered within my integrated WordPress. What’s wrong?


    Where did this go!?


    Hello again,

    How and where can I change my URL from to

    Thanks for replying.


    Ok, thanks, did modified config.php as suggested. Right now, I keep getting error message when I want to post or read a post. How can I resolve?


    In your config file it should look like this, does it?

    // If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct.

    // Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL.

    // Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here.

    $bb->domain = ''; // Example: ''

    // There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. '/' is fine if the site is in root.

    $bb->path = '/bbpress/'; // Example: '/forums/'


    Check over here my yucky bbPress. There must be something wrong with my bbpress installation:

    After bbpress installation, I received an email with the following information:

    Your new bbPress site has been successfully set up at:

    You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:

    Username: *moderated*

    Password: *Your WordPress password*

    I can’t access bbpress admin; I’ve use the same Admin username in bbpress installation as my WordPress Admin username. I get error message: Internal Server Error…

    I’ve checked my WordPress MySQL tables, and bb tables are present within the same location.

    bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php are active plugins.

    Hope you can help.



    I really missed an onlinelist in bbpress, so i made a simple one myself. Dont expect anything special, it just tells who was online over the past 5 minutes.

    Download it here.

    See a demo here. (Login use: Test / test)

    To Display the online list simply add show_online_users(); wherever you want it in your template.

    Additional Features:

    – Last online time on profile page: profile_last_online();

    – Current online users as number: total_online_users();


    If it’s not integrated (my wp+bb isn’t) then this plugin will probably work for you.

    It does a little URL processing to work out what is being linked and based on that will return the number of topics matching a tag, the number of topics in a forum or the number of comments in a particular topic.


    If I am not mistaken it looks like he already has an integration done. mjfiszman is that correct?

    If so how did you set this up? or are you doing this manually?

    If it is integrated (eg. calling bbpress functions on the wp page) did you try get_topic_posts()


    To redirect users to a forum (e.g. see the bottom of this article), I wrote a tiny plugin called bbpress-instead.

    I’m going to add a count capability now (for example purposes), so since it’s GPL (natch) feel free to embrace and extend :)


    I run a WordPress blog and bbPress forums at Nearthwort Obtain.

    In order to keep all discussion centralised, blog posts direct users to a corresponding topic in the forums for commenting.

    If possible, I’d like to display a note next to each “Discuss” icon at the bottom of blog posts indicating how many comments have been posted in the post’s forum topic.

    Is this possible?

    Thanks for any help.


    When would you expect for bbPress templates to be produce in great quantities and availability, sales or free downloads, this compared to WordPress templates history availability?


    In reply to: K2.F


    well it’s currently for my own use… i’ve made it veer a little bit off the default K2. minor edits… but if i ever perfect the K2-ness into it… i MAY release it, and post the news here too so yeah. my problem now is getting Livesearch to work in bbPress. anyone can help?


    Topic: look what i just done

    in forum Themes

    thanks bbPress for a nice tidy forum.


    Thanks for support and moderation of my post.

    About the bbPress installation First Step, what should be inputed in the following:

    Thanks in advance for all replies.



    Login name:This is where I enter my WordPress account’s login name?




    First Forum

    Forum Name:* What should I choose to put here? Does it have to match WordPress to integrate bbPress?


    Double-check that login name before continuing.


    Pardon my probable ignorance, but I was working on modding a wordpress theme to work with my bbPress install. I was wondering how to make it so that posts alternate color.


    Topic: My go at it

    in forum Themes

    So I needed a simple forum to go with the wordpress install I was about to use to revive an old forum I have as a news blog with a small comunity on the side and I decided to use wordpress and BBpress for the mix. I obviously had to make them connect and so I did, here’s the result:

    I was just unable to add gravatar support to my forum, can anyone help me with that?


    Topic: Avatars in bbpress

    in forum Plugins

    So, I just started using bbpress 3 days ago mostly because phpbb is God awful when it comes to spammers (akismet is pretty awesome on my homepage, so I assumed it would also be awesome in forums).

    At any rate, I installed a copy as a test and have been playing with it, got kinda sad that avatars weren’t supported (and didn’t want to make people get gravatars just to have an avatar, esp since gravatar service was down the other night). So I wrote my own avatar functions.

    I have everything I did on my forums, or you can just go check it out at

    My question is, can what I did be done in a plug-in? I know I can put my two ground-up functions in a plug-in file, but the one I don’t know how to do is the way I added a spot for a link to an avatar in profile pages. Here’s the link to me describing what I did, and the quote from what I’m talking about:

    bb-includes/functions.php line 1388: Added avatar info to the array in function get_profile_info_keys(). Looks like this:

    array(‘user_email’ => array(1, __(‘Email’)), ‘user_url’ => array(0, __(‘Website’)), ‘from’ => array(0, __(‘Location’)), ‘occ’ => array(0, __(‘Occupation’)), ‘interest’ => array(0, __(‘Interests’)), ‘avatar_loc’ => array(0,__(‘Avatar URL’)))

    As you can see, adding that little avatar stuff at the end of that array definition not only easily added the spot to the page, but put it in the database and allowed me easy access to it in my other functions.

    I’d love to make this into a plug-in, I just don’t know how to do that. Any advice would be great :)


    In reply to: bbPress new Theme

    Great Work. Please release ist… i need it for 10 news bb’s :)


    Topic: My Template Victory

    in forum Themes
    Trent Adams

    While in the beginning it would seem that modifying templates is the hardest thing in the world to do, once you understand the way that bbPress looks at templates (my-templates and then bb-templates), it is really not that bad.

    I managed to get bbPress to almost look like my blog after working on it for awhile.

    I have some small changes to do, but it seems to work for me for now!



    What are your $bb->domain and $bb->path settings (found in bbPress’ config.php file)?


    What version of bbPress are you each using?


    bbPress no longer uses the dropdown menu (what if your blog had thousands of users on it? It’d be really hard to find you!).

    Instead, you should be able to enter your WordPress account’s login name into the form as you install bbPress.

    But, there is a problem with your config.php

    The values for $bb->akismet_key, $bb->wp_table_prefix, $bb->wp_home, and $bb->wp_siteurl should all be contained in single quotes (') like

    $bb->wp_home = '';

    EDIT: I removed some potentially sensitive information from your post above.

Viewing 25 results - 63,476 through 63,500 (of 64,156 total)
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