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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #51949
    Trent Adams

    It isn’t put in as an option, (though it would be easy to do), but all it really is, is adding SQL statement to exclude a forum. Maybe a guy should put a plugin code option for number of posts displayed as well as excluding a forum.



    Glad to see someone is using my plugin :) The plugin has been listed before but it gone now, thank’s for re-posting it.

    Maybe u can send me the fix and i add it into the plugin.


    In reply to: bbPress Forum Host

    Trent Adams

    Since the contact information is in the post, I am closing this post.


    Trent Adams

    This is currently the only way that bbPress gives new users passwords. It serves a double purpose. The first is a record of a password for a user if they don’t end up changing it and second of all, it makes sure that people register with an actual email address (which stops most spam bots right there) because they have to retrieve their password from email.

    If you need something, I would assume it would require a core hack unless someone can develop a plugin. Right now, I don’t think anything is in the works.


    Trent Adams

    I don’t know if this plugin is listed anywhere in the forum (can’t find it), but this is a plugin that will have recent forum posts from bbPress in your WordPress blog. Sidebar or otherwise. I use it and it is a great little plugin:

    Recent bbPress Discussion in WP Plugin

    As well, if you want to exclude a particular forum from the list, I have a little fix. Reply if that would help you.



    In reply to: Error for tags.php

    OK, I’ve solved the problem!

    The version of PHP on my server is 4.4.4, which should be compatible with bbpress. I recalled that in my moodle installation, we hit issues that could be resolved by adding a .htaccess file with the following line:

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    i.e. asking for php to be interpreted as php 5? (I’m not a php person – is that correct?).

    Creating a .htaccess file with this line in it and dropping it into my bbpress folder solves the tag.php problem . . . .


    In reply to: Help with a plugin


    ardentfrost, maybe you can help me..? I’m using the bbPress Post (0.02) by mByte, and with his plugin.. I had made a forum for the blog posts to show up, however.. I would like to make the blog posts, stay ONLY IN the “Blog Article Discussions” forum..

    Instead of them showing up in the “Latest Discussions” part of the forums index page.. And just have ONLY the threads made in the forums, show in the “Latest Discussions” section of the forum.. Is there maybe something that could be done for this?

    I’m basically asking to exclude one of the forums, from the “Latest Discussions” section. Thanks in advanced.. :) ;)



    In reply to: Error for tags.php

    I’ve reuploaded bbpress – makes no difference.

    I’ve removed plugin (display_name.php)

    I temporarily renamed my_templates folder to return back to default template.

    The forum now sits at

    Click any of the tags and it takes you to the correct page. Click on the breadcrumb to take you back to tags.php and it dies as described.

    All very strange . . . .


    Since Ahni was interested, and I’ve been itching to do a conversion script to see how easy/hard it can be, I figured I’d chime in. I’m not familiar with either application’s inner workings, but looking at a database and comparing — now that I can get into! :P

    So, technically, I’m only interested to do a direct convert based on what he wants, if I get around to it at all (don’t want to make any promises here). Anyone else would be more than welcome to modify whatever code I write later on. I can make it publically available. Should be pretty simple, I would think.

    Trent Adams

    You might be able to use the integration plugins for WP and bbPress prior to the export/import to sync the users first. Then the import would work off the WP users table.


    Trent Adams

    Little duplication, but since this is a sticky post, I thought I would add it here:

    It is important to make sure for integration to work that you have the following plugin for sure installed in WordPress and the table prefix (in options of plugin in admin area of WP) correctly installed.

    bbpress-integration plugin

    This plugin will pull all registrations from bbPress into WordPress as well as make the login integration work properly.

    If you have users in WordPress that you want to be able to login to bbPress prior to the integration, it might be worth you while to place the following plugin in your /my-plugins/ directory of bbPress.


    The first plugin will work for most users, but the second is available if needed.



    Trent Adams

    Spencer and I got this going. It is important to make sure for integration to work that you have the following plugin for sure installed in WordPress and the table prefix (in options of plugin in admin area of WP) correctly installed.

    bbpress-integration plugin

    This plugin will pull all registrations from bbPress into WordPress as well as make the login integration work properly.

    If you have users in WordPress that you want to be able to login to bbPress prior to the integration, it might be worth you while to place the following plugin in your /my-plugins/ directory of bbPress.


    The first plugin will work for most users, but the second is available if needed.




    Trent, you’re so awesome!! After talking with Trent on GoogleTalk, he has helped me get this problem squashed! And, I had to slap myself twice, because I didn’t upload the bbPress Integration plugin, to my wp-content/plugins folder…

    Thanks again for letting me know that Trent.. as well as the cookiedomain settings you gave above! ;) :)



    What about it doesn’t work? Do you get an error?


    In reply to: latest reply by admin

    Did you install that pluign in bbPress’ my-plugins folder?

    What is your Display name set to? (In your WordPress profile)


    Let me see if I understand the importation scheme you’re hoping for:

    1.) One-time import.

    2.) Each forum “section” would be a category in WordPress.

    2a.) Should a category not exist, it will be created.

    3.) Replies to a topic would be created as comments in a blog entry.

    4.) Tags (if any exist) would be dropped.

    This is going to be simple if I even decide to possibly tackle this. I don’t use either product in production, but have messed around with both of them. The biggest question I have is about users… Obviously, you’ll have users in the forum that don’t exist in WordPress. Would each user need to be created for wordpress, or would all of the imported entries default to a specified user? This would be the hardest (in my mind) thing to figure out and handle.


    I haven’t seen this WP LDAP plugin, but the answer is probably “no”.

    A similar plugin would likely have to be written for bbPress.


    I’m working on a bbPress exporter now. It will probably be included in the next “major” release.

    I hadn’t thought about an importer from bb to WP, but I’ll see what’s possible.


    If you have an “Akismet Spam” tab under pour bbPress’ “Content” admin panel and there’s no little error message there, it should be working.


    In reply to: bbPress integration

    The user authentication stuff is all pluggable (check out bb-includes/pluggable.php: you can override any of those functions with a plugin).

    There’s some more discussion about this sort of thing here:


    In reply to: Importing from vanilla

    ehm … i think with a lot of work it should be doable to grab the rss-feed, re-format it and put it into the bbpress database … but i can’t do that :-D



    Trent Adams

    Great work! That is so wicked so1o!


    Trent Adams

    The URL actually is here:


    Must have cut off the link as it was too long maybe?



    I have written a plugin to search the wp posts from bbpress search.

    you can find the details here

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