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  • #62741

    But WP 2.4 should be out in March perhaps?

    So it would be a nice co-release at that time.

    I’ve got the two trunks purring along together, though I had to smack WP into submission to reduce the default mysql queries per page (27 for the default install with a single test post is a little high, wouldn’t you say?) Still trying to figure out if I can disable the new tag system in WP to reduce the load further.


    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress


    I’ve now made an early 0.0.1 openid plugin available:


    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress


    @ __ck__: I was planning on tackling this, since I just love OpenID. But it would be nice to also offer support for phpMyID ( That’s what I use to make my own domain, my openID.


    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress


    Why doesn’t bbPress allow to login users already logged to WP? I can see them in the list of my forum users ( e.g.). But when I try to login, bb-login.php strips the dot and login name becomes “a-bishopcom”.


    Guys, and what about OpenID? My users are able to login to WordPress, but bbPress just strips all dots while trying to login. E.g. WP login:, bb Login page shows a-bishopcom and says that password is incorrect. How can we fix it?


    Thank you so much for replying and posting such valuable information.

    You’ll be pleased to know that I followed your tips and got a local hosting company (in Australia) that are just a phone call away without having to listen to Santana while on hold for 40 minutes.

    The transfer went smoothly and the DNS propogated in like 5 hours. It all went pretty good.

    Before the migration, my site had been without email for 4 days because the old host (IX Webhosting) was so fucking useless. I am pleased to report that the site is generating as much email as a spammers computer.

    Thank you again


    In reply to: bbpress on flat-file


    awsome t hanks for your help i just hate db’s so much

    Sam Bauers

    Unfortunately there are cookie and password hash incompatibilities between 1075 and the current release of WordPress. Otherwise we probably would release it.


    Build 1075 has gotten pretty good on the nearly auto-install part.

    It’s smarter than previous versions.

    Since it’s password compatible with WordPress 2.4, if no other build is public-ready by then, I’d suggest releasing 1075 as bbPress 0.8.4 to somewhat match numbers.


    Hi, I did a brazilian portuguese translation for last version of bbPress. Portugal users can use it too since I cared about using words used for Brazilian and Portugal Portuguese language.


    Here’s one I forgot I wrote awhile back:

    Grab the number of users who call any particular topic a favorite:


    In reply to: TalkPress

    Sam Bauers

    Also, BackPress may or may-not be incorporated into WordPress. bbPress is a testing ground for the concept. If it doesn’t get incorporated into WordPress it doesn’t really matter, hopefully we’ll at least have a better structured core in bbPress as a result.


    Sending email to hotmail and aol accounts is impossible from any host that you can’t setup a proper rDNS and more importantly SPF.

    SPF is critical (only gmail seems immune – thanks google, whew). If hotmail doesn’t see SPF or doesn’t like it, you’re screwed. Microsoft also caches the SPF results so if you change it, you have to write a support message to them and wait a week until someone sees it.

    As far as host reliability, here’s my strange take on it over the years: you’ll never find a large host that you’ll be happy with. They all have issues. If someone thinks their large host is perfect they either just have been lucky or not with them long enough. Large hosts are constantly changing employees so customer service quality varies tremendously. And the more you need customer service on any host, the more you are in trouble.

    For bbpress (and wordpress) make sure you find a host with locally attached storage to the server and not NFS like Dreamhost which makes file access very slow. There’s no caching module like wp-cache for bbpress so file access is even more critical.

    The two first big questions I always ask are: what kind of hardware is my server running on and how many neighbors will I have. Backup quality is probably the next question. Everything else is either hype or irrelevant IMHO. You might also ask if the host is within their own datacenter and can literally reach out and touch their own hardware if they need to replace a hard drive or if they are at the mercy of yet another third party’s technical support to do it for them.

    If you can afford it, get your own VPS with a low number of neighbors on the same node. But that’s definitely more expensive than shared hosting so you have to be willing to pay for it. At least with VPS you can migrate the entire setup within the same host fairly easily if your neighbors turn out to be abusive.


    In reply to: TalkPress


    As I was reverse integrating the WP trunk with the bbPress trunk this weekend I was thinking a lot more about this – and the more I think about it, the more I am getting confused about what is being planned.

    If WP and bbPress are being coded to use to a unified function library that would definitely break wordpress hooks. But Matt would never do that as it would break 1000’s of plugins and themes for the far more popular WordPress.

    In some ways, bbPress’s db/load process and hooks are slightly more thought out/evolved than WordPress because they came later and WordPress has to maintain some backward compatibility.

    So then it occurred to me that to leave the WP hooks alone, I hope you are not trying to replace the core of bbPress only with WP-like functions? I don’t see how that could be done without breaking every single plugin and theme for bbPress? Will the next (non minor) release of bbPress have a nearly-unified WP core?

    In trac I see BB functions being renamed to their WP counterparts. But no wrapper functions for backward compatibility are being written. I see the backend of bbPress being hammered into backPress and I imagine the next bbPress as simply a front-end being re-written to only use the backPress, ie. wordpress, hooks.

    So I guess the final question is: is there a plan to write wrapper functions or is the general attitude just to abandon all third party work to date for the next bbPress release and just hope we go along for the ride?


    I use and have for the past 4 years or so, since their 3-year free preview began. You will find lots of negative things online about 1&1 if you look around, but honestly, I haven’t had any major issues with them. I did have a problem at one point with the box they had me on being overloaded, and it took some work to convince them that the problem was some other site dragging the whole box down, but since they moved that site (or my account, I’m not sure which) things have been great. Convincing support to escalate a ticket is sometimes difficult, but if you know what you’re talking about, they do it. They always follow up via email as well. I have called for things and been on hold, but I don’t know of a hosting company out there where that won’t happen occasionally. Thankfully, I haven’t had to call them much in 4 years.

    They have been rock solid reliable for me, and I have never had a problem with email delivery. MySQL, Perl, PHP4 and 5 all included on a shared Linux server.

    I also have two root servers with them which I’m entirely happy with.


    The 2 key issues are server uptime and email reliability.

    In the short 4 months that my forum has been running, I’ve had so many incidences of users registering 2 usernames. I’ve come to learn that the 2nd one is out of frustration that the email containing the password did not arrive.

    This weekend, I have had no outbound email and sick of spending money on AdWords to bring in people that can’t sign up.

    Apart from the registration email, I am using both Auto Favorite & Post Notification plugins. Therefore, reliable email is very important to maintain posting activity.

    I’ve read alot about concerns that bbPress isn’t sending email. After extensive testing and in my situation, the problem is with the host.

    I’m looking to avoid dedicated hosting at this time because my day job is funding this venture already. Can anyone recommend a hosting service that offers good reliability in both uptime and email?


    This is a great idea.

    I’m not sure if anybody made an official plugin out of this one:


    Maybe post-1.0. I think the barrier for entry for running a pre-1.0 thing should be at least being able to install it yourself.


    That’s a good idea: if a host can offer it pre-installed, it would definitely increase usage. We’d need to get it to a pretty stable point before doing that though.


    I’ve never participated in the WP one but if it’s straightforward enough and has no liability I’ll volunteer to do basic bbPress installs.

    I’ve been thinking of looking at the fantastico script for wordpress and hacking it to do bbpress and sending to them to include. That would radically increase the number of installs. Maybe even try to make a regular cpanel script too like the phpbb install (cpaddon).


    In reply to: bbpress on flat-file


    If you are installing on a home pc, try installing XAMPP to get an instant (like 1 minute tops) install of apache+mysql+php

    It’s absolutely wonderful.

    this is the one for windows specifically if that’s what you have:


    Before I got to the bottom I almost knew right off it was dreamhost and a localhost issue.

    Slugs aren’t working because they don’t do multiviews.

    You’ll have to place a real htaccess file into the directory with rewrite rules.


    problem solved.. :)

    instead of localhost i had to enter the other thing which dreamhost told me …

    but now another problem

    the forum is working fine

    but the slugs arnt??

    what went wrong now??

    Olaf Lederer

    Well done, maybe you should change the pathes a little. I use geshi on other parts of my website and can’t/won’t use it this way


    I have now updated “My-Views” to support pagination (multi-page) views for all the standard style views.

    version 0.09 should be in the plugin browser shortly…

    you can see a demonstration of the feature here:

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